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Hellorg Tharg Valhallarg Legongs

Started by KrewL RaiN, May 24, 2006, 03:06 PM

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KrewL RaiN

The pesky gnome left a trail of cookies to this place and I dont reely like to stay in lurk mode so here I am  :P

I be the KrewL RaiN, Shaman of Clan TDG which is a Warcraft 3 Map Making Clan. Map makings is as close to game making I can get without too much headaches from learning to program that crazy stuff TT I took a Java course in high school and got owned lol, the corse before was some crazy outdated thingy called Authority and I did ok on that cause its totaly visual and leared all the basic stuff that lets me figure out Blizzards map editors ok xD I still even have trouble doing the triggers and thats were I start to pester the trigger gurus of the clan hehe, they get me back though, cause im the master terrainer of the clan. Terrain is my strongest point, and I can make stuff like this:

My lair is in Mitchell (I like to spell it MitcHELL) Ontario Canada. Im 22 (people actualy think im 13 and are totaly wtf when I say noes im 22 xD) and I only know how to speek the english......and that nonsence language people call KR speek xD. Yes I tend to be a spammer but I amz a friendly spammarg kay arr no bite no lie! I also like to draw, tiss the gift I was born with and currently trying to break out of a month long art block TT. This be the site were I post my stuff up at: http://krewl-rain.deviantart.com/

As for the dang ClanGnome, I remember it from a few years back when it kept poping up in Clan WCM (Another mapping clan were I eneded up as cheiftain of it for a while, till complications made me leave to Clan TDG) and im like....WTF is that thing, then seeing it come back im like o m f g die die die die ......friken gnomes RAWRRRRrrr I'll catch you yet just you wait RAWR

* KrewL RaiN runs around foram now dododododo


Quote from: KrewL RaiN on May 24, 2006, 03:06 PM
The pesky gnome left a trail of cookies to this place and I dont reely like to stay in lurk mode so here I am :P

I be the KrewL RaiN, Shaman of Clan TDG which is a Warcraft 3 Map Making Clan. Map makings is as close to game making I can get without too much headaches from learning to program that crazy stuff TT I took a Java course in high school and got owned lol, the corse before was some crazy outdated thingy called Authority and I did ok on that cause its totaly visual and leared all the basic stuff that lets me figure out Blizzards map editors ok xD I still even have trouble doing the triggers and thats were I start to pester the trigger gurus of the clan hehe, they get me back though, cause im the master terrainer of the clan. Terrain is my strongest point, and I can make stuff like this:

My lair is in Mitchell (I like to spell it MitcHELL) Ontario Canada. Im 22 (people actualy think im 13 and are totaly wtf when I say noes im 22 xD) and I only know how to speek the english......and that nonsence language people call KR speek xD. Yes I tend to be a spammer but I amz a friendly spammarg kay arr no bite no lie! I also like to draw, tiss the gift I was born with and currently trying to break out of a month long art block TT. This be the site were I post my stuff up at: http://krewl-rain.deviantart.com/

As for the dang ClanGnome, I remember it from a few years back when it kept poping up in Clan WCM (Another mapping clan were I eneded up as cheiftain of it for a while, till complications made me leave to Clan TDG) and im like....WTF is that thing, then seeing it come back im like o m f g die die die die ......friken gnomes RAWRRRRrrr I'll catch you yet just you wait RAWR

* KrewL RaiN runs around foram now dododododo

Periods (.), commas (,), and other punctuation are encouraged.

On a slightly lighter note, Hello!

KrewL RaiN

I was never good at grammer stuff xD



Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.