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Warcraft III Clan Packetss

Started by ShaDoWDeM, July 13, 2006, 11:42 PM

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And the point of this is..? All of this information can be found documented on bnetdocs. And you'll learn from that documentation a lot more than leeching this code. If a person does not know how to construct and send packets, they shouldn't be making a bot in the first place.
Quote from: replaced on November 04, 2006, 11:54 AM
I dunno wat it means, someone tell me whats ix86 and pmac?
Can someone send me a working bot source (with bnls support) to my email?  Then help me copy and paste it to my bot? ;D
Já jsem byl určenej abych tady žil,
Dával si ovar, křen a k tomu pivo pil.
Tam by ses povídaj jak prase v žitě měl,
Já nechci před nikym sednout si na prdel.

Já nejsem z USA, já nejsem z USA, já vážně nejsem z USA... a snad se proto na mě nezloběj.


There goes the first flame...

Like I said, this is for people who are getting errors and need some help.

I give people chances to do better, not an ass like you who believe programming should be only for people who know how to. This is a good reference to learn from and thats what I want people to do. Learn from what i wrote. If you dont appreciate it then its fine with me. However, my goal is to teach and help people and this is a good way of helping people.

If this has helped you in some way please post that what i wrote helped you in some way. This is good practice for when I start programming intensly for college


How was my post a flame I don't see, but OK. I was merely referring to the fact that a person should learn about how networking protocols work before attempting to make such an application, you must have misinterpreted my post... the only person flaming here is you calling me an ass. Yeah programming should be for people who learn to, copy + pasting code is not programming. Helping people is fine, I see how the code helps, however as I said, the public documentation is very sophisticated.
Quote from: replaced on November 04, 2006, 11:54 AM
I dunno wat it means, someone tell me whats ix86 and pmac?
Can someone send me a working bot source (with bnls support) to my email?  Then help me copy and paste it to my bot? ;D
Já jsem byl určenej abych tady žil,
Dával si ovar, křen a k tomu pivo pil.
Tam by ses povídaj jak prase v žitě měl,
Já nechci před nikym sednout si na prdel.

Já nejsem z USA, já nejsem z USA, já vážně nejsem z USA... a snad se proto na mě nezloběj.



Private Sub RecvClanFindCandidates()
    Dim Cookie As Long
    Dim Status As Byte, NumberOfCandidates As Byte
    Dim CandidateList() As String
    'Get cookie
    Cookie = ParseBuffer.NextDword
    'Get status and number of candidates
    Status = ParseBuffer.NextByte
    NumberOfCandidates = ParseBuffer.NextByte
    'Get list of candidates
    CandidateList = ParseBuffer.GetStringList
    'Throw event
    RaiseEvent OnClanFindCandidates(Cookie, Status, NumberOfCandidates, CandidateList)
End Sub

Private Sub RecvClanInviteMultiple()
    Dim Cookie As Long
    Dim Status As Byte
    Dim FailedNameList() As String
    'Get cookie
    Cookie = ParseBuffer.NextDword
    'Get status
    Status = ParseBuffer.NextByte
    'Get failed name list
    FailedNameList = ParseBuffer.GetStringList
    'Throw event
    RaiseEvent OnClanInviteMultiple(Cookie, Status, FailedNameList)
End Sub

Private Sub RecvClanCreationInvitation()
    Dim Cookie As Long, ClanTag As Long
    Dim ClanName As String, InvitingLeader As String, InvitationList() As String
    Dim NumberOfInvitees As Byte
    'Get cookie and clan tag
    Cookie = ParseBuffer.NextDword
    ClanTag = ParseBuffer.NextDword
    'Get clan name and inviting leader's name
    ClanName = ParseBuffer.NextString
    InvitingLeader = ParseBuffer.NextString
    'Get number of users being invited
    NumberOfInvitees = ParseBuffer.NextByte
    'Get list of users being invited
    InvitationList = ParseBuffer.GetStringList
    'Throw event
    RaiseEvent OnClanCreationInvitation(Cookie, ClanTag, ClanName, InvitingLeader, NumberOfInvitees, InvitationList)
End Sub

