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Dealing with 0x51 on Linux without using BNLS

Started by ThePro, July 02, 2009, 08:51 AM

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Becider digest class you will have HashPassword() and DoubleHashPassword(), and they will handle with passwords directly.

Quote from: Hdx on July 04, 2009, 12:33 AM
But anyways I *thought* this type of crap was common knowledge for people who actual knew anything about writing bots.
You are wrong in your opinion. After using some of bots (especially written in VB) i had a strong feeling most of them wrote a bot as their second program directly after helloworld, the rest - 3rd or 4th.

And the meaning of the library is to help people knowing less about bnet (but programming language knowing is still needed :D) to write bnet bots.

You can even use sha1 insteand of bsha1, or any other hash that gives 20-byte result. Or append random string to the password before hashing. So nobody will able to login using any other program that you used. Isn't it nice?


Quote from: xpeh on July 04, 2009, 02:39 AMBecider digest class you will have HashPassword() and DoubleHashPassword(), and they will handle with passwords directly.
Yes, this is true, but in my opinion something such as this should not be included in the library itself. The lib should simply be a collection of the more difficult standard function.
Example, 'HashPassword' does not describe if its lcased, does not describe that it is xsha1 [as opposed to NLS] or anything of the like. Something like that is my personal opinion, which i am entitled to and can express, you may disagree which is all fine for you. It's all up to whomever actually creates the library. I honestly don't care as I won't be using it [I don't use python]

Quote from: xpeh on July 04, 2009, 02:39 AMYou are wrong in your opinion. After using some of bots (especially written in VB) i had a strong feeling most of them wrote a bot as their second program directly after helloworld, the rest - 3rd or 4th.
The people doing this are wrong. They should stop it, stop it right now!
You should know the basics of network programming, encryption, and the battle.net protocol [its not like its hard to find] before even attempting to write a bot.

Quote from: xpeh on July 04, 2009, 02:39 AMAnd the meaning of the library is to help people knowing less about bnet (but programming language knowing is still needed :D) to write bnet bots.
True, In a sense. People are still in the mindset of CSB, they want everything done for them and this simply shouldnt be the case. Implementing XSHA1 password hashing yourself with a proper XSHA1 library takes like 8 lines of code.
Dim ctx as XSHA1
Dim digest[16] as byte
digest = ctx.digest(lcase(password))
ctx.update(client token)
ctx.update(server token)
digest = ctx.digest(digest)
return digest

Not that difficult, and anyone who gets annoied at having to implement that them selves are jsut lazy :/ But thats my opinion.
Quote from: xpeh on July 04, 2009, 02:39 AMYou can even use sha1 insteand of bsha1, or any other hash that gives 20-byte result. Or append random string to the password before hashing. So nobody will able to login using any other program that you used. Isn't it nice?
For the while password hashing no, you must use XSHA1, but you are correct you can use w/e the hell you want as the initial password hash, Blizzard does not care.
Point being with a properly exported utility [XSHA1] the actual functionality and how precise they want to emulate the client is up to the programmer themselves.

But, its a moot point as I have said above as all of this is simply my opinion and the final word on how things are implemented is solely defendant on whoever does the implementing [which I doubt will be you] and i really don't care, once again ThePro, if you need help feel free to ask.

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thepro, i have been using the bncs lockdown revision on linux for quite some time, it works well on 32bit.
(and it doesnt compile in 64 bit sadly)
robs lockdown lib doesnt work in 64 bit either (http://forum.valhallalegends.com/index.php?topic=17924.0)