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Links Dead?

Started by Michael, April 20, 2009, 10:49 PM

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APPENDIX - BNLS Checksum Algorithm

Update: This is now available in C#: http://www.valhallalegends.com/yoni/BNLSChecksumCls.cs.txt
This file is unofficial and unsupported.

Anyone happen to have this the current links to get the algorithm are down.


I thought the checksum was no longer necessary?

Not to mention, a 3.2 second search in Google yielded the result..



I am writing a BNLS Server and

[8:32:50 PM] Received: 0x0e
0000 00 0e 45 74 65 72 6e 61 6c 43 68 61 74 00 ..EternalChat.
[8:32:50 PM] Received: Unsupported packet: 0e

As you can see Eternal chat requires me to reply to it.


Unsure if you noticed that I updated my first post.


IIRC it's just standard CRC32. I just implemented the first google result of C# CRC32 when I did it...

Edit: Oh yeah, you have to append stuff but the code just ends up being like:int result = Crc32.Calculate(password + servercode.ToString("X").ToUpper().PadLeft(8, '0'));


Well i have for the most part finished, however, i have not implemented BNLS packets which seem to be outdated.