Private Sub RecvClanDisband()
    Dim Cookie As Long
    Dim Status As Byte
    'Get cookie
    Cookie = ParseBuffer.NextDword
    'Get status
    Status = ParseBuffer.NextByte
    'Throw event
    RaiseEvent OnClanDisband(Cookie, Status)
End Sub

Private Sub RecvClanMakeChieftain()
    Dim Cookie As Long
    Dim Status As Byte
    'Get cookie
    Cookie = ParseBuffer.NextDword
    'Get status
    Status = ParseBuffer.NextByte
    'Throw event
    RaiseEvent OnClanMakeChieftain(Cookie, Status)
End Sub

Private Sub RecvClanInfo()
    Dim Unknown01 As Byte, Rank As Byte
    Dim ClanTag As Long
    'Get unknown
    Unknown01 = ParseBuffer.NextByte
    'Get clan tag
    ClanTag = ParseBuffer.NextDword
    'Get rank
    Rank = ParseBuffer.NextByte
    'Throw event
    RaiseEvent OnClanInfo(Unknown01, ClanTag, Rank)
End Sub

Private Sub RecvClanQuitNotify()
    Dim Status As Byte
    'Get status
    Status = ParseBuffer.NextByte
    'Throw event
    RaiseEvent OnClanQuitNotify(Status)
End Sub

Private Sub RecvClanInvitation()
    Dim Cookie As Long
    Dim Status As Byte
    'Get cookie
    Cookie = ParseBuffer.NextDword
    'Get status
    Status = ParseBuffer.NextByte
    'Throw event
    RaiseEvent OnClanInvitation(Cookie, Status)
End Sub

Private Sub RecvClanRemoveMember()
    Dim Cookie As Long
    Dim Status As Byte
    'Get cookie
    Cookie = ParseBuffer.NextDword
    'Get status
    Status = ParseBuffer.NextByte
    'Throw event
    RaiseEvent OnClanRemoveMember(Cookie, Status)
End Sub

Private Sub RecvClanInvitationResponse()
    Dim Cookie As Long, ClanTag As Long
    Dim ClanName As String, InvitingLeader As String
    'Get cookie and clan tag
    Cookie = ParseBuffer.NextDword
    ClanTag = ParseBuffer.NextDword
    'Get clan name and inviter
    ClanName = ParseBuffer.NextString
    InvitingLeader = ParseBuffer.NextString
    'Throw event
    RaiseEvent OnClanInvitationResponse(Cookie, ClanTag, ClanName, InvitingLeader)
End Sub

Private Sub RecvClanRankChange()
    Dim Cookie As Long
    Dim Status As Byte
    'Get cookie
    Cookie = ParseBuffer.NextDword
    'Get status
    Status = ParseBuffer.NextByte
    'Throw event
    RaiseEvent OnClanRankChange(Cookie, Status)
End Sub

Private Sub RecvClanMotd()
    Dim Cookie As Long, Unknown01 As Long
    Dim Motd As String
    'Get cookie and unknown
    Cookie = ParseBuffer.NextDword
    Unknown01 = ParseBuffer.NextDword
    'Get motd
    Motd = ParseBuffer.NextString
    'Throw event
    RaiseEvent OnClanMotd(Cookie, Unknown01, Motd)
End Sub

Private Sub RecvClanMemberList()
    Dim Cookie As Long, I As Long
    Dim NumberOfMembers As Byte, Rank() As Byte, Status() As Byte
    Dim Username() As String, Location() As String
    'Get cookie
    Cookie = ParseBuffer.NextDword
    'Get number of members
    NumberOfMembers = ParseBuffer.NextByte
    'Resize arrays
    ReDim Username(1 To NumberOfMembers), Rank(1 To NumberOfMembers), Status(1 To NumberOfMembers), Location(1 To NumberOfMembers)
    'Loop through, grab each member data
    For I = 1 To NumberOfMembers
        Username(I) = ParseBuffer.NextString
        Rank(I) = ParseBuffer.NextByte
        Status(I) = ParseBuffer.NextByte
        Location(I) = ParseBuffer.NextString
    Next I
    'Throw event
    RaiseEvent OnClanMemberList(Cookie, NumberOfMembers, Username, Rank, Status, Location)
End Sub

