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Interesting article

Started by Dynobird, October 11, 2005, 04:29 PM

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There are a bunch of "is evil" articles.

I believe that sets/gets should still obviously be used, for information that is absolutely stuck in one form (like CD-key, for instance, will never have to be changed, Blizzard would never change the amount of characters in a CD-Key or the acceptable characters etc.). But it's interesting how it's more efficient to do the method he proposed (which I am still reading to better understand!) It allows you (let's say that Blizz did change the acceptable characters or length of cd-key) to make changes in only one class instead of all the classes/objects that use this information. Things are more localized now. Also, he says that using gets to return an object with an interface is a good idea. This is a common design pattern, and it doesn't just return a specific piece of information, it returns an object's interface. I'm going to read more on this, to better understand his new design strategy; I don't have much time now, but I thought I'd pass it by you guys.