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Correct Way of Doing This?

Started by FrostWraith, April 08, 2008, 12:24 AM

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I am getting some strange results from the following code:

while (fgets(buffer, 2048, pfile) != NULL)
sscanf(buffer, "%d %d", &stid[i], &stsc[i]);
printf("%d %d\n", stid[i], stsc[i]);

As you can see, its reading from a file with this type of format:

item1 subitem1
item2 subitem2

But after the while loop, and I call stsc[0], it contains elements that are supposed to be in stid.  But this only happens AFTER the loop.  During the loop, the output is correct.  I need to use the arrays later on for something else, and with this happening, this isn't possible.  Can anyone see if I'm misusing memory in some way?


I've never used an ampersand infront of an array like that so I can't be too sure, but I have a feeling that &stdid[i] is being expanded to &*(stid+i) which is treating the value stored in the initial location as the address. I think changing &stdid[i] to stid+i should fix the problem (note this also applies to stsc).

Another thing I picked up with that code, you don't really seem to use the i and therefore could change your code to:
while (fgets(buffer, 2048, pfile) != NULL)
sscanf(buffer, "%d %d", stid, stsc);
printf("%d\t\t%d\n", stid++, stsc++);

Note that the ++ must come after the variable so it uses the original value of i in the printf() call before it increases it.

I may be wrong though and &array[index] might just do things correctly.

[EDIT] Also, for tabs use \t rather than putting tabs within strings. It makes it easier to distinguish when reading over code.
~ FrOzeN


Thanks for your reply.

Well, with &array[index], it still printf's the data correctly to the console inside the loop, but it's like it changes the data when the loop ends.

I also use "i" later on for something else, so i need it to count.

Also thanks on the tab escape sequence, i didn't think about it.

EDIT: Fixed my problem, my arrays were overlapping in memory because I didn't allocate enough space.