Private Sub RecvClanMemberRemoved()
    Dim ClanMemberName As String
    'Get member name
    ClanMemberName = ParseBuffer.NextString
    'Throw event
    RaiseEvent OnClanMemberRemoved(ClanMemberName)
End Sub

Private Sub RecvClanMemberStatusChange()
    Dim Username As String
    Dim Rank As Byte, Status As Byte
    Dim Location As String
    'Get username
    Username = ParseBuffer.NextString
    'Get rank, status
    Rank = ParseBuffer.NextByte
    Status = ParseBuffer.NextByte
    'Get location
    Location = ParseBuffer.NextString
    'Throw event
    RaiseEvent OnClanMemberStatusChange(Username, Rank, Status, Location)
End Sub

Private Sub RecvClanMemberRankChange()
    Dim OldRank As Byte, NewRank As Byte
    Dim ModifyingLeader As String
    'Get ranks
    OldRank = ParseBuffer.NextByte
    NewRank = ParseBuffer.NextByte
    'Get member name who changed you rank
    ModifyingLeader = ParseBuffer.NextString
    'Throw event
    RaiseEvent OnClanMemberRankChange(OldRank, NewRank, ModifyingLeader)
End Sub

Private Sub RecvClanMemberInformation()
    Dim Cookie As Long
    Dim Status As Byte, Rank As Byte
    Dim ClanName As String
    Dim DateJoined As New clsFileTime
    'Get cookie
    Cookie = ParseBuffer.NextDword
    'Get status
    Status = ParseBuffer.NextByte
    'If status equals zero, user is not in a clan
    If (Status <> 0) Then
        'Get clan name
        ClanName = ParseBuffer.NextString
        'Get rank
        Rank = ParseBuffer.NextByte
        'Get date joined filetime
        DateJoined.LowDateTime = ParseBuffer.NextDword
        DateJoined.HighDateTime = ParseBuffer.NextDword
    End If
    'Throw event
    RaiseEvent OnClanMemberInformation(Cookie, Status, ClanName, Rank, DateJoined)
End Sub

Private Sub DispatchMessage()
    Dim PacketData As String
    Dim PacketRequiredLength As Long
    'Get the packet
    PacketData = GetNextPacket()
    'Get our length requirement
    PacketRequiredLength = PacketMinimumLengthTable(PendingData.Id)
    'Check our packet length
    If (PendingData.Length < PacketRequiredLength) Then
        RaiseEvent OnPacketTooShort(PendingData.Id, PendingData.Length, PacketRequiredLength, PacketData)
        'Setup our handler
        ParseBuffer.SetData PacketData
        'Process our message
        Select Case PendingData.Id
            Case SID_CLANFINDCANDIDATES: RecvClanFindCandidates
            Case SID_CLANINVITEMULTIPLE: RecvClanInviteMultiple
            Case SID_CLANCREATIONINVITATION: RecvClanCreationInvitation
            Case SID_CLANDISBAND: RecvClanDisband
            Case SID_CLANMAKECHIEFTAIN: RecvClanMakeChieftain
            Case SID_CLANINFO: RecvClanInfo
            Case SID_CLANQUITNOTIFY: RecvClanQuitNotify
            Case SID_CLANINVITATION: RecvClanInvitation
            Case SID_CLANREMOVEMEMBER: RecvClanRemoveMember
            Case SID_CLANINVITATIONRESPONSE: RecvClanInvitationResponse
            Case SID_CLANRANKCHANGE: RecvClanRankChange
            Case SID_CLANMOTD: RecvClanMotd
            Case SID_CLANMEMBERLIST: RecvClanMemberList
            Case SID_CLANMEMBERREMOVED: RecvClanMemberRemoved
            Case SID_CLANMEMBERSTATUSCHANGE: RecvClanMemberStatusChange
            Case SID_CLANMEMBERRANKCHANGE: RecvClanMemberRankChange
            Case SID_CLANMEMBERINFORMATION: RecvClanMemberInformation
            Case Else:
            RaiseEvent OnPacketUnknown(PendingData.Id, PendingData.Length, PacketData)
        End Select
        '   check for remaining unhandled data & throw event
        'Clear our handler and raise event
        RaiseEvent OnPacketHandled(PendingData.Id, PendingData.Length, ParseBuffer.Clear())
    End If
End Sub


