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Bowl Recap

Started by Hazard, January 03, 2006, 10:44 AM

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Well I was gone for quite a while and couldn't get here in time to do my bowl picks, so lets all just do a re-cap of the bowls that we watched when its over. I'm going to wait until after The Rose Bowl to do all of mine at once, but fire away if you want.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Yeah, same, I think I'll wait


Friggin GREAT game FSU played against PSU.  No excuses, and none needed, it was a head-banging, helmet-losing good contest.  You could probably find 10-12 plays throughout the game where either team could have won it, so it is wrong to point to any one play as the deciding factor.  Best game I've watched all year, and even though I've watched very few this year compared to most years, I don't think it would change how I saw this game.  Highly likely these two coaches will never meet on the field again as opponents, making it all the more special.  Both teams played out of their minds and nobody ever gave up.  It's good to be a Seminole after a game like that!  (always, but especially)

Mike, someone at work had a question about the Alabama game.  OK, his question is, what happened?  Why was the decision made to go to the 2-minute prevent defense, which of course prevented nothing?  He's not asking in an antagonistic way, just wants to know the logic and what the coaches were thinking.  Will you be interviewing them or have you already? (Texas Tech coaches, that is, or players).  I'm curious as well, but I didn't get to see the game.


We didn't change defenses, our corners generally give a larger than normal cushion in our base defense, which allowed them to throw several short dumps and we did not tackle well as we had been all game.  Bad time to slip up.


Okay well I just finished the Title Game so I'll recap now:

The Championship lived up to my expectations. Hard fighting by both teams for 4 quarters, congratulations to Texas for pulling it off. They got lucky IMO, but congratulations anyway.

Ups to Nebraska on the win, even though it was sketchy as hell. Sun Belt officals should not be in a game that big, end of story.

Miami got SMOKED by LSU. Larry Coker is incapable of motivating his team to play as one, and it showed. Good show by LSU.

The Outback Bowl with Iowa vs. Florida was also phenominal. Great play by both teams, and some very questionable calls on both sides by the offials. They point to the offsides on the onside kick, but lets not forget the BEYOND generous two yard spot given to Iowa on the preceeding drive. Gatos pulled out a great win to cap off a very respectable season. Go Gators.

Texas Tech and 'Bama. I told you so. 'Bama faded down the stretch after so much talk about them being so impossible to beat in the regular season. They got lucky on yet another last second field goal in a game they didn't neccessarily deserve to win.

Va Tech came back on Louisville, they should have crushed them.

I can't believe Auburn lost to Wisconsin after the season they've had. War Eagle.

WVU beating Georgia was also another great game, looked like the Dawgs might just come back. Maybe next year Mark Richt.

HAHA! Brady Quinn lost. Ohio State's defense played fantastic though, all the credit in the world to them.

HAHA! Bowden lost. JoePa was pissed the whole damn game because of the lousy calls and stupid penalties that his team had to face but thats allright. Reid had a nice punt return there that was the only reason FSU was in that game. PSU played well enough to win, just like they did all year. Glad to see the Nittany Lions win one for a change. It didn't help that FSU's Nicholson got sent home, but hey buddy you might call it "downtown romance" up at the scene of the crime aka Tallahasee, but in the rest of the universe we call it rape.

All in all, a fantastic Bowl season that lived up to the hype. Congrats to the winners, and to the losers, maybe next year.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


QuoteTexas Tech and 'Bama. I told you so

Ahem, good post, but you didn't "tell us so"...posted not too long ago regarding Alabama:

QuoteYes, and look at where they are. BCS Contreversy bound?


Just when I was going to post that Hazard seems to have matured about college football, based on a post he made in the last couple days, I come back and read this pile of shit he posts during the middle of the night.  He turns into a typical one-team fan, and worse, a typical Gator fan, with all adulation towards his one team, and jibes at any team that has fans which might read his post.  Notably Texas Tech and FSU.  Florida State played lights-out and kept the #3 team in the nation sweating until the 3rd OT, but they were lucky to be in it?  What an idiot.  Way to ruin any positive view I had of your football knowledge.  You just turned yourself back into the flamer that you've been known for the last few years on here.  As far as Nicholson, wait for some facts, which none of us have right now.  Rapists don't cooperate fully with the police.  This is far more likely a 19-year old girl who either changed her mind the next day, or is out for some settlement money from a top draft pick headed for the NFL.


I think I'm going to go with what I have. A football player should be smart enough to keep his nose clean and clear of situations like he put himself in, he just wasn't smart enough.

Lights out football? You mean tough defense, and thats about the gist of it.

I'd rather be a typical Gator fan that a typical FSU fan. You know, the kind without arrests for rape and possession?

Quotea top draft pick headed for the NFL.

He'll fit right in up in Minnesota won't he?

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


ok good luck with that choice.


Oh I will. Better a typical Gator than a common Criminole.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


*sigh* back to your old ways.
there goes all hope out the window.

btw I meant to say typical non-alum Gator fan.  I know a number of Gators that graduated from UF and we have a lot of good fun together with occasional rivalry ribbing but nothing foul like you do.  We have respect for each other and it is typically the bandwagon fans such as yourself that give the bad name to each school's fan base.  Really you need to grow up.


You need to go to a Gator game. Don't jump on me because you've reached the point that your youthful fire and passion for college football has been extinguished. Gator fans are and always will be rabid, The Swamp isn't one of the hardest college stadiums to play in for nothing.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne