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[SphtBotv3]Error processing SID_0000!

Started by HoSiNo-MiKi, February 03, 2006, 12:31 PM

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What's Happen?  cant login @_@
*My BNLS is set "www.valhallalegends.com "
[02:30:08] SphtBotv3 - Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Spht - version 1.00 build 269.
[02:30:08] A Valhalla Legends production (www.valhallalegends.com).
[02:30:08] Loading plugins...
[02:30:08] UDP communication subsystem online.
[02:30:08] Connecting to BotNet server botnet.valhallalegends.com...
[02:30:08] Connected to BotNet!
[02:30:08] BotNet communication protocol set to Kp_Version_1.
[02:30:11] Successfully logged on to BotNet account!
[02:30:11] Unrecognized BotNet packet BNC_003A received:
0000:  00 00 00 03 00 00 00 2F 19 06 00 69 6E 69 74 00   ......./...init.
0010:  42 6F 74 4E 65 74 43 6F 6E 74 72 6F 6C 00 FF FF   BotNetControl.
0020:  FF FF 69 6E 69 74 00 42 6F 74 4E 65 74 43 6F 6E   init.BotNetCon
0030:  74 72 6F 6C 00 01 06 43 00 07 00 00 00 03 00 00   trol...C........
0040:  00 02 00 00 00 44 69 73 63 6C 61 69 6D 65 72 00   .....Disclaimer.
0050:  4F 70 20 44 69 73 63 6C 61 69 6D 65 72 00 3F CA   Op Disclaimer.?.
0060:  43 69 73 63 6C 61 69 6D 65 72 00 44 69 73 63 6C   .isclaimer.Discl
0070:  61 69 6D 65 72 00 01 06 3B 00 06 00 00 00 03 00   aimer...;.......
0080:  00 00 00 00 00 00 5B 76 4C 5D 00 3C 4E 6F 74 20   ......[vL].<Not
0090:  6C 6F 67 67 65 64 20 6F 6E 3E 00 3F 53 09 5B 76   logged on>.?..[v
00A0:  4C 5D 57 65 73 74 00 5B 76 4C 5D 77 65 73 74 00   L]West.[vL]west.
00B0:  01 06 33 00 05 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ..3.............
00C0:  5B 76 4C 5D 00 3C 4E 6F 74 20 6C 6F 67 67 65 64   [vL].<Not logged
00D0:  20 6F 6E 3E 00 3F CA 5B 76 4C 5D 00 5B 76 4C 5D    on>.?..vL].[vL]
00E0:  00 01 06 33 00 02 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 02 00 04   ...3............
00F0:  00 42 4E 4C 53 00 3C 4E 6F 74 20 6C               .BNLS.<Not l
[02:30:17] Connecting to Battle.net server asia.battle.net...
[02:30:17] Connected to Battle.net!
[02:30:17] Connecting to Battle.net logon server www.valhallalegends.com...
[02:30:18] Connected to Battle.net logon server!
[02:30:18] Disconnected from Battle.net logon server!
[02:30:18] Error processing SID_0000!

[02:30:18] Error processing SID_0000!

[02:30:18] Error processing SID_0000!

[02:30:18] Error processing SID_0000!

[02:30:18] Error processing SID_0000!

[02:30:18] Error processing SID_0000!


I'm awake in the infinite cold.

[13:41:45]<@Fapiko> Why is TehUser asking for wang pictures?
[13:42:03]<@TehUser> I wasn't asking for wang pictures, I was looking at them.
[13:47:40]<@TehUser> Mine's fairly short.


www.valhallalegends.com should work too.

Anyway, that looks like a multibyte system related error.  What operating system are you using and what language is it set to?  Not to be bias, but "@_@" makes me think you could be Korean, so you could try setting your system language to English.

Although I thought SphtBotv3 supported multibyte configurations...


I use 繁體中文(Traditional Chinese) Windows XP  ;D

I try to use MS AppLocale to change language to English and run SphtBotv3,
it is the same :'(
and at this time Program 100% was down ( No Response )
Sorry my English is too Bad and hard to read SphtBotv3's web and Forums   :'(
but I will use dictionary  :)
(PS : i put it at C:\  , not at under Chinese file)
00F0:  00 42 4E 4C 53 00 3C 4E 6F 74 20 6C               .BNLS.<Not l
[09:00:36] Connecting to Battle.net server asia.battle.net...
[09:00:36] Connected to Battle.net!
[09:00:36] Connecting to Battle.net logon server bnls.valhallalegends.com...
[09:00:36] Connected to Battle.net logon server!
[09:00:36] Error processing SID_0000!

[09:00:36] Error processing SID_0000!

[09:00:36] Error processing SID_0000!

[09:00:36] Error processing SID_0000!

[09:00:36] Error processing SID_0000!

[09:00:36] Error processing SID_0000!
( Logs very long and at this time Program was down )


Moving to Computer Support Issues.  Someone there might be able to help.


have other bot can use on warcraft3 TFT battle.net ? ( chat or bot )


Try Microsoft AppLocale. When confronted with a multibyte system, StealthBot just hangs for no reason while connecting, and I've recommended it to a few people -- none of which have come back to the forums to let me know whether or not it worked.
- Stealth
Author of StealthBot


Quote from: HoSiNo-MiKi on February 03, 2006, 07:13 PM
I use 繁體中文(Traditional Chinese) Windows XP?;D

I try to use MS AppLocale to change language to English and run SphtBotv3,
it is the same :'(
and at this time Program 100% was down ( No Response )
Sorry my English is too Bad and hard to read SphtBotv3's web and Forums??'(
but I will use dictionary?:)
(PS : i put it at C:\ , not at under Chinese file)
00F0:?00 42 4E 4C 53 00 3C 4E 6F 74 20 6C????????BNLS.<Not l
[09:00:36] Connecting to Battle.net server asia.battle.net...
[09:00:36] Connected to Battle.net!
[09:00:36] Connecting to Battle.net logon server bnls.valhallalegends.com...
[09:00:36] Connected to Battle.net logon server!
[09:00:36] Error processing SID_0000!

[09:00:36] Error processing SID_0000!

[09:00:36] Error processing SID_0000!

[09:00:36] Error processing SID_0000!

[09:00:36] Error processing SID_0000!

[09:00:36] Error processing SID_0000!
( Logs very long and at this time Program was down )

I already try to use that   :'(

StealthBot just hangs for no reason while connecting, and I've recommended it to a few people -- none of which have come back to the forums to let me know whether or not it worked.
English is too hard for me  :'(
dunno what's  meaning  :'(


Quote from: HoSiNo-MiKi on February 04, 2006, 02:42 AM
StealthBot just hangs for no reason while connecting, and I've recommended it to a few people -- none of which have come back to the forums to let me know whether or not it worked.
English is too hard for me  :'(
dunno what's  meaning  :'(

Apparently it's too hard for me too, or I wouldn't have posted something you already tried! sigh.

Don't worry about that last bit. It was just some background information.
- Stealth
Author of StealthBot


so, i cant use this bot = =
really not other kind bot or chat can sue on the Warcraft3 battle.net?




I'm going to guess DarkMinion didn't write it using a Unicode font. When I was messing around on a computer at church trying to display some Hebrew on the projector, I had to use Arial over Times New Roman. I don't know if you can change the font in DMBot, but if you can, then do. Otherwise, request this feature or a modified version of the bot in DM's forum. He seems like a nice enough guy.
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.