Public Sub SendClanFindCandidates(ByVal ClanTag As Long)
    Static Cookie As Long
    'Build the packet
    PrepareBuffer.AddDword Cookie
    PrepareBuffer.AddDword ClanTag
    'Increment our cookie
    Cookie = Cookie + 1
End Sub

Public Sub SendClanInviteMultiple(ByVal ClanName As String, ByVal ClanTag As Long, ByRef Invitees() As String)
    Static Cookie As Long
    'Build the packet
    PrepareBuffer.AddDword Cookie
    PrepareBuffer.AddString ClanName
    PrepareBuffer.AddDword ClanTag
    PrepareBuffer.AddByte UBound(Invitees)
    PrepareBuffer.AddStringList Invitees
    'Increment our cookie
    Cookie = Cookie + 1
End Sub

Public Sub SendClanCreationInvitation(ByVal ClanTag As Long, ByVal InviterName As String, ByVal Status As Byte)
    Static Cookie As Long
    'Build the packet
    PrepareBuffer.AddDword Cookie
    PrepareBuffer.AddDword ClanTag
    PrepareBuffer.AddString InviterName
    PrepareBuffer.AddByte Status
    'Increment our cookie
    Cookie = Cookie + 1
End Sub

Public Sub SendClanDisband()
    Static Cookie As Long
    'Build the packet
    PrepareBuffer.AddDword Cookie
    'Increment our cookie
    Cookie = Cookie + 1
End Sub

Public Sub SendClanMakeChieftain(ByVal NewChieftain As String)
    Static Cookie As Long
    'Build the packet
    PrepareBuffer.AddDword Cookie
    PrepareBuffer.AddString NewChieftain
    'Increment our cookie
    Cookie = Cookie + 1
End Sub

Public Sub SendClanInvitation(ByVal TargetUser As String)
    Static Cookie As Long
    'Build the packet
    PrepareBuffer.AddDword Cookie
    PrepareBuffer.AddString TargetUser
    'Increment our cookie
    Cookie = Cookie + 1
End Sub

Public Sub SendClanRemoveMember(ByVal Username As String)
    Static Cookie As Long
    'Build the packet
    PrepareBuffer.AddDword Cookie
    PrepareBuffer.AddString Username
    'Increment our cookie
    Cookie = Cookie + 1
End Sub

Public Sub SendClanInvitationResponse(ByVal ClanTag As Long, ByVal InviterName As String, ByVal Status As Byte)
    Static Cookie As Long
    'Build the packet
    PrepareBuffer.AddDword Cookie
    PrepareBuffer.AddDword ClanTag
    PrepareBuffer.AddString InviterName
    PrepareBuffer.AddByte Status
    'Increment our cookie
    Cookie = Cookie + 1
End Sub

Public Sub SendClanRankChange(ByVal Username As String, ByVal NewRank As Byte)
    Static Cookie As Long
    'Build the packet
    PrepareBuffer.AddDword Cookie
    PrepareBuffer.AddString Username
    PrepareBuffer.AddByte NewRank
    'Increment our cookie
    Cookie = Cookie + 1
End Sub

Public Sub SendClanSetMotd(ByVal Motd As String)
    Static Cookie As Long
    'Build the packet
    PrepareBuffer.AddDword Cookie
    PrepareBuffer.AddString Motd
    'Increment our cookie
    Cookie = Cookie + 1
End Sub

