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Wrong Product.

Started by Tass, July 14, 2005, 09:14 PM

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What are some of the things that could be wrong when you get wrong product ver when you code your own bot?

Public Sub StartConnection(Product As String, Index As Integer)
Select Case Product
   Case "STAR", "SEXP"
      VerByte = "CD"
      GameFile(1) = App.Path & "\Hash Files\STAR\Starcraft.exe"
      GameFile(2) = App.Path & "\Hash Files\STAR\Storm.dll"
      GameFile(3) = App.Path & "\Hash Files\STAR\Battle.snp"
   Case "W2BN"
      VerByte = "4F"
      GameFile(1) = App.Path & "\Hash Files\W2BN\Warcraft II BNE.exe"
      GameFile(2) = App.Path & "\Hash Files\W2BN\Storm.dll"
      GameFile(3) = App.Path & "\Hash Files\W2BN\Battle.snp"
   Case "D2DV"
      VerByte = "A"
      GameFile(1) = App.Path & "\Hash Files\D2DV\Game.exe"
      GameFile(2) = App.Path & "\Hash Files\D2DV\Bnclient.dll"
      GameFile(3) = App.Path & "\Hash Files\D2DV\D2Client.dll"

   Case "D2XP"
      VerByte = "A"
      GameFile(1) = App.Path & "\Hash Files\D2XP\Game.exe"
      GameFile(2) = App.Path & "\Hash Files\D2XP\Bnclient.dll"
      GameFile(3) = App.Path & "\Hash Files\D2XP\D2Client.dll"
   Case "WAR3", "W3XP"
      VerByte = 11
      GameFile(1) = App.Path & "\War3.exe"
      GameFile(2) = App.Path & "\Storm.dll"
      GameFile(3) = App.Path & "\Game.dll"
   Case Else
      AddC frmMain.RichTextBox(Index), vbRed, "Unsupported Product '" & Product & "'"
      AddC frmMain.RichTextBox(Index), vbRed, "Disconnected."
      Exit Sub
End Select
Select Case Index
Case "1"
Verbyte1 = VerByte
GameFile1(1) = GameFile(1)
GameFile1(2) = GameFile(2)
GameFile1(3) = GameFile(3)
Case "2"
Verbyte2 = VerByte
GameFile2(1) = GameFile(1)
GameFile2(2) = GameFile(2)
GameFile2(3) = GameFile(3)
Case "3"
Verbyte3 = VerByte
GameFile3(1) = GameFile(1)
GameFile3(2) = GameFile(2)
GameFile3(3) = GameFile(3)
End Select
With PBuffer
   .InsertDWORD &H0
   .InsertNonNTString "68XI" & StrReverse(Product)
   .InsertDWORD "&H" & VerByte
   .InsertDWORD &H0
   .InsertDWORD &H0
   .InsertDWORD &H0
   .InsertDWORD &H0
   .InsertDWORD &H0
   .InsertNTString "USA"
   .InsertNTString "United States"
   .SendPacket &H50, Index
End With
End Sub

Private Sub Parse0x51(Data As String)
Select Case PBuffer.GetDWORD(Mid(Data, 5, 4))
  Case &H0: AddC vbGreen, "Successful CDkey and Version Check."
            If BNCS.Product = "WAR3" Or BNCS.Product = "W3XP" Then
               AccountLogon (BNCS.Username)
            End If
  Case &H100: AddC vbGreen, "Game version must be upgraded with the MPQ specified in" & PBuffer.KillNull(Mid(Data, 9)): frmMain.sckBNCS.Close
  Case &H101: AddC vbGreen, "Game version is invalid": frmMain.sckBNCS.Close
  Case &H102: AddC vbGreen, "Game version must be downgraded with the MPQ specified" & PBuffer.KillNull(Mid(Data, 9)): frmMain.sckBNCS.Close
  Case &H200: AddC vbGreen, "CDkey is invalid": frmMain.sckBNCS.Close
  Case &H201: AddC vbGreen, "CDKey In Use By " & PBuffer.KillNull(Mid(Data, 9)): frmMain.sckBNCS.Close
  Case &H202: AddC vbGreen, "CDkey is disabled": frmMain.sckBNCS.Close
  Case &H203: AddC vbGreen, "Wrong Product": frmMain.sckBNCS.Close
  Case &H210: AddC vbGreen, "Invalid Expansion CDKey: " & BNCS.ExpCdKey: frmMain.sckBNCS.Close
  Case &H211: AddC vbGreen, "Expansion CDKey In Use By " & PBuffer.KillNull(Mid(Data, 9)): frmMain.sckBNCS.Close
  Case &H212: AddC vbGreen, "Banned Expansion CDKey: " & BNCS.ExpCdKey: frmMain.sckBNCS.Close
  Case &H213: AddC vbGreen, "Wrong Expansion Product": frmMain.sckBNCS.Close
End Select
End Sub


Did notice one thing.

