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[BNCS] Packet 0x44 Subcommand 0x01

Started by PaiD, January 08, 2006, 03:52 AM

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Client To Server
FF 44 1c 00 00 01 00 00 00 00  A.H....D........
00 00 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 08 a3 c8 ec 00 20 00  .............. .
00 00   

Server To Client
ff 44 0f 00 00 01 00 00 00 00  ..G....D........
00 00 00 00 00                        .....

Was packet logging Warcraft III and recieved this. Any Ideas?

Battle.Net also sent more (found later)

ff 44 43 00 01 01 00 00 00 00  .......DC.......
00 00 00 3f f0 ca d8 e0 17 c0 4f 00 00 49 d6 42  ...?......O..I.B
e4 06 00 00 4d 61 70 73 5c 28 34 29 4c 6f 73 74  ....Maps\(4)Lost
54 65 6d 70 6c 65 2e 77 33 6d 00 ff ff ff ff 4f  Temple.w3m.....O
4c 4f 53 02 00 00 00 02 02                       LOS......


The first on is you doing an anongame search request vor an "1v1 Play Game".
So the 2nd on is just the server reply to this.

The third on is the server telling you it found a PG for you to join in. You are asked to connect on IP "3f f0 ca d8" PORT "e0 17" (6112). It also tells you which map will be played.



UL: I dont know. I thought you (as in vL Forums) didnt want w3 ingame protocol discussed. Figured it would be deleted. Correct me if I am wrong (b/c if I am not, I am stuck) :p


Quote from: Savior on January 10, 2006, 07:55 PM
UL: I dont know. I thought you (as in vL Forums) didnt want w3 ingame protocol discussed. Figured it would be deleted. Correct me if I am wrong (b/c if I am not, I am stuck) :p

This clearly isn't war3 ingame protocol.  It's a bncs message


yea this isnt w3 ingame. but it will be leading to it


You should do WoW after you're done doing W3 gaming


Quote from: Elneroth on January 12, 2006, 12:19 AM
You should do WoW after you're done doing W3 gaming

Been there, done that.  WoW isn't all that fun to do


Discussing on the forum will come in use for others later.


Quote from: Spilled[DW] on January 12, 2006, 01:09 AM
Discussing on the forum will come in use for others later.

I highly doubt that WoW reversal will be a MAJOR component to discussion on this forum.  There are plenty of skilled people here, but a lot of members have too much fun on WoW.  Plus, while Blizzard could posture all they wanted to about reverse engineering for Battle.net, they actually have recourse with WoW.
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.


I'll post what I know about this packets structure when I am back at home on monday.


C->S: (0x44 subcommand 0x00)

    BYTE            subcommand   /* 0x00 for anongame search */
    DWORD           count        /* Goes up each time client clicks search */
    DWORD           unknown
    BYTE            type         /* 0 = PG  , 1 = AT  , 2 = TY  */
    BYTE            gametype     /* 0 = 1v1 , 1 = 2v2 , 2 = 3v3 , 3 = 4v4 , 4 = ffa */
    DWORD           map_prefs    /* map preferences bitmask */
    BYTE            unknown
    DWORD           unknown      /* some id identifying the client ?*/
    DWORD           race         /* 1 = H , 2 = O , 4 = N , 8 = U , 0x20 = R */

S->C (0x44 subcommand 0x00)

    BYTE            subcommand   /* 0x00 for anongame search */
    DWORD           count        /* same as sent by client */
    DWORD           reply        /* usually 0 */
    WORD          avgtime        /* for some time this was the average search time in seconds */

S->C (0x44 subcommand 0x01)

    BYTE            subcommand   /* 0x01 for anongame found reply */
    DWORD           count        /* same as sent by client in subcommand 0x00 */
    DWORD           unknown      /* 00 00 00 00 */
    DWORD           ip
    WORD            port
    DWORD           unknown
    DWORD           id           /* random val for identifying client */
    BYTE            unknown
    BYTE            type         /* 0 = PG  , 1 = AT  , 2 = TY */
    BYTE            gametype     /* for PG - 0 = 1v1 , 1 = 2v2 , 2 = 3v3 , 3 = 4v4 , 4 = sffa
                                  * for AT - 0 = 2v2 , 2 = 3v3 , 3 = 4v3 */
    STRING          mapname
    DWORD           unknown      /* 0xFFFFFFFF */
    DWORD           anongame_type     /* ie. SOLO, TEAM, 2VS2, etc. */
    BYTE            totalplayers
    BYTE            totalteams        /* 1v1 & sffa = 0, rest 2 */
    WORD            unknown           /* 0x0000 */
    BYTE            visibility        /* 0x01 = dark - 0x02 = default */
    BYTE            unknown           /* 0x02 */