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Started by Invert, February 13, 2009, 07:27 PM

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I agree with that, it was blizzard games that made the forum active in the first place and unfortunately when WoW came out and we had all started playing that, those of us who had been on durotan the first few years decided to let other people lead and just enjoy playing the game vice getting involved in side projects revolving around the game. Even for coding and such.
Anyways, im in for Diablo 3.  Possibly even Starcraft 2 but I'm not really as excited about that as diablo but we'll see. I think most of us will be getting one or the other and will likely want to set a channel up and such. Unfortunately, vL's appeal had always been to draw in people looking for bots and hacks and such.. I can't really promise how well that will pick up again, Bots have lost a lot of thier purpose from when they were originally developed and hacks aren't as appealing unless Blizzard plans to make broken games again and it become decided that we need to fix something :p either way need to have some of us devote time into this again if anyone wants it to pick back up.
If you want to start now instead of waiting for when we piggy back off a game, then I'd say lets make a plan and see who in the community here wants to contribute and what. So far we have a good server and stable forums that arent getting much use, and while theres a lack of time available for the admins, we have plenty of know how backing it all up.
I think we could use a new website, post feeds and rss, some people to add content and discuss the new games and such (equally we need people in the beta and playing it) and then building from there and adding new people to the community to provide extra input will make it even easier.  Like most things though (including this), any sucessful project requires a core of devoted people behind it.
- Hostile is sexy.


I'm still here.

Although I've been a member and have been aware of vL for almost over a decade now, I still occasionally read the forums. I think the problem has been that people have grown up and moved on in a sense. I started coming here when I was in grade 8 and now I've graduated college. And although I sometimes haven't contributed a lot to these forums, I am a part of it and still wish to see it continue to run.

It depends I think on how vL wishes to continue all this, either as a gaming community which develops things for those games (traditionally what vL started out as) or to move more to a general computing/IT website where professionals can discuess whats on their minds from an IT stand point; articles, etc, either new technologies, etc; which is what I would probably be more interested in.

And as I've learned over spending my time here, being allowed on these forums is a priviledge and not a right; I'm well aware that vL decides where vL wants to go, but I thought I'd put my two cents in.


Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.



No, he had more than 8 posts but they we're all about his new hobby of water painting pictures of dinosaurs, so i deleted them.
- Hostile is sexy.


Hey, man... Water paintin's coo....


I am a mercenary for hire, only I've been hired for the US Military and I don't act as a mercenary.... So I guess Im just a lowly DOD employee.


hey jigs@w long time no see

pm me your contacts bro