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Chris Bell Chooses Penn State

Started by hismajesty, November 04, 2005, 01:49 PM

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Chris Bell chose Penn State over UVa a couple of weeks ago, and announced it at his press conference. (Link to article/video: Click)

I'm not sure if anyone here has heard of him, but today was his All-American ceremony and I figured I'd bring it up. Yeah, he goes to my school, and I also had the pleasure of getting beaned by him when I was like 11 and he was pitching (Baseball). Anyway, he goes to my school.

I think he's rated 2nd or 3rd in VA too. I'm not sure about his work ethics for football, but I know for track he only went to 2 or 3 of the practices. He's obviously too arrogant to practice, so as cool as it is to have an all-American coming from your school and stuff, I really hope the college coaches whip some respect into him. He isn't really that nice, unless you're one of his homies.

A lot of people were kinda mad because the ceremony today was held for the senior class. Of course, it's required by the government for the school to hold one since the award is given by the Army. However, most kids don't know that and thought it was pretty much bs. I would have liked to have gone though.

He also failed his English SOL (Standards of Learning; it's a state test that tests the minimum knowledge you need, English is like the easiest one.) - this also angered those since he's getting a full ride to Penn State. If you watch the video, you can see proof that he failed. Hah.

The lady next to him is his mom, the bald one. I don't like her either. Back when I played baseball, I was playing wall ball with myself and she got mad that I didn't let her..like 5 year old kid play. She also almost got into a fight with a parent from my team because supposedly the kid on my team said something to Chris I think? Then the lady from my team yelled "K" (short for Kyle, nickname) and Chris' mom thought she was saying "KKK" or something. It would have been a good fight.

Yeah. So, opinions? :P


Kind of like Vince Young, who scored a 840 on his SAT.