Quote   Case "STAR", "SEXP"
      VerByte = "CD"
      GameFile(1) = App.Path & "\Hash Files\STAR\Starcraft.exe"
      GameFile(2) = App.Path & "\Hash Files\STAR\Storm.dll"
      GameFile(3) = App.Path & "\Hash Files\STAR\Battle.snp"

Starcraft: Brood War Cannot run off of normal Starcraft's hashes.

Also: War3/W3xp is 0x12 not 0x11


Well that's not the problem, any other suggestions?


Yes, edited it while you were replying.

Your warcraft 3 version byte is off. It's 0x12, not 0x11.

Also, why not just declare VerByte as a long and set it to &HCD, &H12, etc.


Ok I'm connecting by STAR, or SEXP and thx for the warcraft III verbyte and IIRC you can connect both star and sexp with same hashes anyways jsut in case I was neither star or sexp connect


As to your edited last post.. this works just fine.


Can you please give more detail to your problem?

Is it replying with 0x101 "Invalid Game Version", when you try and connect with Star/Sexp?


No.. its replying with &H203 which means Wrong product hence the post name. :P and I'm trying to figure out some of the causes of getting &H203 so I can try to fix them.. sry I suck at typing today.


Your CD-Key decoding functions are most likely erroneous.

' Copyright (C) 2005 Eric Evans ([email protected])

Option Explicit

Private Function DecodeStarCraftKey(ByVal strKey As String, ByRef lngGmeID As Long, ByRef lngPubVal As Long, ByRef lngPrivVal As Long, ByVal blnVerifyKey As Boolean) As Long
    Dim arrKey(0 To 12) As String
    Dim i               As Integer
    Dim eax             As Long
    Dim ebx             As Long
    Dim ecx             As Long
    Dim edx             As Long
    Dim edi             As Long
    Dim esi             As Long
    Dim al              As Byte
    Dim bl              As Byte
    Dim cl              As Byte
    Dim dl              As Byte
    ' Check CD-Key length
    If (Len(strKey) <> 13) Then
        Exit Function
    End If

    ' Store CD-Key in array
    For i = 0 To 12
        arrKey(i) = Mid$(strKey, (i + 1), 1)
    Next i

    ' CD-Key verification
    If (blnVerifyKey = True) Then
        eax = 3
        For ecx = 0 To 11 Step 1
            edx = arrKey(ecx)
            If ((Asc(edx) < Asc("0")) Or _
                (Asc(edx) > Asc("9"))) Then
                Exit Function
            End If
            edx = (Asc(edx) - Asc("0"))
            ' esi = (eax + eax)
            ' Optimization:
            esi = modGlobals.LShift(eax, 1)
            edx = (edx Xor esi)
            eax = (eax + edx)
        Next ecx

        eax = ((eax Mod &HA) + Asc("0"))
        If (eax <> Asc(arrKey(12))) Then
            Exit Function
        End If
    End If
    ' CD-Key shuffling

    esi = 11
    ecx = &HC2
        eax = ecx
        edx = (eax Mod &HC)
        bl = arrKey(esi)
        dl = arrKey(edx)
        arrKey(esi) = dl
        arrKey(edx) = bl

        ' Decrease loop counters
        ecx = (ecx - &H11)
        esi = (esi - 1)
    Loop Until (ecx < &H7)
    edx = &H13AC9741
    ecx = 11
        al = arrKey(ecx)
        If (Asc(al) > Asc("7")) Then
            dl = ((ecx And 1) Xor al)
            arrKey(ecx) = dl
        ElseIf (Asc(al) < Asc("A")) Then
            dl = (edx And &HFF)
            dl = ((dl And 7) Xor al)
            edx = modGlobals.RShift(edx, 3)
            arrKey(ecx) = dl
        End If
        ecx = (ecx - 1)
    Loop Until (ecx < 0)

    strKey = Join(arrKey(), vbNullString)
    lngGmeID = Val(Left$(strKey, 2))
    lngPubVal = Val(Mid$(strKey, 3, 7))
    lngPrivVal = Val(Mid$(strKey, 10, 3))
    DecodeStarCraftKey = 1
    Erase arrKey()
End Function

Have fun.


