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Chat sending

Started by Slugger69, May 16, 2003, 10:57 PM

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I fixed an ethbot and got it loaded on BNet v1.10 but when i type it sends the text on the bot screen and shows it there but i go to bnet and it isnt there. Any help?


With PBuffer
    .InsertNTString TextToSendToBattleNet
    .SendPacket &HE
End With

Check out http://www.valhallalegends.com/arta/bnetdocs/


which script does that go under? thnks


Well, what do you think? It's hardly difficult to figure out...

When do you wanna send text to Battle.net? When the user presses Enter. So, put that in the appropriate event handler.


Btw: Maybe you're using a muted account/cdkey?


no its the key i use on bnet but i type on it shows it on the bot screen just not on bnet. i tried arta's idea but i try to talk and it says debug and it highlights
   .InsertNTString TextToSendToBattleNet


Sounds violently dangerous.

Let go of VB.


*Yoni deserves +1 for the letting go comment*
^-----silly Brit


2 possibilites I am thinking of:
1) You are displaying the text before you are sending it. With my bot, I wait to receive what I have sent before displaying it (the log will be more accurate that way). And either bnet is not sending it to people or you are not sendning it to bnet.
2)Bnet tells you what you say even when what you have said is truncated or is too long and they do not send it to everyone else. Possibly you are sending a bunch of extra characters (since you are using VB, this is likely), and you do not even know about it.


Quote from: Undeference on May 20, 2003, 04:42 PM
2 possibilites I am thinking of:
1) You are displaying the text before you are sending it. With my bot, I wait to receive what I have sent before displaying it (the log will be more accurate that way). And either bnet is not sending it to people or you are not sendning it to bnet.
2)Bnet tells you what you say even when what you have said is truncated or is too long and they do not send it to everyone else. Possibly you are sending a bunch of extra characters (since you are using VB, this is likely), and you do not even know about it.
it would just cut off the end..

Mesiah / haiseM

yeah, and disconnected/possibly ip banned based on how big the message was...

phear 0x19...
]HighBrow Innovations
Coming soon...

AIM Online Status: 


no it recieves the messages from users in the channels but i cant get the chat to send the script for text sending is:

Private Sub txtSend_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If KeyAscii = 127 Then MsgBox "del"
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
  KeyAscii = 0
End Sub

My friend said this would work:

Public Sub Send(ByVal Data As String, Optional UnHide As Boolean)

Dim WaitTime As Long

If Data = "" Then Data = " "
Dim strData As String
WaitTime = RequiredDelay(Len(Data))
Dim lSendDelay As String
lSendDelay = WaitTime
   Exit Sub
If UnHide = True Then
strData = strData & Chr(1) & "1" ' a null follow by "1" to show
End If

End Sub

I hit enter after typing and it doesnt even make that text go away...


um.. undeference, i'm pretty sure bnet doesn't echo back what you send


didnt say it did i said i can recieve chat just not send chat.


Quote from: Noodlez on May 20, 2003, 10:10 PMi'm pretty sure bnet doesn't echo back what you send
Remember that the chat sessions do.

Quote from: Slugger69 on May 21, 2003, 01:03 PMi can recieve chat just not send chat.
When you try to send chat, do you get disconnected from Battle.net? If so, it's most likely that you've a malformed packet header, or a message who's length is quite beyond the message length limit. If not, then you are not actually sending the text.

Either way, you should breakpoint your sending methods/functions and follow along until you can figure it out, all of this is assuming you're not using CleanSlateBot. If you're using CleanSlateBot, then go do something which is a little more... simple.
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?
