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I am ch33z3! :)

Started by ch33z3, June 04, 2003, 07:26 PM

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sigh Good Luck with it, I've been trying to quit the last 6 months, I'd get about 1-2 months in and the habit would switch from the cope to the smoke.. I'm trying that one shit that has just a bit of nicotine in it and is mostly flavor


Quote from: jigsaw on June 15, 2003, 08:54 PM
Why don't I ever hear you queers talking about girls, beer, chew, or nascar? Damn... when will your sacks drop?

beer is ok sometimes... chew is nasty
it's all about weed and sex


Quote from: ch33z3 on June 04, 2003, 07:26 PM
Hey, my username is ch33z3, because I feel like it. ;p
Anyhow, I recently turned 14, and I consider myself to have a lot of talents on computers, but no single one that shines out the most.
I can;
-Design graphics,
-Websites (html notepad + frontpage),
-Programming- really basics of VB, started programming when i was 6 or so on my dads WinNT, some C+
-I know a lot more than what I consider the standard for my age, as in computer tech-supporting and technology itself
-I can type 180 WPM when i've got a paper im looking at, maybe 100 WPM when i'm just gaming:) (remember i'm 14)

I have tried making plugins in VB on a MERVBot for Subspace (if you've heard of that game), sort of successful but not a competition.  

Believe it or not, I think I would be the closest thing to a gangster geek.  Boy, i'm gonna get flamed about this, but, most all my friends are black, I listen to rap, i'm in a "crew", and I still manage to be an intelligent person and a computer nerd.

That's me, ch33z3.
There's something I don't quite get about the last paragraph -- why does it matter if most of your friends are black?  I don't see any reason that would make you a "gangster geek".  Are you implying that all black people are "gangsters" and that they are not computer nerds?  Also, why do you consider yourself intelligent?  I think the most intelligent people among us are humbled.  You will be reading more on a subject one day and realize that you don't know anything about this subject and you will stop to think about how much you really don't know.  Then, and only then, will you stop thinking that you are so intelligent.