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[VB][Solved]Channel List sorting- how to improve?

Started by Don Cullen, September 24, 2005, 04:54 PM

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Don Cullen

The code I have works fine, but it flickers alot while it does mass resorting everytime people join or leave the channel, so I'm wondering if there's anyway to improve the code, or is there an alterative way to sort the channel list? The channel list I have is a listview by the way. You'll also see the duplication avoidance code I put in place- if you know of a better way, I'm open to suggestions. The one I have works, but if there's an alternative, that'd be more than welcome.

Sorting code:
Public Sub SortList(ctlListView As ListView, intColulunHeaderIndex As Integer, Optional Ascending As Boolean, Optional Descending As Boolean)
   ctlListView.Sorted = True
   ctlListView.SortKey = intColulunHeaderIndex
   If Ascending = True Then
       ctlListView.SortOrder = lvwAscending
   ElseIf Descending = True Then
       ctlListView.SortOrder = lvwDescending
       If ctlListView.SortOrder = lvwAscending Then
           ctlListView.SortOrder = lvwDescending
           ctlListView.SortOrder = lvwAscending
       End If
   End If
End Sub

Section in user join handlers code:

                Case &H2
                    'User entered
                    On Error GoTo skipuserenteredadd
                    Set list_item = DMBot.lstChanView.ListItems.Add(, Username, "")
                    If Flags And &H20 Then
                        SortOrder = 6 'Squelched
                        icons = 10
                    ElseIf Flags And &H40 Then
                        SortOrder = 4                 'blizz guest
                    ElseIf Flags And &H4 Then
                        SortOrder = 3 'speaker
                    ElseIf Flags And &H2 Then
                        SortOrder = 2 'op
                        icons = 3
                    ElseIf Flags And &H8 Then
                        SortOrder = 1 'bnet rep
                    ElseIf Flags And &H1 Then
                        SortOrder = 0 'blizz rep
                        SortOrder = 5
                        UserProduct = Mid(TextString, 1, 4)
                        If UserProduct = "PXES" Then
                            icons = 1
                        ElseIf UserProduct = "RATS" Then
                            icons = 4
                        ElseIf UserProduct = "PX3W" Then
                            icons = 8
                        ElseIf UserProduct = "3RAW" Then
                            icons = 6
                            Icon = 1
                        End If
                    End If
                    list_item.SmallIcon = icons
                    list_item.SubItems(1) = Username
                    list_item.SubItems(2) = Ping
                    list_item.SubItems(3) = SortOrder
                    MainModule.SortList DMBot.lstChanView, 3, True, False
                    ChannelCount = ChannelCount + 1
                    AddC vbGreen, Username & " has entered the channel."
                    Username = ""
                    If Err.Number <> 35602 And Err.Number <> 0 Then
                        AddC vbRed, "RTE: " & Err.Number & ", Err Dscrp: " & Err.Description
                    End If

Thanks for any and all ideas/advice, and also for reading this, in advance!

Don't wonder why people suddenly are hostile when you treat them the way they shouldn't be- it's called 'Mutual Respect'.




Oh-my bad, I didn't even read the code lol I just thought that redrawing it removed the flicker


I wrote a channel list sorting thing that worked fine...and then I lost it.

But what I did was avoid any sorting code at all. When someone joins the channel, it puts them (and everyone else) in the right place. I wrote a sub to do this and called it when Bnet sent me the users in channel and when a user joined. I used some different code for when a user aquired ops.


I think you can disable the listview before making changes to it to avoid the flicker as well. (.Enabled = False)
- Stealth
Author of StealthBot

Don Cullen

Thanks Stealth! While it didn't eliminate the flickering, that certainly reduced it by alot.

Don't wonder why people suddenly are hostile when you treat them the way they shouldn't be- it's called 'Mutual Respect'.


You should use LockWindowUpdate to disable the flickering.

Call LockWindowUpdate(ctlListView.hWnd)
' stuff..
Call LockWindowUpdate(0)