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Changing the map...

Started by Brr, July 05, 2003, 07:35 AM

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       .InsertNonNTString ",44,14,6,2,2,1,68644703,4,,"
      .InsertNonNTString Username(0) & Chr(&HD)
      .InsertNTString "The Lost Temple" & Chr(&HD)

Ok that's for Lost temple right... Well When I put in the variables for Polaris Prime, I get Game Started Failed.  I don't know why.. Can someone tell me what's wrong with this:       .InsertNonNTString ",66,16,6,2,2,1,299aab83,1,,"
      .InsertNonNTString Username(0) & Chr(&HD)
      .InsertNTString "Polaris Prime" & Chr(&HD)

I changed (4)Lost Temple.scm to (6)Polaris Prime.scm and all the other things like "The Lost Temple" to "Polaris Prime"  still no luck.
(BTW, when i switch it to lost temple, it works.. but any other map like acropolis.. it doesn't work)


Maybe it isn't your programming that is wrong, but the map. I've had some errors with maps and the whole authenticating part. Check to make sure if it's a valid blizzard map.


It is a valid blizzard ladder map because they are in the "Ladder" folder..  I packet logged them and everything..

Mesiah / haiseM

the map name makes no difference, because when your running a bot, the server doesnt know its a bot, therefore when u send the map name, it dosnt matter what the map name is, cause bet will just assume you made it yourself, but you need to make sure your statstring is correct for each map.
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