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Anyone want to start a new character?

Started by warz, January 08, 2007, 10:59 PM

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Well, I ran into a dilemma. I signed up using the trial account option, and had planned on upgrading to the pay account once it ran out. Well, I just tried to pay and found out several things. If you're using a trial account, and want to straight up pay to play, you're charged $20.00 up front. They tell you the first month is free, and this money is basically your "activation" fee, as well as to purchase a new key. I guess you can look at this as either being the $15.00 monthly payment for the first month and $5.00 for the key, or the $20.00 key. Anyways, I have my own key, as well as all the installation disks with me, and tried to upgrade the trial account using my key. It says it has already been used, because ... it has, on my old account. I remember the password to the old account, and can just activate that one I guess. Basically, I would rather spend $15.00 instead of $20.00, and use my old account, and be forced to start a new character. For some reason the extra five dollars is just enough to make this game not worth it, to me.

So, I ask - does anyone want to begin a new character with me?! Or, has anyone recently began one (below level 20)?! Doesn't matter which server, as long as it's pvp I guess.


I wouldn't mind rolling an alliance on illidan.  It's one of the main servers that shares bgs against my current server, which is horde, so that could be fun.  The real question is, which class?
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i dont quite understand the point of the forums? thought u were saying shadow priests were bad? the forum looks to be a shadow priest help forum. ???


Why is the game sold in stores when you can just download it from Blizzard and pay a few bucks for a key?


Quote from: Spht on January 10, 2007, 12:49 PM
Why is the game sold in stores when you can just download it from Blizzard and pay a few bucks for a key?

Can't cater to broadband connections. The download is > 3 gigs.


Quote from: Spht on January 10, 2007, 12:49 PM
Why is the game sold in stores when you can just download it from Blizzard and pay a few bucks for a key?

I've often thought the same thing about guild wars.
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Kel'Thuzad is where its at... I'm rolling a mage.

If you do, I play on the following characters:

Aeixious <- 60 shadow priest :)
Aeisioux <- 27 lock
Zq <- 27 war
Zk <- lvl 1 mage

KT is a PvP, aka awsome, server. My comp recently blew up, so I'm not playing as much as I used to, but I'm still on alot.