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Web Bot Pure help

Started by REALBasic, August 06, 2006, 01:35 PM

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hello i just downloaded web bot pure
i regestered the account NetSpy on BotNet. And its loged in on Battle.Net but how do i get  it so people click on the link on my site and they see the web bot. like

i got same problem as swarm

I need some help with the WebBot. I have already registered the name 'NetSpy'. To check: http://forum.valhallalegends.com/index.php?topic=15411.0

For some reason, my channel would not show up in "Available Channels".

The text that I got when I have is WebBot running is:

Battle.net: Online
BotNet: Online
     WebChannel: Online
     Account: NetSpy

my site is www.basicdls.com

i want it 2 be like www.web.basicdls.com