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So I am bored...

Started by Networks, February 26, 2006, 10:59 AM

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And thus I am willing to be almost anyone's code bitch providing you have a worthwhile project I can contribute to. The language does not matter, I'll learn it if I must. I know various programming languages and I am involved with web development. The project can be application based, web based, anything really -- so long as I get to code something. If anyone is interested in a code "bitch" for free, IM me or contact me in some manner. Or you can list your project here and I'll contact you if I think it's worthwhile. This is a rare oppurtunity to find someone dedicated as me to do what you want, I guess I'll make it a competition.


What kind of projects intrest you? like, what would you like to do.


Quote from: MyStiCaL on February 27, 2006, 06:30 PM
What kind of projects intrest you? like, what would you like to do.

Anything not battle.net bot development related is fine.


Oh god..just go to guru.com or rentacoder and make some money.
Quote from: effect on March 09, 2006, 11:52 PM
Islam is a steaming pile of fucking dog shit. Everything about it is flawed, anybody who believes in it is a terrorist, if you disagree with me, then im sorry your wrong.

Quote from: Rule on May 07, 2006, 01:30 PM
Why don't you stop being American and start acting like a decent human?


Quote from: Warrior on February 28, 2006, 05:09 PM
Oh god..just go to guru.com or rentacoder and make some money.

If you want any real money, you need to be very skilled at the job you choose. Otherwise, you may get lucky and make some petty cash, nothing special. Although I'm not saying that this is a bad idea.


You can make $200 off a single job..I think Networks is pretty skilled at what he does..so did you just state a well known fact for the sake of posting or ..?
Quote from: effect on March 09, 2006, 11:52 PM
Islam is a steaming pile of fucking dog shit. Everything about it is flawed, anybody who believes in it is a terrorist, if you disagree with me, then im sorry your wrong.

Quote from: Rule on May 07, 2006, 01:30 PM
Why don't you stop being American and start acting like a decent human?


Quote from: Warrior on February 28, 2006, 06:21 PM
You can make $200 off a single job..I think Networks is pretty skilled at what he does..so did you just state a well known fact for the sake of posting or ..?

For the sake of posting? Only on a site with so many forum trolls would someone acuse another of that.

I'd be surprised in Networks got $200 off a job on one of these sites. I'm not saying that it won't or can't happen, but I doubt he would get that much. Such money also doesn't go allow with a small job as well all know (most often), a very large application may need to be written for that kind of money. I know that Networks knows Visual Basic, but what other languages does he know? It seems that Java, C*, and a few others are currently the big money makers. Visual Basic doesn't really seem to be one of these languages IMO. Notice the "IMO"? So don't start arguing against me on that one, it's an opinion.

I think Networks doing some jobs on those sites would be a nice idea, but I don't think it is all that good for making a lot of money off of.


You obviously don't know guru.com..it's filled with a bunch of kids with money anyone can rip off. You can easily pull off $500 in a week if you were dedicated enough.
Quote from: effect on March 09, 2006, 11:52 PM
Islam is a steaming pile of fucking dog shit. Everything about it is flawed, anybody who believes in it is a terrorist, if you disagree with me, then im sorry your wrong.

Quote from: Rule on May 07, 2006, 01:30 PM
Why don't you stop being American and start acting like a decent human?


I am more interested in getting on a project that will become popular or has the potential to. I'd rather be on a project like that so I'd continually have something to do. I have various amounts of time where I do nothing and a project like that would be beneficial to me since eventually I could make money but it's definetly not a priority.

Yes I know VB6, it's something I have already strayed away from for the past 2-3 months. I've moved on C++ and PHP and I'd love to a web-based project if iI could, that's my area of most interest since it reaches out to the public in a greater way. I am definetly still interested in C++ however, I haven't programmed something in so long so it would be nice to delve into a language I haven't practiced with much and learn a lot.

If anyone needs help with something like this feel free to contact me however my restrictions are that it's not battle.net related and it has some future potential of course.


You know, the project I asked you about, while related to WoW, isn't exclusively limited to it (it has potential to be a multi-service chat client).  You could do AIM or MSN or something.  :)
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.


Quote from: MyndFyre[vL] on March 01, 2006, 05:42 PM
You know, the project I asked you about, while related to WoW, isn't exclusively limited to it (it has potential to be a multi-service chat client).  You could do AIM or MSN or something.  :)

If I did it, I'd do it for the experience in reverse engineering, contact me if it has something like that I can do.


Quote from: Networks on March 01, 2006, 05:32 PM
I am more interested in getting on a project that will become popular or has the potential to. I'd rather be on a project like that so I'd continually have something to do. I have various amounts of time where I do nothing and a project like that would be beneficial to me since eventually I could make money but it's definetly not a priority.

Yes I know VB6, it's something I have already strayed away from for the past 2-3 months. I've moved on C++ and PHP and I'd love to a web-based project if iI could, that's my area of most interest since it reaches out to the public in a greater way. I am definetly still interested in C++ however, I haven't programmed something in so long so it would be nice to delve into a language I haven't practiced with much and learn a lot.

If anyone needs help with something like this feel free to contact me however my restrictions are that it's not battle.net related and it has some future potential of course.

I'm writing a rather large chat server. The language is C and Scheme. The actual code is in Scheme, but in order to use Scheme and also have executable files, I need C. I can use C to make calls to Scheme by including Petite Scheme's scheme.h and linking to it's kernel.o.

Once I'm settled and ready to begin work, a partner would be nice. :)

A large part of the server has been written by me in the past, in Pascal. So I would start by converting that to Scheme.

If you're interested in helping out, somehow, send me a private message or talk to me on AIM.


What I am concerned with is, is joining a project that may gain popularity or something that'll be worth my time in the end. Starting a site like Slashdot or creating a downloading sharing application like BitTorrent are things that I'd be interested in, of course things like this are hard to come up with and to find anyway, I just don't want to be on a project that is doing something just for the sake of doing something, it must be useful. Yegg what's your server supposed to be used for?

Banana fanna fo fanna

Quote from: Yegg on February 28, 2006, 06:37 PM
Quote from: Warrior on February 28, 2006, 06:21 PM
You can make $200 off a single job..I think Networks is pretty skilled at what he does..so did you just state a well known fact for the sake of posting or ..?

For the sake of posting? Only on a site with so many forum trolls would someone acuse another of that.

I'd be surprised in Networks got $200 off a job on one of these sites. I'm not saying that it won't or can't happen, but I doubt he would get that much. Such money also doesn't go allow with a small job as well all know (most often), a very large application may need to be written for that kind of money. I know that Networks knows Visual Basic, but what other languages does he know? It seems that Java, C*, and a few others are currently the big money makers. Visual Basic doesn't really seem to be one of these languages IMO. Notice the "IMO"? So don't start arguing against me on that one, it's an opinion.

I think Networks doing some jobs on those sites would be a nice idea, but I don't think it is all that good for making a lot of money off of.

I made 2.5k from rentacoder on one job.


Quote from: Networks on March 01, 2006, 07:33 PM
What I am concerned with is, is joining a project that may gain popularity or something that'll be worth my time in the end. Starting a site like Slashdot or creating a downloading sharing application like BitTorrent are things that I'd be interested in, of course things like this are hard to come up with and to find anyway, I just don't want to be on a project that is doing something just for the sake of doing something, it must be useful. Yegg what's your server supposed to be used for?

Isn't that just about everyones goal? I know it's mine. heh.