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[C++] Compiling BNCSUtil with Dev C++

Started by TheNewOne, February 07, 2006, 01:32 AM

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Alright im currently using the latest version of dev c++ and while compiling bncsutil I come up with and error on this line of my make file.

$(BIN): $(LINKOBJ) <~ Error Occures Here
$(DLLWRAP) --output-def $(DEFFILE) --driver-name c++ --implib $(STATICLIB) $(LINKOBJ) $(LIBS) -o $(BIN)

Any Help Is Much Appreciated.


That line works fine for me.  Perhaps your variable definitions are wrong.

Incidentally, how did you get Dev-C++ to compile bncsutil?  It's an IDE, so it cannot compile anything.

[Edit: somehow lost a question mark.  Fixed.]
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


GNU (g++, specifically) compile it fine for me as well.  I'm inclined to agree with Kp on this one.
Grif: Yeah, and the people in the red states are mad because the people in the blue states are mean to them and want them to pay money for roads and schools instead of cool things like NASCAR and shotguns.  Also, there's something about ketchup in there.


Quote from: rabbit on February 07, 2006, 06:59 PM
GNU (g++, specifically) compile it fine for me as well.  I'm inclined to agree with Kp on this one.



Very histarical, inwhich I thought you guys being such programmers could simply put 1+1 together to realize I was not infact compiling with Dev C++, but inwhich I was using the ide's compile menu item, which could infact use any compiler it wanted. The fact remains on the error I am getting when this event occurs. And that is the error line im returned.

Also to include to this here is the exact error returned not jsut the error line.

30 C:\Dev-Cpp\Makefile.win [Build Error] *** multiple target patterns.  Stop.


Quote from: TheNewOne on February 07, 2006, 09:08 PM
Very histarical, inwhich I thought you guys being such programmers could simply put 1+1 together to realize I was not infact compiling with Dev C++, but inwhich I was using the ide's compile menu item, which could infact use any compiler it wanted. The fact remains on the error I am getting when this event occurs. And that is the error line im returned.

Also to include to this here is the exact error returned not jsut the error line.

30 C:\Dev-Cpp\Makefile.win [Build Error] *** multiple target patterns.  Stop.

I can't parse the allegedly English text in this post (or more precisely, I can, but the effort required to do so exceeds my desire to know what was said), but the error text is quite clear.  Your make is not able to handle the rule which results from expanding the line which you previously posted.  As I said, it's a problem with your variables.  Given that, we can't help you because we don't know the values of those variables in your Makefie.
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!