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Fix Op [vL]

Started by UserLoser, June 06, 2006, 05:24 PM

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Some newb made Grok[vL] when it expired, banned everyone, quit ops, etc.  I want my channel to idle in back plz.


lol. damn. the end of vl on bnet as we know it.


Yeh I havent been on battle.net in over a year.  Any of my names there are expired and obvious phonies.


Do you IRC it up, at all? Or is it just forums now?


it seems someone in channel Clan vL on east is making all these accounts. 

vb6, something about that combination of numbers and letters is sexy


Ya he's right i've even made half of [vl]'s name just to keep idiots from making them i guess i let grok[vl] expire

[22:49:54] [vl]grok's record:
[22:49:54] Normal games: 273868-0-54
[22:49:54] Ladder games: 0-0-0

atleast that name is still alive
Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea


IIRC Battle.net names don't expire until someone overwrites them (or they do a sweep of expired names, which almost never happens) so ones using an illegal character will be good probably forever lol.
- Hostile is sexy.


PS: I don't know if its even worth bothering to fix, I just made a warcraft 3 account again but keeping the channel access up to date with all the expiring accounts isn't even worth the trouble.
- Hostile is sexy.


Come on, you guys are the Valhalla Legends. Someone write a small bot to keep all your accounts alive, looping through your accounts and logging on once a week.
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.


yea he's right valhalla should  never quit bnet!


Quote from: Desire on June 07, 2006, 07:22 AM
yea he's right valhalla should never quit bnet!

What are you talking about? Have you not been into the channel in the past year? The only person that has been in there in UserLoser, and the ops bot. The community lives on through these forums and the people that visit them. Just let the channel go. heh


Quote from: warz on June 07, 2006, 07:28 AM
Quote from: Desire on June 07, 2006, 07:22 AM
yea he's right valhalla should never quit bnet!

What are you talking about? Have you not been into the channel in the past year? The only person that has been in there in UserLoser, and the ops bot. The community lives on through these forums and the people that visit them. Just let the channel go. heh

Although the channel really has no meaning behind it, atleast not in current times, I still think it keeps a sort of "tradition" alive because of the clan having been around so many years and having set in that channel for many times before.


yep, if you want you can give it a meaning there are normally bout 5 ppl there if you jsut talk a litlle....


bah, why, its not any of our channel? hehe. forever they have stressed the point that, "its their channel and nobody elses" - so why, now that you have to chance to actually idle in it without being banned for being stupid, do you want to idle in an empty boring channel?


[9:14:52 AM] :Info: Zorm was banned by [vL] (Autoban).
[9:24:35 AM] :Info: Grok[vl] was unbanned by [vL].
[9:24:39 AM] Grok[vl]:0:63 Has joined.
[9:25:09 AM] <Grok[vl]> ?trigger
[9:25:16 AM] <Grok[vl]> .say hello~
[9:25:16 AM] <[vL]> hello~
[9:25:20 AM] <Grok[vl]> .say /designate grok[vl]
[9:25:22 AM] <Grok[vl]> .say /resign
[9:25:25 AM] [vL] Has left.
[9:25:25 AM] [vL]:0:63 Has joined.
[9:27:03 AM] <Grok[vl]> .unban blade
[9:27:06 AM] <Grok[vl]> .add blade aolnst
[9:27:08 AM] <Grok[vl]> .add blade 100
[9:27:10 AM] <Grok[vl]> .help
[9:27:14 AM] <Grok[vl]> .hel add
[9:27:20 AM] <Grok[vl]> .help command
[9:27:23 AM] <Grok[vl]> .help
[9:27:27 AM] <Grok[vl]> .help .add
[9:27:30 AM] <Grok[vl]> .help add
[9:27:33 AM] <Grok[vl]> .add help
[9:27:40 AM] <Grok[vl]> .shitadd *[vl]*
[9:27:47 AM] <Grok[vl]> .add *[vl]* Z
[9:27:48 AM] <Grok[vl]> .find **
[9:27:52 AM] <Grok[vl]> .find *[vl*
[9:27:56 AM] <Grok[vl]> .find zorm[vl]
[9:28:02 AM] <Grok[vl]> .find grok[vl]
[9:28:06 AM] <Grok[vl]> .find adron[vl]
[9:28:10 AM] <Grok[vl]> .find blade
[9:28:16 AM] <Grok[vl]> .find zorm[vl]
[9:28:21 AM] <Grok[vl]> .rem zorm[vl]
[9:28:25 AM] <Grok[vl]> .say /join asdf
[9:28:25 AM] [vL] Has left.
[9:28:27 AM] :Info: [vL] was banned by Grok[vl].
[9:28:30 AM] :Info: UserLoser was banned by Grok[vl].
[9:28:30 AM] UserLoser Has left.
[9:28:33 AM] :Info: Disco was banned by Grok[vl].
[9:28:33 AM] Disco Has left.
[9:28:35 AM] :Info: Zorm[vL] was banned by Grok[vl].
[9:28:35 AM] Zorm[vL] Has left.
[9:28:40 AM] :Info: l)ragon was banned by Grok[vl].
[9:28:40 AM] :Info: Grok[vl] kicked you out of the channel!

I see the topic is allready started.