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Something odd

Started by Denial, January 02, 2006, 11:28 PM

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Exactly but that isn't part of the conversation of this thread. Apparnently it is ip-based and it happens from what i've tested by any normal type of disconnection that gets you ip banned for more then a duration of 15.6 minutes long.
Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea

Mesiah / haiseM

I beleive what you're encountering is the delay between server-server communication linking. For example, say you connect to use-bna-chat02.battle.net and get disconnected and temporarily restricted from connection on that gateway for 15-20 minutes (Don't remember the exact time..) During that time, if you try switching the server to use-bna-chat10.battle.net, it will allow you to connect, but it will disconnect you soon after. You may be able to send 0x50, 0x51, you might not. If you were to switch realms though, you would be able to log on fine. As far as the number of clients being able to load per IP, it is 8 for a binary connection. If you use the chat gateway, battle.net will disconnect one of your binary connections if all 8 are in use (IIRC...) If you get disconnected for any reason other than flooding, rest assure your IP will be temporarily banned from connecting to battle.net on that specific realm. One of my older bots used a method i dubbed "Smart Server Switching". If you got disconnected for flooding or some other reason, and are unable to connect to the gateway within a 2 minute period of time; after 3 consecutive attempts, it will switch servers from the nslookup on that same realm. Then, if after 5 connects from random servers on that same realm fail, it displayed a message to wait about 30 minutes to try logging onto that realm again. Then it prompted the user to switch realms (To usWEST for example..) The more you try to connect on a server or realm you have been banned from, the longer the delay. If your cdkey owner name is the same for all cdkeys, battle.net will disconnect one for each failed attempt you make. It is always good to change cdkey owner strings if the cdkey is different. This has been my experience, and may be somewhat outdated... hope this helps..
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It's not that.  I can load 6, but then when I load the 7th, the 1st drops and the 2nd-7th all work fine.  If I reconnect the 1st ("1b"), the 2nd drops, and everything else works.  Etc...
Grif: Yeah, and the people in the red states are mad because the people in the blue states are mean to them and want them to pay money for roads and schools instead of cool things like NASCAR and shotguns.  Also, there's something about ketchup in there.


Mesiah / haiseM what you just said was nothing to the point.

We are talking about when you get ip banned for example: switching cdkeys to fast you will be banned for around 18 to 42 minutes from my experience. Once that bot connects back to b-net it forces another connection off battle.net and battle.net lets you only load 1 less then you could before so if you could load 8 total bots off your ip then you can now only load 7 ... if you repeat it you can now only load 6 and so on.
Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea


I have also had this problem Denial. It's happened to me on more than one occasion. One time, I left it for about a week (just to see if it was an IP ban that would be removed) and I was still not able to initiate more than 6 connections and when the 7th connected, one of the others would drop. Changing my IP seemed to be the only way around it, but I guess it would have been interesting to see how long it would have lasted.

I assume it is some kind of new IP ban that Blizzard are going to introduce <shrugs>.
^-----silly Brit


This happened me to me I think last summer or the summer before that, i was restricted to 3 connections to my IP once. It lasted for a long time too.


Quote from: Eternal on January 12, 2006, 01:44 AM
I have also had this problem Denial. It's happened to me on more than one occasion. One time, I left it for about a week (just to see if it was an IP ban that would be removed) and I was still not able to initiate more than 6 connections and when the 7th connected, one of the others would drop. Changing my IP seemed to be the only way around it, but I guess it would have been interesting to see how long it would have lasted.

I assume it is some kind of new IP ban that Blizzard are going to introduce <shrugs>.
I've been restricted to 4 on east for almost a month now.  Bastards.
Grif: Yeah, and the people in the red states are mad because the people in the blue states are mean to them and want them to pay money for roads and schools instead of cool things like NASCAR and shotguns.  Also, there's something about ketchup in there.