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Custom 404 Messages

Started by Crypticflare, June 13, 2003, 12:35 AM

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If I add the file .htaccess in my web directory (www) and in it put 404 Error/404.html then have 404.html my file I want to be displayed for the incorrect file directory it should show my custom error message right? I tried it and to no avail it did not work :/


The correct syntax is:
ErrorDocument 404 /path/to/whatever.html

If you just want to display a message, you can do this:
ErrorDocument 404 "Some message here"

That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


yea what that "thing" said.. its a THIGN omfg a THING its a THING with that THING on his head omfg ITS "IT" THE KILLER CLOWN!


Someones created a monster. Put him down quick.

Mesiah / haiseM

Also in your Advanced Internet Options (If using IE) you need to disable the 'Show Friendly HTTP Error Messages'.
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