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Question for Grok

Started by Crypt, December 24, 2002, 11:48 AM

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Grok I saw a while back Menace in vL tags i was wondering if he was actually in vL. He said he quit Fear and WoLF to join vL. I was curiousa because i know a few people who despise him. So if you can inform ema that would be great.


He's not.

If it comes up again, tell him to join "clan [vL]" .. he'll get banned if tag is fake
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Unless I've forgotten someone, all current and prior members are listed on the members page.  This should remove any questions of someone's legitimacy.


Thanks i wasn't sure. BTW Menace will never be on bnet again i think he in jail or something. I have to talk to shadeux about that.


Menace joined the marines.  What is this about jail?


He got kicked out of his house i heard and moved to texas and last i heard he got in trouble with the cops while he was drunk.