Public Sub SendClanMotd()
    Static Cookie As Long
    'Build the packet
    PrepareBuffer.AddDword Cookie
    SendPacket SID_CLANMOTD
    'Increment our cookie
    Cookie = Cookie + 1
End Sub

Public Sub SendClanMemberList()
    Static Cookie As Long
    'Build the packet
    PrepareBuffer.AddDword Cookie
    'Increment our cookie
    Cookie = Cookie + 1
End Sub

Public Sub SendClanMemberInformation(ByVal ClanTag As Long, ByVal Username As String)
    Static Cookie As Long
    'Build the packet
    PrepareBuffer.AddDword Cookie
    PrepareBuffer.AddDword ClanTag
    PrepareBuffer.AddString Username
    'Increment our cookie
    Cookie = Cookie + 1
End Sub

Private Sub SendPacket(ByVal PacketId As BncsMessageId)
    Dim FinalBuffer As New clsOutgoingBuffer
    'Create a temporary buffer to prepend our header
    FinalBuffer.AddByte Bncs_Header
    FinalBuffer.AddByte PacketId
    FinalBuffer.AddWord Len(PrepareBuffer.GetBuffer) + 4
    FinalBuffer.CopyBuffer PrepareBuffer.Clear() 'Clear returns the current buffer
    'Send the packet
    Socket.SendData FinalBuffer.GetBuffer
    'Clear our class's buffer's data
    'Delete our temporary buffer
    Set FinalBuffer = Nothing
End Sub

I win.


Userloser... impressive code but your wrong i win :)

You have some functions from your buffer class which people might not know how to do.
Therefore my code is still more helpful to people who are getting things wrong.
Plus I made a table of content

sooo in conclusion,

I win

(Its all about who helps people the most)


Well, I'll defer to Spht if he chooses to move this to BNBDR, but I really don't think this is quality code, and do not intend to move it to BNBDR.

Quote from: $ha])oW on July 14, 2006, 01:15 AM
(Its all about who helps people the most)

You're evidently new here, or else you'd know UserLoser is one of the community members who consistently helps the most.  Your attitude is unimpressive.
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.


Quote from: $ha])oW on July 14, 2006, 01:15 AM
Userloser... impressive code but your wrong i win :)

You have some functions from your buffer class which people might not know how to do.
Therefore my code is still more helpful to people who are getting things wrong.
Plus I made a table of content

sooo in conclusion,

I win

(Its all about who helps people the most)

Just to let you know, if you're looking at BnetDocs for anything in your bot...I basically wrote (or modified) more than half the messages on there probably.  In the last week I made close to a hundred changes, so I think I help the most by maintaining BnetDocs.


Quote from: $ha])oW on July 14, 2006, 01:15 AM
Userloser... impressive code but your wrong i win :)

You have some functions from your buffer class which people might not know how to do.
Therefore my code is still more helpful to people who are getting things wrong.
Plus I made a table of content

sooo in conclusion,

I win

(Its all about who helps people the most)

Better off helping them the right way with quality code rather then a big mess....


UserLoser: Bnetdocs should have a page where it tells you what pages have changed/new pages.


Quote from: Savior on July 14, 2006, 02:00 AM
UserLoser: Bnetdocs should have a page where it tells you what pages have changed/new pages.

I would do that if I could, but Arta (or anyone with FTP access @ vL.com) is the only one who could do that.  I only have the ability to add new documents, news, and add/modify packets.

