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Project [D2Bot] - A Tech Vault Production?

Started by option, September 28, 2007, 07:25 PM

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Well, here's the deal. I'm still kind of brushing up on the basics, reading protocols, logon procedures, and all kinds of useful things on ersan's BNETDocs backup, as well as on that new Redux. I'm getting closer and closer to the point where I can actually start coding, but recently I decided to take a new approach to this whole scene.

For a bit, I was extremely caught up in the middle of using either VB6 or C++ ... I'm definitely more familiar with VB6, and it's got great features for a chatbot such as the richtextbox controls, and other oop goods, but C++ can do things faster (so I've read all around here).

What I've decided, is to make a standalone Dynamic link library IN C++, that you can attatch to a language of your choice to create a bot. The DLL, will do the hashing / check revision functions, all the major packet parsing, and essentially be the core of the application, and then you can import the DLL in a language such as VB6 to EASILY add chatting and display features.

Instead of doing this on my own, I believe that having a team to collaborate and share ideas with will allow myself and whoever else helps along the way to learn more information, at a faster rate, and create a better finished application, because sometimes certain people see things that other's dont in terms of development, errors, functions, features, the whole drill.

For the time being, this bot will only support D2DV and D2XP, as well as local hashing (using BNCSutil) or an optional BNLS connection.

For the packet buffer / debuffer, would like to start porting the one (in VB) created by Andy to C++ to use, unless someone has one that's as good as his to use.

What kind of people am I looking for? Basically, I want people who are in my position ... low to moderate programming experience with a decent understanding of hex, data types used, battle.net logon sequences, preferably some bncs information, information about packets in general, as well as a strong desire to learn or work with a team to create an awesome app and learn a great deal in the mean time. I am also looking for a few mentors, so to speak, or people that would like to help out and guide the team, as well as provide insight when we run into problems, and basically just help in general. I have consulted with Andy about this, and hopefully he'll help out (as well as a few others) because he's good at what he does.

I have also posted this in my bnet dev blog, which can be found at bnetdev.tech-vault.net. When this gets off the ground a bit more, I will take tech-vault.net and change it from what it is to a discussion forum for the team, to share ideas and code as well as make decisions about major project features.

If you want to help out please feel fee to post here or PM me - and if you are one of those non-douchebag guys, don't hesitate to throw us some tips or information that could help get us started (like Hdx did in the past), simply so we can get off to a better start.

Thanks in advance and look forward to hearing from more of you soon.

option's BNET Development Blog
Current project: Fully-modular 100% C++ SCBW ChatBot
Current Task: Write the Packet Debuffer
New to BNET development like myself? Read and learn.


For refrence, the packet buffer/debuffer mentioned above is this one.


tough I don't quite like the idea. I would like to point out. That all versions of CRev that are current/everwere in sue on bnet. Are publicly posted in C++
And it should DEFINITLY be internal, insted of BNCSutil.
No offense, but a DLL that relys on another DLL is quite odd. (Don't get pickey guys, you know what I mean)
But simply read packet logs of the client and be sure to emulate the protocol to a T and you should be fine.

Proud host of the JBLS server www.JBLS.org.
JBLS.org Status:
JBLS/BNLS Server Status


You must have a very slow computer if you think VB isn't fast enough to log on to battle.net and send chat faster than the flood protection will allow. In any case, I hope you get my point.

Also, you're reinventing the wheel.


HDX and Camel: +1

A dll that relies on another dll is just silly. Plus, you're making the entire concept more complex then it should be. But if you really must make this, I suggest you use C. Even if you're less familiar with it, it doesn't hurt to expose yourself to it. Your app will come out just as nice if not better if you use C. For many reasons.
<3 Zorm
Quote[01:08:05 AM] <@Zorm> haha, me get pussy? don't kid yourself quik
Scio te esse, sed quid sumne? :P


Thanks for the input.

There has been a pretty large change of plans. devcode got in touch with me, and we began our SCBW bot as of last night, pure C++, no DLL, no VB6. I learned more C++ last night in 2 hours than I have so far in my first semester of college :P

Definitely looking forward to the progression of this
option's BNET Development Blog
Current project: Fully-modular 100% C++ SCBW ChatBot
Current Task: Write the Packet Debuffer
New to BNET development like myself? Read and learn.