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Dll contains CheckRevision()

Started by Trunning, April 30, 2010, 05:16 PM

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Can I get a working download link for a Dll that contains the necessary functions for packet 0x51.



I believe this maybe what your looking for..

I use MBCSUtil.dll for .net though.


I just need the functions for packet 0x51, and I'm using C++.


For now, use BNLS, you need to learn how to handle network traffic.

Proud host of the JBLS server www.JBLS.org.
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JBLS/BNLS Server Status


Ok, where is the documentation for BNLS on http://bnetdocs.org. And which server do you recommend I use, and by that I mean, the safest.


Well, If you use a Library to handle cdkey/password hashing, such as libbnet.dll which is in C++ then it wouldn't really matter what bnls server you use for checkrevision.

as for bnls servers when i do use bnls, i use bnls.mattkv.net which uses JBLS by Hdx.


Ok thanks, still need a link to BNLS documentation. And what port for BNLS?


Seariously, it has a link on that page called BNLS Protocol Specs
And it has a shitload of links for each BNLS packet... Its like one of the main points of BNetDocs....
I'm not trying to sound like a dick, but you really need to learn to actually read, and understand what you're reading.

Anyways, BNLS works on a simple Request-Response concept. So basically look for a packet that gets you the data you need, look at the request (C->S with same packet name) and send it off.

Just like BNCS, BNLS has a packet header, you can find information about that on BNetDocs under, you guessed it!, Protocol Headers!

As for which server is the safest, I have not been keeping up on the latest servers, but bnls.mattkv.net is a reputable one, or phix.no-ip.biz which is hosted by PhiX from StealthBot.net. So you should be good with both of them.

Proud host of the JBLS server www.JBLS.org.
JBLS.org Status:
JBLS/BNLS Server Status


I looked, even hit Ctrl + F to search for BNLS, found individual packets on the left, but that doesn't tell me the order I need to send them in.

Is there any reference to what order I'm to send them in? And what the packets contain.


Proud host of the JBLS server www.JBLS.org.
JBLS.org Status:
JBLS/BNLS Server Status


What port? And just to be sure, I just lookup 0x51, send that to BNLS server, it gives me the information I need for the 0x51 packet, correct?


you need to look for a S->C BNLS packet that will give you the data you need for BNCS 0x51 C->S, heres a hint, you actually need 2 packets if you are also gunna hash the cdkeys.
Once you find that packet, find it's C->S counter part [Like SID_AUTH_INFO has both a C->S and S->C, BNLS has things like BNLS_VERSIONBYTEREQUEST C->S and S->C]

Once you've found the C->S counter part (heres another hint, it'll contain some of the info you got in SID_AUTH_INFO S->C) build it and send it to BNLS.
BNLS will respond with the S->C version.

Personally, I tell people who are learning Battle.net/network programming, to start with a simple client. Diablo 1. Diablo 1 doesn't need a cdkey, and uses the old password hashing method. So basically it's just 2 requests to BNLS. As opposed to 3+

Bnet Docs has the login sequance for Diablo 1 listed, so it's a piece of cake.

Proud host of the JBLS server www.JBLS.org.
JBLS.org Status:
JBLS/BNLS Server Status


The only packet that jumps out at me is 0x0B, if you can give me links to the packets I will need, that would be great.

Also what port for BNLS Servers?.


By default it uses 9367.
And you're not understanding me I am specifically NOT giving you direct links because I want you to learn how to find them on your own.
The 0x0B BNLS_HASHDATA you linked to is the packet you would send to hash your password when you are trying to login. (Works for everything but WC3)

Heres a hint:
CheckRevision() is the Version Check system for Battle.net

Proud host of the JBLS server www.JBLS.org.
JBLS.org Status:
JBLS/BNLS Server Status


It looks like these should be all I need.