I have access to log though, here's everything I have done since June:

Time User Page Comment 
10/07/2006, 19:00:06 UserLoser SID_CLANRANKCHANGE:S changed description
09/07/2006, 11:21:33 UserLoser MCP_CHARCREATE:C Changed description
08/07/2006, 00:06:46 UserLoser SID_REGISTRY:C changed name
08/07/2006, 00:06:28 UserLoser SID_REGISTRY:S fixed format, changed name
08/07/2006, 00:05:54 UserLoser SID_REGISTRY:C fixed format
07/07/2006, 22:31:25 UserLoser SID_FINDLADDERUSER:C Fixed format
07/07/2006, 19:42:30 UserLoser SID_FRIENDSLIST:S Changed "channel" to "location name"
07/07/2006, 18:12:46 UserLoser Diablo II Realm Server Logon Procedure made things optional..
07/07/2006, 17:55:12 UserLoser Diablo II Realm Server Logon Procedure Fixed HTML formatting, modified content slightly.
07/07/2006, 17:53:00 UserLoser Diablo II Realm Server Logon Procedure Fixed HTML formatting, content is unchanged.
07/07/2006, 17:52:29 UserLoser Diablo II Realm Server Logon Procedure Finalized, for real.
07/07/2006, 17:51:10 UserLoser Diablo II Realm Server Logon Procedure Finalized
07/07/2006, 17:44:12 UserLoser Diablo II Realm Server Logon Procedure HTML formatting
07/07/2006, 17:43:27 UserLoser Diablo II Realm Server Logon Procedure 
07/07/2006, 17:34:01 UserLoser MCP_CHARLIST:S fixed msg format
07/07/2006, 17:33:39 UserLoser MCP_CHARLIST2:S Fixed msg format
07/07/2006, 17:30:39 UserLoser MCP_CHARLIST2:S Fixed HTML formatting
07/07/2006, 17:30:18 UserLoser MCP_CHARLIST:S Fixed formatting (html-wise)
07/07/2006, 17:29:45 UserLoser MCP_CHARLIST:S ttesting format
07/07/2006, 17:29:22 UserLoser MCP_CHARLIST:S Fixed format
07/07/2006, 17:28:16 UserLoser MCP_CHARLIST:S Fixed format
07/07/2006, 17:27:45 UserLoser MCP_CHARLIST2:S Fixed format, again
07/07/2006, 17:23:07 UserLoser MCP_CHARLIST2:S Fixed format
07/07/2006, 15:31:56 UserLoser MCP_GAMELIST:S fixed description/format
07/07/2006, 15:31:15 UserLoser MCP_GAMEINFO:S Fixed description and format..still confused by the original formatting
07/07/2006, 15:08:54 UserLoser D2GS_REMOVESTACKITEM:C Added description, are you sure this is defunct?
07/07/2006, 15:06:44 UserLoser D2GS_NPCCANCEL:C Added description
07/07/2006, 15:05:00 UserLoser D2GS_WORLDOBJECT:S Removed extra info
07/07/2006, 15:04:43 UserLoser D2GS_WORLDOBJECT:S Removed extra info
07/07/2006, 15:04:25 UserLoser D2GS_TRADE:C Removed extra info--if no gold, it's zero
07/07/2006, 15:04:00 UserLoser D2GS_RUNTOUNIT:C Added description
07/07/2006, 15:03:37 UserLoser D2GS_UNSELECTOBJ:C added description
07/07/2006, 15:03:09 UserLoser D2GS_LEFTSKILLOBJ:C added description
07/07/2006, 15:02:54 UserLoser D2GS_LEFTSKILLLOC:C added description
07/07/2006, 15:02:30 UserLoser D2GS_WALKTOUNIT:C Added description
06/07/2006, 03:23:57 UserLoser MCP_GAMELIST:S Fixed formatting.
06/07/2006, 03:23:28 UserLoser MCP_GAMELIST:S Updated format/description
06/07/2006, 02:59:28 UserLoser MCP_CREATEGAME:S modified format and description
06/07/2006, 02:50:09 UserLoser MCP_CREATEGAME:C fixed format/description
06/07/2006, 01:31:34 UserLoser SID_LOGONREALMEX:C Fixed "cookie" to be "client key"
06/07/2006, 01:27:26 UserLoser SID_EXTRAWORK:C Fixed typo
