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StarCraft Patch 1.15

Started by Spht, April 26, 2007, 10:44 PM

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Quote from: RεalityRipplε on April 28, 2007, 02:54 PM
About 4E? Maybe if you gave some info about how you found it?
I went on an account with the WCG tag a while ago, and I received an *unknown* packet with the id of 0x4E. I packetlogged it, and got that it was followed by two null bytes, apparently a website, and what wcg tournament i'm in. Lost the account a while ago though...
<3 Zorm
Quote[01:08:05 AM] <@Zorm> haha, me get pussy? don't kid yourself quik
Scio te esse, sed quid sumne? :P


Quote from: brew on April 28, 2007, 03:28 PM
Quote from: RεalityRipplε on April 28, 2007, 02:54 PM
About 4E? Maybe if you gave some info about how you found it?
I went on an account with the WCG tag a while ago, and I received an *unknown* packet with the id of 0x4E. I packetlogged it, and got that it was followed by two null bytes, apparently a website, and what wcg tournament i'm in. Lost the account a while ago though...

Sounds about right


My guess would be the Unknown word has something to do with the WCG's ID number or something. (You know, the planet name, but as a number)


I still own several wcg accounts.
Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea


Wanna test it out and get some info?


well, i just got a full packet dump of WCG login

i could eaither sort it out, or just post a full dump

what exactly are you lookin for?

00000147  ff 3a 08 00 00 00 00 00                          .:......
0000014F  ff 4e 58 00 01 03 57 6f  72 6c 64 20 43 79 62 65 .NX...Wo rld Cybe
0000015F  72 20 47 61 6d 65 73 20  28 53 61 74 75 72 6e 29 r Games  (Saturn)
0000016F  00 00 68 74 74 70 3a 2f  2f 77 77 77 2e 77 63 67 ..http:/ /www.wcg
0000017F  2e 63 6f 6d 00 57 43 47  00 00 00 00 00 80 07 01 .com.WCG ........
0000018F  00 00 00 00 00 01 01 00  02 02 00 00 00 00 01 05 ........ ........
0000019F  00 00 00 00 32 00 00 00                          ....2...


Just post a fill dump.
And/or if you are willing to post the info on a WCG account, so people can test for themselves. I for one would like to.

Proud host of the JBLS server www.JBLS.org.
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Selected people i may post the account, but my WCG account is Newbie @ useast.


ok, so from that log we have...
Two BYTEs (or a WORD) of 01 03 or 0x301(769).
An NTString with the name (World Cyber Games (Saturn)).
An NTString with nothing (Or just a null byte).
An NTString with the URL (http://www.wcg.com).
An NTString or a DWORD with the type (WCG).
Possibly an empty DWORD.
Three BYTEs (or a WORD and a BYTE or a BYTE and a WORD) of 80 07 01 (or some combo therein).

But that's not quite right. That says the packet length is 0x58, which is 88, right? I only count 64 bytes in that log.

Edit: Guess you added the rest of the packet in... Looks like a lot of unknowns. A little peek into the game's handling of the packet would be more beneficial than a packet analysis.


i dont have time so i just quick uploaded it.. clean it up yourself.



p.s I think i got all the aim log out of it.


Just to save you some time, the stat string is used to add a custom game to the game type list along with the settings the game type has, and the 1st string is the name of the game type.
The stat string is fawarded to other clients when they join the game in UDP command 0, packet 0x09.
I was adding this to a custom ladder server I was making back in 1.11/1.12, but never got round to useing it.
Heres some hard-coded research values if they are any help:

'FF 4E 3E 00 01 03 57 6F 72 6C 64 20 43 79 62 65   ÿN>...World Cybe
'72 20 47 61 6D 65 73 20 28 4D 65 72 63 75 72 79   r Games (Mercury
'29 00 00 10 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 00 02 02   )...............
'00 00 00 00 01 05 00 00 00 00 32 00 00 00         ..........2.....
    Dim tmpSS As String * 27
    Mid(tmpSS, 1, 1) = Chr(&H1)  'GameType
    Mid(tmpSS, 2, 1) = Chr(&H1)  'ladder type (0=bnet, 1=wcg/kbk etc, 2=>who knows? -- relates to 0x1C/0x2C/channel statstrings etc)
    Mid(tmpSS, 3, 2) = MakeWORD(&H1) 'penalty1
    Mid(tmpSS, 5, 2) = MakeWORD(&H0) 'penalty2
    Mid(tmpSS, 7, 2) = MakeWORD(&H0) 'Unknown - 0x00 always
    Mid(tmpSS, 9, 1) = Chr(&H1)  'GameType again?
    Mid(tmpSS, 10, 1) = Chr(&H1)  'ladder type again?
    Mid(tmpSS, 11, 2) = MakeWORD(&H200)  'Is Melee (&H201 = not melee)
    Mid(tmpSS, 13, 2) = MakeWORD(&H2)  'Is Stats Game (&H100 = UMS)
    Mid(tmpSS, 15, 2) = MakeWORD(&H0)  'UnKnown2
    Mid(tmpSS, 17, 1) = Chr(0)  'Number of teams (0 = none) - discludes TVB
    Mid(tmpSS, 18, 1) = Chr(1)  'Unknown3 - 0x01 always?
    Mid(tmpSS, 19, 1) = Chr(5)  'Required Map Icon
    Mid(tmpSS, 20, 2) = MakeWORD(&H0)  'greed/resorces amount
    Mid(tmpSS, 22, 2) = MakeWORD(&H0) 'unknown - 0x00 always
    Mid(tmpSS, 24, 4) = MakeDWORD(&H32) 'Stats game (0x00 = False[UMS])

Also note that the format is differnt in this packet dump, because this was pre-1.13 :P
The format to that is:
(WORD) Flag (1st bit set = add game?, other wise remove?)
(STRING) Game type's name
(STRING) Blank -- most likely used on a set game setting/command (I couldnt find it)
(BYTE[27]) Game Stat String

Nothing really interesting unless your bot can view the game list, or support a game chat enviroment :)


I sort of have the feeling that blank string would be a game password?


Quote from: RεalityRipplε on April 29, 2007, 06:18 PM
I sort of have the feeling that blank string would be a game password?
Or the discription.


I thought only D2 games had descriptions...
