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Prank Phone Calls Made Easy

Started by DeTaiLs, August 26, 2005, 09:45 PM

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This is an easy to way to make a prank phone from your computer. Its for people who can not speak or hard of hearing.

This is the lingo

This where you make the actaull call, they will say anything you type


Ugh. bsd used this to prank call someone on TehIRCd. (Invert, maybe?)

I think it's horrible that you'd abuse a service meant for the disabled.
- Newby

Quote[17:32:45] * xar sets mode: -oooooooooo algorithm ban chris cipher newby stdio TehUser tnarongi|away vursed warz
[17:32:54] * xar sets mode: +o newby
[17:32:58] <xar> new rule
[17:33:02] <xar> me and newby rule all

Quote<TehUser> Man, I can't get Xorg to work properly.  This sucks.
<torque> you should probably kill yourself
<TehUser> I think I will.  Thanks, torque.


Yeah this is stupid. Infact one of my friends used iprelay to call publix and told them my name and that i got food poisoning from a jello tapioca pudding... later that day I got a call from jello reguarding 3 days of missed wages seemingly out of the blue. It is an immature abuse of the system and it really isn't that funny.
Quote(00:04:08) zdv17: yeah i quit doing that stuff cause it jacked up the power bill too much
(00:04:19) nick is a turtle: Right now im not paying the power bill though
(00:04:33) nick is a turtle: if i had to pay the electric bill
(00:04:47) nick is a turtle: id hibernate when i go to class
(00:04:57) nick is a turtle: or at least when i go to sleep
(00:08:50) zdv17: hibernating in class is cool.. esp. when you leave a drool puddle


Quote from: quasi-modo on August 28, 2005, 12:33 PM
Yeah this is stupid. Infact one of my friends used iprelay to call publix and told them my name and that i got food poisoning from a jello tapioca pudding... later that day I got a call from jello reguarding 3 days of missed wages seemingly out of the blue. It is an immature abuse of the system and it really isn't that funny.
What did they do to my jello...
Mitosis: Haha, Im great arent I!
hismajesty[yL]: No