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Started by TriCk, May 25, 2003, 02:54 AM

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How do u add commands into a queue
Reminder im using csb if that comes into it...
I wanna know how to add like ban's to a queue like channel protection ... which i have got working except it sometimes floods out from sending too many ban's when flooding is happening etc... can someone please help me with the code for this??
I'm told i need modules/arrays... but i dont know arrays well...



So Can Anyone do it ??
Will it need a ListBox or something to queue the users?


Suggestion: Collection


Try searching the forums before you ask questions.  I have already posted code that solves this problem in a previous thread.  


Cuphead also posted Message Queue code samples in his forum.


I also gave a very simple but not the correct way to queue to a listbox


or one could just use a single string. but that's not the point! the point is...wait, what is the point?