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everyone's status

Started by electrostatistic, October 15, 2006, 04:28 PM

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i wish i did-- i have no idea where they went.


I think torque was in one of those clans. I know torque in person, and I seem to remember meeting up with him in channel ultimate power.


Quote from: Rule on October 17, 2006, 01:47 AM
Quote from: l)ragon on October 16, 2006, 05:14 PM
Rule were you in _FF?

No, why?

Raihan: Do you still have a way to contact Dark, ])est, or iRoN?

Used to drop in their channel from time to time.

Banana fanna fo fanna

dude...battle.net facebook group...


i think this would be a great way for people to get in contact with others they thought were forever lost (those who would want to remain forever lost would be if no one has records of them).


Raihan! Great to hear from you, it's been such a long time. Yeah, e1 died off awhile ago and xL stood for exile. Are you doing MUN in college? Granby finally got a good country assignment: China! And since I'm the only person in the club that's been there all 4 years (wow, it's been almost 4  years since you were at odumun) I got to pick first, so I grabbed up China on the security council. I'm looking forward to doing that.

Cox has a really good lacrosse team too, we lost to them (I play for Maury) in the Championship last season.


i thought about doing model UN in college, decided against it. cool that you played them.

i guess what is on topic here is discussing where we were and where we're at now.  if anyone's interested in what i proposed above, let me know.

Banana fanna fo fanna

I'm game. Someone make a wiki.


yep, that's what i was thinking about, but it would have to be organized independently.  wikipedia has some details on things with 'battle.net,' but it's way off from what i had in mind.  i'm thinking about something social and something somewhat interactive.  i'll try to think of something soon.  a registry would be a better idea than a wiki.  meh, only like two people responded to my primary question, what's been 'happening' since 2004?


Just make something similar to facebook, but for 'battlenet people'. lol.


Well hello Rai! Certainly been a long time. Although unless I'm completely delusional, I still see you on AIM from time to time. I probably ought to actually use my buddy list rather than just leave it sitting there, hmm..
Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.


yep, i still use aim.  sometimes i log on to msn.

as for the database thing, i was thinking more like a repository that strictly holds certain information like a person ID, his/her organizations on battle.net, his/her awards/developments.  i suppose the 'network' feature of facebook is nice.  as for setting up the way a 'clan' / organization exists, i was thinking about somehow getting in touch with some set of clan/organization leaders and having them post a 'clan history,' and then people could cast an accuracy vote for the entry.  the hardest part about the whole system is getting in touch with people who can contribute, but the purpose of the system is to get in touch-- we have to start small and then expect it to spread.  those are just some ideas.  as for time contribution, i know i wouldn't be able to do this alone, but i figure keeping it in mind is what counts for when people can sort out when to make this.  it's a pretty complex project.