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Window's acting strange

Started by Ringo, May 09, 2009, 12:49 PM

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I'm just wundering if anyone else has had things like this happen in the past, and if so, what was the problem :p
I think I might have a computer virus or somthing. :(
I've rebooted my computer once, since I noticed these things start happening.

A) I'm signed out of all web pages and have to sign in manualy. This happens again, after a reboot.
B) After rebooting, windows taskmanager no longer displays the "user name" string along side the image name -- it's blank, apart from the "system idle process" having the user name "SYSTEM"
C) I can no longer watch .mp4 video files -- say's I dont have the required codecs on the system, but I do, or did.
D) When ever I try bind() a UDP socket, vb6 always raises run time error 18.

Any ideas?
I'm running a full AV scan atm, but it's going to take all day :(


vb6, something about that combination of numbers and letters is sexy


That's pretty bizarre. Your Windows is dying.

bulletproof tiger

The dreaded error 18 virus. I remember when this hit really hard back in the summer of '93.


Probably crumbs in the keyboard


It could be that Spok, on his way to save the Romulan homeworld fails in his attempt and a revenge filled Romulan onlooker ship decides to seek revenge by advancing after the wayward craft - only to be sucked with Spok into a singularity decades into the past, creating a divide in the space time continuum, therefor creating a separate reality of time, and opening the door for a completely different Star Trek, modern, franchise!

Oh, wait...
No, that's just a rough selection of the new movie.





Well this is really strange :p
Windows it seems, has had a change in sexuality, and decided to work ::)
.mp4 video files still don't seem to work tho *shrugs*
I just uninstalled msn 14, because it was a pile of shit and reinstalled msn 8.1, because it is slightly less of a pile of shit.
Shortly after that, I was unable to connect to battle.net with diablo 1/diablo 1 sware.
Shortly after noticeing that, I was unable to connect to any client running lockdown.
I got brew to check some checkrevision values I captured, and for some strange reason, rob's checkrevision.dll was outputting incorrect results for lockdown checkrevision, but blizzards diablo 1 client was working fine.
So as a last thing to try, I rebooted, and now my taskmanager username strings are back, im no longer signed out of web pages and lockdown checkrevision has got itshappy face back on. :)

I can't remember if I installed msn 14 before or after this stuff started happening, I just remember the time/date was close.

I'm starting to wunder if it was msn 14 that caused this for a few reasons.
1st being, because microsoft made msn/windows live.
2nd being, because msn was made by microsoft.

Really random stuff, lol.
I'm left puzzled and confused.


checkrevision.dll at times corrupts it self, try another copy of it.