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Texas Tech University prediction thread

Started by DarkMinion, July 14, 2005, 07:09 PM

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Schedule (and my picks):

09/10 Fla Int'l W
09/17 Sam Houston W
09/24 Indiana St W
10/01 Kansas W
10/08 at Nebraska  W
10/15 Kansas St  W
10/22 at Texas  L
10/29 at Baylor  W
11/05 Texas A&M  W
11/12 at Oklahoma St W
11/19 Oklahoma L

Thoughts:  Oklahoma's offense may be way down this year after Jason White leaves (Jason White, while not NFL-caliber talent, was a great college QB despite what some think...OU relied way too much on Adrian Peterson last year, and it showed in the MNC game), so Texas Tech could upset them at home.  The games @ Nebraska and @ Oklahoma State are mildly worrisome, but both programs will A) Have a new coach (I know, Callahan's 2nd year, but going from the triple option to West Coast takes more than 1 season), and B) A new QB.  Nebraska's NFL secondary is completely gone.  Oklahoma State has no defense to speak of.  Could be a really good year for Tech should they pull the upset of OU at home or Texas on the road.


Texas Tech (Big 12) :: 2005 Schedule
09/10 Fla Int'l W
09/17 Sam Houston W
09/24 Indiana St W
10/01 Kansas W
10/08 at Nebraska 
10/15 Kansas St 
10/22 at Texas  L
10/29 at Baylor  W
11/05 Texas A&M  W
11/12 at Oklahoma St W
11/19 Oklahoma L

Blurb: I have no idea what happend to the Big 12 in the offseason, I need more time.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


I have faith that Tech should be able to pull of a win against OK State and A&M. KState and Nebraska are still huge question marks for me. Nebraska was ALL OVER the place last year and played about with the consistency of quick sand, so its anyones game.

As a side note, you forgot to sticky this thread.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


We should beat A&M at home...they haven't won in Lubbock in well over a decade.  Kansas State we should take care of at home...I love Bill Snyder & have always been a fan of K-State, but I don't think they have it.  Their defense is decent, but they have nothing left in the way of offense now that Sproles is gone.  Nebraska is a question mark for me too....I think we'll win but you never know.  They are definately out for revenge against us BIG TIME, so we'll have to watch out playing in their house.  Ok State doesn't scare me...they beat us once in like 10 years at their own house a couple years ago by like 1 point when they had their best team ever and we had our worst defense ever.


Revised: We will be at the very least 10-1....we will beat Oklahoma at home, and have a chance to beat Texas.


The timing is PERFECT for Texas Tech to upset Texas.  Look at Texas are basking in their media spotlight right now and sucking up all the hype.  They had better be focused or they might join FSU in the once-beaten column.


Interesting stat:  The average rank of every passing offense Texas has played so far: #97



Yea, one hell of an upset you guys led there DM. Texas fucking smoked you guys.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Funny how you'll come out of hiding after we lose a game, but won't comment on your fucking disaster of a football team/season/coach.



You know, this year, I thought I saw some maturity in how Hazard was approaching college football.  Compared to previous years, there was reason to believe he had changed.  Most real fans of CFB can find the good points in any team, any game, and enjoy them.  Shitty fans are the ones that bring things down to a low level and feel the need to taunt teams that have lost a game, and their fans.

It would be one thing if Hazard's favorite team were playing Mike's favorite team, and they were going at each other good-naturedly for a week prior to the game.  But UF did not play TT and yet Hazard felt the need to come to this forum, where he knows Mike is a Texas Tech fan, to specifically post something negative.  No game analysis, just a jab.  Did he even watch the game or did he see the score and that's enough for him?

This is not even a Gator thing because I know plenty of UF Alum who are superb people and don't act like that.  I think its the bandwagon fans like Hazard who's interest in UF is only to associate himself with a winning program.  Heck, if UF wins, he must be a winner himself.  If UF loses, well that's a fluke.


I'm a worthless forum troll.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Funny how Hazard decides to try and make me eat crow about a game I picked us to lose.

How does Florida's record hold up against ours, Hazard?  Btw, impressive win over Vanderbilt at home.  UF sucks.