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how do wc3 in-game chat packets work?

Started by k1234567, September 05, 2008, 11:14 AM

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i have hosted a private game on bnet (wc3 tft) and monitored packets from 6112 to 6119 (tcp) .
in-game i typed chat messgaes thou no one of the packets seemed to contain the chat strings...



yep , should have i played with some1 and then tried to monitor packets? i mean i didnt want to have tons of shit packets to go thru , doesnt it like send my chat ot he b.net server?

edit : k found my chat packets , seems like it sent everyplayer a "hay" and then sent a "hay" to the b.net sever and i have no idea at all what the stuff b4 they hey in the packets , it also diffrent in all packets ? and can it also be that b4 sending a hay to every player it sent some messgae to the main bnet server telling ti will start sending packets now?


War3 in game is peer to peer, with no peers theres no traffic.

Looks like you figured out the issue, some of those packets are already documented, just search around.


i searched for chat , and those thta i found are wither not related or are wither very old ...