In more detail, that error means 'Cdkey is for a different game.',
I'd check your C->S 0x51 / Cdkey hashing

*Edit*: Oops, was posting while lord posted  :P


Quote from: Elneroth on July 14, 2005, 09:31 PM
In more detail, that error means 'Cdkey is for a different game.',
I'd check your C->S 0x51 / Cdkey hashing

*Edit*: Ooh, didn't see Lord's post.

Failing to properly hash the CD-Key would result in an invalid CD-Key error.


I don't think I'm hashing it wrong because I'm using the same decode functions for all 3 bots and bot #2 connects and bot #1 dosen't, maybe something is wrong with my indexing :o it has to be before recieving 0x51 so here's my send 0x51
Private Sub Send0x51(Index As Integer)
Dim Product As String, CDKey As String, ExpCDKey As String
Dim Version As Long, CheckRevision As Long, CheckSum As Long
Dim ExeInfo As String, dblKey As Long
Dim accounthash As String, dblProdID As Double, dblValue1 As Double
Dim dblValue2 As Double, lngProdID As Long, lngValue1 As Long, lngValue2 As Long

Select Case Index
Case "1"
Product = GetStuff("Bot One", "Product")
CDKey = GetStuff("Bot One", "Key")
ExpCDKey = GetStuff("Bot One", "Expansion Key")
Case "2"
Product = GetStuff("Bot Two", "Product")
CDKey = GetStuff("Bot Two", "Key")
ExpCDKey = GetStuff("Bot Two", "Expansion Key")
Case "3"
Product = GetStuff("Bot Three", "Product")
CDKey = GetStuff("Bot Three", "Key")
ExpCDKey = GetStuff("Bot Three", "Expansion Key")
End Select

dblKey = GetTickCount()
ExeInfo = Space(256)
CheckRevision = Z(GameFile(1), GameFile(2), GameFile(3), HashCommand, Version, CheckSum, ExeInfo, MPQName)

If CheckRevision = 0 Then
   AddC frmMain.RichTextBox(Index), vbRed, "Hashes did not pass CheckRevision."
   Exit Sub
End If
        ExeInfo = PBuffer.KillNull(ExeInfo)
        PBuffer.InsertDWORD dblKey
        PBuffer.InsertDWORD Version
        PBuffer.InsertDWORD CheckSum
        If Product = "D2XP" Then
        PBuffer.InsertDWORD &H2
        PBuffer.InsertDWORD &H1
        End If
        PBuffer.InsertDWORD &H0
        DecodeCDKey CDKey, dblProdID, dblValue1, dblValue2
        lngProdID = CLng(dblProdID)
        lngValue1 = CLng(dblValue1)
        lngValue2 = CLng(dblValue2)
        ServerToken = CLng(ServerToken)
        accounthash = String(5 * 4, vbNullChar)
        C accounthash, ServerToken, lngProdID, lngValue1, lngValue2, dblKey
        PBuffer.InsertDWORD Len(CDKey)
        PBuffer.InsertDWORD CLng(dblProdID)
        PBuffer.InsertDWORD CLng(dblValue1)
        PBuffer.InsertDWORD &H0
        PBuffer.InsertNonNTString accounthash
        If Product = "D2XP" Then
        DecodeCDKey ExpCDKey, dblProdID, dblValue1, dblValue2
        lngProdID = CLng(dblProdID)
        lngValue1 = CLng(dblValue1)
        lngValue2 = CLng(dblValue2)
        ServerToken = CLng(ServerToken)
        accounthash = String(5 * 4, vbNullChar)
        C accounthash, ServerToken, lngProdID, lngValue1, lngValue2, dblKey
        PBuffer.InsertDWORD Len(CDKey)
        PBuffer.InsertDWORD CLng(dblProdID)
        PBuffer.InsertDWORD CLng(dblValue1)
        PBuffer.InsertDWORD &H0
        PBuffer.InsertNonNTString accounthash
        End If
        PBuffer.InsertNTString ExeInfo
        PBuffer.InsertNTString "Tass Ownz You"
        PBuffer.SendPacket &H51, Index
End Sub


Like Lord said, the problem would most likely reside in your "DecodeCDKey CDKey, dblProdID, dblValue1, dblValue2",
You're sending 0x51 probably doesn't help much.


Then explain to me why it would work for one bot and not the other? >:/ heh


Is this other bot not made by you?
If not, make sure you're transfering it over right, a slight variable could screw it all up.
(Code looks familiar, too  :P)