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What is Valhalla Legends?

Started by Grok, May 02, 2003, 10:08 PM

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This is stupid I know, but is worth a chuckle.  Here is what google thinks Valhalla Legends is:



and yoni:

yoni is sacred space
yoni is smoking
yoni is smoking again
yoni is smoking in ower room at the winston hotel
yoni is smoking once again
yoni is the sanskrit word for sacred place
yoni is the sanskrit word for vagina
yoni is the genital of women
yoni is the most feminine part of woman



skywing is but one of them
skywing is copyright © starlight kitty and the artwork is copyright © 2000 helinä kytönen
skywing is flying there as fast as he can to take over
skywing is probably the first programer on bnet to design a bot that can enter private channel
skywing is online
skywing is a small
skywing is a friend of mine and hes going to moderate one of the programming forums later when it becomes a bit more popular
skywing is the gentlest of all the giant eagles in the aerie and is thus more willing to accept the tortures of a new flier

adron is ultimately expected to produce the following results is its attempt to revitalise the rice sector through applied and problem
adron is at your doorstep
adron is the largest wire edm job shop in north america
adron is the oldest son of the characters in born of the night
adron is led by his son
adron is committed to being propelled forward by the driving force of technology
adron is always ready to solve all of your doubts and needs
adron is so determined to protect himself
adron is smart
adron is aliera's father and devera is aliera's daughter
adron is armed and ready to leave the masses sweating for more
adron is now concentrating on perfecting his skills
adron is one of the most tortured heroes i have read in forever
adron is mainly responsible for the toys from the heart drive and as you can tell from the past
adron is the newly seated ruler of his house
adron is delighted with the award which will go towards recipe development
adron is he was born in 1774 and married sarah means on january 10
adron is bouncing up and down
adron is being held at croydon clocktower
adron is one of
adron is kapcsolatban van közvetlenül a híveivel
adron is born
adron is a boy's name


Nothing about me :(
Quoteiago is more than just evil
iago is too wicked to be credible
iago is a homosexual
iago is homosexual
iago is gay

iago is able to manipulate others to do things in a way that benefits him and moves him closer toward his
iago is still working for othello
iago is a clear example of the idea that the difference between reputation and honor is the difference between appearance and reality
iago is
iago is ingenious
iago is speaking to brabantio about othello
iago is evil
iago is an amoral being
iago is definitely manipulative and determined
iago is also good at gaining an advantage from what others may think of him
iago is othello?s sword
iago is a
iago is again silent through 185
iago is one of shakespeare's most complex villains
iago is just exploiting him and has no intention of helping him win desdemona back
iago is honest
iago is the protagonist and key character of the play
iago is such a
iago is a mere presence in the text
iago is the hilarious
iago is deceitful but fails to realize his own danger
iago is able to exploit in roderigo
iago is explaining to roderigo his intention to pretend to be loyal to othello in order to get revenge on him
iago is there
iago is much too smart to immediately kill othello
iago is the whole reason there is any conflict in othello
iago is the only reason there is any conflict in othello
iago is able to manipulate others to do things in a way that benefits and moves him closer to his own
iago is another
iago is going to do for the rest of the act and ultimately the rest of the play
iago is not evil
iago is such a troubling character is that he is both a standard character and one with a psyche
iago is not the only character who is not what he seems"
iago is the dominant one in his "friendship" with roderigo
iago is found many times dangling in a doorway between inside and outside
iago is a very smart
iago is not just a far cry from hugo; he belongs to an entirely different world
iago is the evil villain
iago is very bitter because he was not chosen for the lieutenant job
iago is a manipulator of the highest degree
iago is not so much concerned with his wife being unfaithful
iago is sitting
iago is a family run business
iago is fascinating for his most terrible characteristic
iago is not merely on the level of a tempter in a miracle play
iago is a wicked man
iago is approximately 1119
iago is hiding from me
iago is young and treacherous; he is a villain from the start
iago is aware of the jealousy inside himself
iago is adept at becoming the closest friend of the man whom he intends to destroy
iago is literally a devil
iago is behind the tragedy
iago is connected to because
iago is connected to the following things
iago is one of the most interesting characters in the tragedy "othello" by william shakespeare
iago is envy
iago is capable of great feats thanks to his ruining of othello
iago is so shady because he is a lonely person with no life and hes jealous of othello
iago is the
iago is the mad scientist
iago is not actually ?for? roderigo he is only using him as part of his scheme
iago is determined to destroy othello and his loved ones
iago is so obsessed with destroying othello
iago is most honest
iago is urging roderigo not to let his love for page 4
iago is the antagonist of the play
iago is the antagonist
iago is an officer in othello's army and is jealous of cassio's promotion to lieutenant
iago is viewed as a complex character and not simply as a
iago is a bitter and cynical machiavellian villain
iago is the parrot bianca castafiore gives to captain haddock
iago is cunning
iago is played by andy alcala
iago is jaloers omdat zijn overste
iago is just taking those gifts intended for desdemona and keeping them for himself
iago is indeed
iago is able to plant his cruel seeds of jealousy only because othello's character is so thoroughly prepared to receive them
iago is so much more
Eibro of Yeti Lovers.


