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Process memory C++

Started by iNsaNe, July 16, 2009, 08:39 PM

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I have a program that when a button is clicked, an open file dialog appears (with multiselect).
When the user selects all their desired files, the file name of each file becomes the text of a new tab page. My program then stores that data from each file (fread) into its own separate buffer. When the user clicks the button again and selects different files, all the data that was stored before is then freed from memory and the new data is stored into the buffers.

My program usually has a memory usage of 6K,  and of course when they select more files the larger that usage becomes.

My question is, whenever the memory is freed, the program never drops back to what it was normally at (6K). It gradually grows.

Is this a sign of a memory leak? I have made sure that every new matches a delete.


Nvm mark this as solved. I researched and used _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks and it showed me I did have memory leaks. The problem was because I never called ~vector().