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[Solved] S -> C 0x06 Problems

Started by Tazo, September 17, 2005, 09:59 PM

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To grab  the ValueString out of 0x06, I did this:

               Case &H6
                    AddText vbWhite, "S -> C [0x06 SID_STARTVERSIONING]"
                    MPQName = Mid(Data, InStr(1, Data, "IX86ver"), Len(Data))
                    HashCommand = Mid(MPQName, 12)
                    MPQName = Mid(MPQName, 1, 12)

Where HashCommand is the ValueString. This is my 0x07.

Public Sub Packet7()
Dim version As Long
Dim checksum As Long
Dim exeinfo As String
Dim RevisionCheck As Long
RevisionCheck = z(App.Path & "\SSHR\starcraft.exe", App.Path & "\SSHR\storm.dll", App.Path & "\SSHR\battle.snp", HashCommand, version, checksum, exeinfo, MPQName)
With Pbuffer
    .InsertNonNTString "68XI"
    .InsertNonNTString "RHSS"
    .InsertDWORD &HA5
    .InsertDWORD version
    .InsertDWORD checksum
    .InsertNTString exeinfo
    .SendPacket &H7
End With
End Sub

Upon sending 0x07, I get 0x0 back (Failed version check). Any ideas..? I think i might be retreiving the Value String wrong..
Thanks in advance!

Nevermind, I was supposed to grab the value string starting at 14, not 12. my bad