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Help with cleanslatebot.ocx

Started by SkullzeD, August 02, 2005, 11:17 AM

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someone told me i dont need a botid for use of bnls, so i just writed smthing like asdf and a similar password,
but it returns me this:
Quote[18:12:30]** BNLS: Connecting.
[18:12:30]** BNLS: Connected.
[18:12:30]** BNLS: Error - your BotID wasnt accepted.
[18:12:30]** BNet: Connecting.
[18:12:30]** BNet: Connected.
[18:12:30]** BNet: Checking CD Key...

i added 'BNet: Checking CD Key...' in code where it says its connected to BNet, but it dsnt come to checking version.
so, will some1 tell me what should i do plz

EDIT - Quote fix :P


QuoteI wish my grass was Goth so it would cut itself


i receive same msg :(

here goes when you click on start testing on menu:
Private Sub mnuCon_Click()
   AddChat vbWhite, "[" + Str(Time) + "]", vbCyan, "** ", vbGreen, "Testing for ", vbRed, StrReverse(ProductID), vbGreen, " has started!"
   z = 2
   tmrTest.Enabled = True
End Sub

and here is the activated timer:
Private Sub tmrTest_Timer()
   'timer interval is 3000 (3 seconds)
   If ProductID = "3RAW" Then
      If z = 2 Then
         If EOF(1) = False Then
            z = 1
            Input #1, nCDKey
            'CleanSlateBot1.BNLSBotID = ""
            'CleanSlateBot1.BNLSBotPassword = ""
            CleanSlateBot1.CDKey = nCDKey
            CleanSlateBot1.Product = ProductID
            CleanSlateBot1.HomeChannel = frmConfig.txtChan.Text
            CleanSlateBot1.Password = frmConfig.txtPass.Text
            CleanSlateBot1.Username = frmConfig.txtUser.Text
            CleanSlateBot1.NewPassword = "looza"
            CleanSlateBot1.ChangePassword = False
            CleanSlateBot1.Server = nServer
            CleanSlateBot1.Accept = -65
         End If
      End If
   End If
End Sub

note: the value of variable 'z' is 2 when it checks cd key



it was written in a tutorial on how to use a csb.ocx

the tut is written by cuphead and zorm so....
N O T  M Y  F A U L T ! ! ! ======P

edit - forgot to ask... =P
what is the real value



even if it is, it dsnt work. it dsnt even try to cnnect if i set cleanslatebot1.accept=579728
well, maybe its my ocx wrong for it. plz give me link to the cleanslatebot.ocx for which you told me the real value.
it may be a farsa but it is worth a try. btw, my cleanslatebot.ocx has 140kb


Are you using Cleanslatebot, or Cleanslatebot2?

A good fortune may forbode a bad luck, which may in turn disguise a good fortune.
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn't exsist.



Than it's old and outdated, and no longer supported. I would advise getting Cleanslatebot2.ocx if you plan on using csb, which does not support WC3.

A good fortune may forbode a bad luck, which may in turn disguise a good fortune.
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn't exsist.


I give him credit for using CleanSlateBot and not ripping sources. :D


if i understanded u correctly, csb2 does NOT support wc3???


CSB is outdated, and noone has bothered to update it for some time now. CSB does not support any of the WC3 clients.

A good fortune may forbode a bad luck, which may in turn disguise a good fortune.
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn't exsist.


well, how can i edit an existing ocx control?


I think someone should make a cleanslatebot3.ocx, even if it isn't CupHead.