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Freedom to Fascism

Started by Grok, September 20, 2007, 09:18 AM

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I don't post much, but I am posting this because I believe it is perhaps the most important information to share I have seen in my lifetime.

I believe for some of you it will be the most important 73 minutes you have ever spent watching a documentary.

Aaron Russo directed years after I already knew most of these facts presented.  He does a splendid job of laying them out clearly and giving them fair chances to be rebuked.  You'll see the results.  Also notice my stickied posts in this forum from 3 years ago.  None of this knowledge is new to me, but it was to Aaron Russo.  The documentary shows the results as he researched the claims of the constitutionalist group I joined years ago.


After watching that I would love to hear your comments.  Particularly if you're violently moved against the message he is sharing.


http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/ this one is more anti-bush...FTW.

I was shocked to hear that a judge actually dismissed a supreme court ruling as irrelevant. I won't stop paying income taxes, though; I've known for years that it is an unconstitutional tax, but it is necessary to support the government as it exists today. I don't believe refusing to pay income taxes is the appropriate solution to the problem.


I really hope global warming wipes us out and saves us from this :P

And I don't plan to ever pay Federal Income Tax. If they need my money for things I care about, they'll take it out of my property tax like they're supposed to.


"Do you have any fear of the IRS?"
"Umm... not really, cuz I'm Canadian."


I must say this documentary did go a bit overboard with the whole bankers uniting the world thing. Human nature is counter to that, which is why socialism doesn't work with people. Other than that, this was informative.


Quote from: Andy on September 20, 2007, 11:11 PM
I must say this documentary did go a bit overboard with the whole bankers uniting the world thing. Human nature is counter to that, which is why socialism doesn't work with people. Other than that, this was informative.

Seriously? Central banks converge. That's a pretty fundamental principle, and I don't see how you can really argue against it. There's too many examples in history that support it.

If there's one thing you should take away from this propoganda flick, it should be an awareness of the way central banks work, and why there needs to be checks and balances for them to be effective and beneficial.

I don't like the way the film addressed the gold standard. It was widely accepted that the gold standard was holding the economy back, and it was the right thing to do to remove it. The problem is that the fed is a private bank, and there's nothing preventing them from printing money to put their children through college, or to buy a cruise ship, or a small country. Unless you're a total nutcase, you should see exactly why central banks converge given this simple example.


I'm not talking about converging of banks. I'm talking about how they're getting all worried about a "North American Union".



This video is mostly unsubstantiated propaganda, so dont go citing it as a source for any research papers, but it does a good job of explaining why the NAU is bad for the US.


I know such a thing would be bad for us, but even if it happens, I don't think it will stay that way or progress. The European Union isn't doing very well as it is.


I'm not aware of any precedent for a central bank splitting, even when it was doing poorly in relation to other central banks. Usually, what happens is that the closest central bank that's doing better than it absorbs the weaker bank, and the currency is renamed to the Euro, or Amero.


I've known about the income tax situation for a few years now.  Some more recent videos that are of more concern to me include Loose Change: Final Cut - http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=loose+change%3A+final+cut&emb=0&aq=-1&oq=loose+change%3A+final+cu#  .  An even more recent video that's only ten minutes long is about HAARP.  http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=H+A+A+R+P+-+Project+Bluebeam&emb=0&aq=f#  .  Im real big on looking for legit videos on messed up shit the government is behind.  Respond if you would like me to post more videos.