06/07/2006, 01:07:56 UserLoser SID_CLANCREATIONINVITATION:C Changed "token" to "cookie" and fixed packet format
06/07/2006, 00:37:28 UserLoser SID_LOGONRESPONSE2:S Updated format & description
05/07/2006, 21:26:30 UserLoser SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTCREATE:S Fixed description
05/07/2006, 21:22:28 UserLoser SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTLOGONPROOF:S Fixed format, and tooltip
05/07/2006, 20:36:06 UserLoser SID_CLANINVITEMULTIPLE:S Fixed format and made description accurate
05/07/2006, 20:29:15 UserLoser SID_CLANCREATIONINVITATION:S Changed "token" to "cookie"
05/07/2006, 20:27:58 UserLoser SID_CLANDISBAND:S Fixed format, and description
05/07/2006, 20:24:37 UserLoser SID_CLANMAKECHIEFTAIN:S Fixed format
05/07/2006, 20:06:02 UserLoser SID_CLANMEMBERLIST:S Fixed format
04/07/2006, 01:51:35 UserLoser User Statstrings Updated some statstring formats...
03/07/2006, 18:22:56 UserLoser SID_STARTADVEX:S Modified description and formatting, made public
03/07/2006, 18:22:04 UserLoser SID_CLANRANKCHANGE:S Added response code
03/07/2006, 14:45:18 UserLoser SID_CLANMEMBERSTATUSCHANGE:S Fixed format, updated description
03/07/2006, 04:35:14 UserLoser PACKET_ADMIN:S Made private, changed description formatting a bit
03/07/2006, 04:33:27 UserLoser PKT_CLIENTREQ:C Made public, added War2 for product
03/07/2006, 04:31:13 UserLoser SID_GETLADDERDATA:S Removed extra info, changed description and tooltip
03/07/2006, 04:29:54 UserLoser SID_SERVERLIST:S Set products, made public
03/07/2006, 04:28:40 UserLoser SID_STARTADVEX2:C Removed extra info
03/07/2006, 04:28:11 UserLoser SID_CHECKDATAFILE2:C Added extra info (for public), set products.
03/07/2006, 04:23:45 UserLoser SID_CHECKDATAFILE:S Set products, changed formatting
03/07/2006, 04:23:09 UserLoser SID_CHECKDATAFILE:C Set products
03/07/2006, 04:21:39 UserLoser SID_CHECKDATAFILE2:S Set products, changed description
03/07/2006, 04:21:03 UserLoser SID_STARTVERSIONING2:S Set product
03/07/2006, 04:20:07 UserLoser SID_STARTADVEX:C Why was this private?
03/07/2006, 04:19:26 UserLoser SID_GETADVLISTEX:S Removed extra info, and this message is used by war3 for listing games
03/07/2006, 04:18:37 UserLoser SID_CLANMEMBERINFORMATION:S Changed name
03/07/2006, 04:18:19 UserLoser SID_CLANMEMBERINFORMATION:C Changed name
03/07/2006, 04:17:47 UserLoser SID_CLANMEMBERRANKCHANGE:S Changed name, format, description
03/07/2006, 04:15:55 UserLoser SID_CLANMEMBERSTATUSCHANGE:S Changed name, description, and tooltip
03/07/2006, 04:13:19 UserLoser SID_CLANRANKCHANGE:S Added description, changed name
03/07/2006, 04:11:41 UserLoser SID_CLANRANKCHANGE:C Added description, changed name
03/07/2006, 04:09:20 UserLoser SID_CLANINVITATIONRESPONSE:S Changed format/name
03/07/2006, 04:08:51 UserLoser SID_CLANINVITATIONRESPONSE:C Changed format/description/name
03/07/2006, 04:07:11 UserLoser SID_CLANINVITATION:C Changed description
03/07/2006, 04:05:10 UserLoser SID_CLANINVITATION:S Changed name
03/07/2006, 04:04:57 UserLoser SID_CLANINVITATION:C Changed name
03/07/2006, 04:01:24 UserLoser SID_CLANREMOVEMEMBER:S Fixed description, last change I swear
03/07/2006, 04:00:45 UserLoser SID_CLANREMOVEMEMBER:S Final constant link fix :)
