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Inform me please.

Started by DeviL, May 08, 2003, 03:29 PM

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Hello, my Battle.net Account is DeviL, i sometimes come in to vL Channel to discuss with some of the members, i had the 'F' Flag for all thats worth, recently i've been Autobanned but according to my knowledge, for no reason... :(. But before thinking im here to beg for the removal of the Autoban Flag, just hear me out. I have meant no disrespect to ANY members of the Clan and I also realize that the Channel is for its members and you shouldn't care about others. Therefor, I am not asking to be unbanned, i just wanted to know if i caused any disrespect to anyone in the Clan or the Channel...I realize this is probably not the best way to approach the subject...but since i feel i shouldn't "evade" the banning I'm trying the only approach i see possible.

Well Thanks for the information if you can help me and sorry again if i'm annoying you  :-\


Quote04/20/2003 16:49:56 0 <*[vL]Kp> kick devil
04/20/2003 16:52:59 0 <*[vL]Kp> ban devil
04/20/2003 16:58:00 0 <[vL]DarkVirus> unban devil
04/20/2003 16:58:11 0 <[vL]DarkVirus> setuser devil +f
04/20/2003 16:58:16 0 <[vL]DarkVirus> find devil
04/20/2003 17:12:51 0 <*Rebby[vL]> ban devil bah
04/20/2003 17:18:08 0 <Rebby[vL]> ban devil
04/20/2003 17:18:26 0 <Rebby[vL]> ban devil
04/20/2003 17:18:41 0 <iago[vL]> unban DeviL
04/20/2003 17:19:00 0 <*Rebby[vL]> setuser devil B

Looks like Rebby did it, just because I unbanned you after you were banned.  You'd have to ask him to take it off, but you never really offended anybody :-)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


lol, seems i was just a target  :'(
Thanks iago  ;)
you too Rebby   :-\ Even if i never spoke to you before  :P