03/07/2006, 03:59:36 UserLoser SID_CLANREMOVEMEMBER:S Changed constants to be correct
03/07/2006, 03:57:38 UserLoser SID_CLANREMOVEMEMBER:S Added description
03/07/2006, 03:48:56 UserLoser SID_CLANREMOVEMEMBER:C Added description
03/07/2006, 03:47:05 UserLoser SID_CLANINVITATION:C Modified description...made no sense. Changed name of packet
03/07/2006, 03:44:43 UserLoser SID_CLANINVITATION:S Changed packet name and description
03/07/2006, 03:42:45 UserLoser SID_CLANCREATIONINVITATION:S Added description, changed packet name
03/07/2006, 03:41:41 UserLoser SID_CLANCREATIONINVITATION:C Fixed name, forgot "CLAN" prefix
03/07/2006, 03:41:23 UserLoser SID_CLANCREATIONINVITATION:C Added description, changed name.
03/07/2006, 00:31:53 UserLoser MCP_GAMELIST:S added extra info, more research needed
03/07/2006, 00:29:03 UserLoser MCP_CREATEGAME:S Added status code for "Server down" message
28/06/2006, 01:51:33 UserLoser SID_NEWS_INFO:C Fixed the description so it says 1970 not 1980!
28/06/2006, 00:58:51 UserLoser SID_CHECKDATAFILE:C Moved the extra info that was hiding to the public description
28/06/2006, 00:55:36 UserLoser MCP_GAMELIST:S Removed extra info, actually...moved it's contents to description somewhat.
28/06/2006, 00:52:51 UserLoser SID_CLIENTID:S Modified description, removed extra info.
28/06/2006, 00:50:28 UserLoser SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTCHANGEPROOF:S Removed extra information since Arta's question was answered by MyndFyre months ago.
28/06/2006, 00:49:34 UserLoser SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTUPGRADEPROOF:S Changed description, made public
28/06/2006, 00:48:35 UserLoser PACKET_USERLOGGINGOFF:S Added description
28/06/2006, 00:48:04 UserLoser SID_CLANMEMBERLIST:S Removed extra information
28/06/2006, 00:47:03 UserLoser PACKET_BROADCASTMESSAGE:C Made public...
28/06/2006, 00:46:21 UserLoser SID_CLANMEMBERINFORMATION:S Updated description to make sense :)
28/06/2006, 00:43:25 UserLoser SID_CLANMEMBERINFORMATION:S Added a description
28/06/2006, 00:41:36 UserLoser SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTCHANGE:C Removed extra information, was rather pointless :)
28/06/2006, 00:41:02 UserLoser SID_LOGONRESPONSE2:C Set products...
28/06/2006, 00:40:17 UserLoser SID_WARCRAFTGENERAL:S Modified description, removed extra info question
28/06/2006, 00:39:25 UserLoser SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTLOGON:S Removed extra info
28/06/2006, 00:38:07 UserLoser SID_STOPADV:C Removed extra info, Arta's question about logging off B.net was answered year(s) ago
28/06/2006, 00:35:24 UserLoser SID_AUTH_CHECK:S Modified extra information, made public
28/06/2006, 00:34:14 UserLoser MCP_CHARCREATE:C Removed extra information, updated flags to be more recent
28/06/2006, 00:28:49 UserLoser SID_EXTRAWORK:C I lied, finalized formatting
28/06/2006, 00:28:19 UserLoser SID_EXTRAWORK:C Finalized formatting.
28/06/2006, 00:26:42 UserLoser SID_EXTRAWORK:C Attempt to change formatting, again...this needs a preview button :P
28/06/2006, 00:25:58 UserLoser SID_EXTRAWORK:C Changed formatting
28/06/2006, 00:24:30 UserLoser SID_EXTRAWORK:C Initial creation.


SID_REGISTRY. Cant find this on Bnetdocs



What else is hidden :p