Hey Eibro is there something you need to tell us about your infatuation with iago?
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


Quote from: Grok on May 02, 2003, 10:09 PMyoni is the sanskrit word for vagina
Many months ago, my mom was brainstorming for names of people, as many as you could think for every letter of the alphabet.
When we came upon "y", no one could think of any, so I had said "Hey, I know a Yoni", and my mom almost died laughing. She told me that "Yoni" is "vagina" in Hebrew. Kinda funny, in an ironic way, how she's wrong, yet the Yoni I (we all) know knows Hebrew, and so I didn't think anything of it...

This feature seems to be dumbfounded at me; there's so many incomplete statements for who I am!
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?



Eibro forgot to point out iago is the dominant one in his "friendship" with roderigo as another gay reference!

I like the one iago is sitting since that's true 93% of the time.

But my favourite is the one that I'm promoting to be in my signature! :-)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


invert is a screenarts work of art
invert is a computer generated organic art work exploring metaphors of the microscopic body and information systems and how they are similar
invert is true
invert is one of the greatest rarieties in us collecting
invert is a fake
invert is an operator which takes a binary or graylevel image as input and produces its photographic negative
invert is 0
invert is only senseful when the backlight is on
invert is the command that takes uv data and transforms it to a dirty map and a dirty beam
invert is an operator which takes a binary or greylevel image as input and produces its photographic negative
invert is set for october 12
invert is designed to be used by people in a wide variety of situations
invert is a high concentrated sugar syrup
invert is becoming indie
invert is lifted and lowered into place; once there
invert is derived
invert is available for purchase for $15
invert is at the natural bed of the water course
invert is the only face
invert is currently recording and mixing tracks for their second cd
invert is exceedingly adept at managing every aspect of his life
invert is so heavily preoccupied in his or her pre
invert is a good jump
invert is aware of something nonvert isn't
invert is at 12
invert is mainly du e to the maximum boundary shear occurring at the downstream tangential point of the invert
invert is a matlab function
invert is not moving
invert is the one of the most well known inverted color errors in united states collecting; only to the famous inverted jenny
invert is off
invert is almost four times
invert is billed as a "vertical sports carnival
invert is voordelig
invert is incorrect
invert is required
invert is selected
invert is chopped for removal and replacement
invert is envisaged and consequently an appropriate handler has been provided
invert is an exclusive
invert is a air that follows the arch of the lip for a bit
invert is
invert is written in c
invert is false
invert is a new zealand band which debuted in 2002
invert is gl_true
invert is at least 18
invert is to 'refresh' the representation of the inverse of the basis
invert is close to four feet
invert is used instead of our inversion
invert is on
invert is very similar to the drill
invert is to work with p
invert is disabled
invert is a simple one input
invert is op video opgenomen en de opnames hebben we vervolgens helemaal geanalyseerd
invert is recommended for applications where extra erosion protection is required
invert is het dankzij de uitgebreide trefwoordenlijst niet moeilijk om artikelen over een bepaald
invert is a simple polarity reversal as you would find on a mixing console out is 0 degrees
invert is horizontal and the sides are vertical
invert is asha's first venture outside the realm of classical music
invert is no
invert is an extreme sports event with multiple personalities
invert is enabled
invert is responsible for final topics
invert is a new york city based string quartet performing original new music by its members and unique arrangements of works by composers from all ages
invert is selected as the reference z elevation
invert is basically to turn something upside down or inside out
invert is now overloaded
invert is obtained within
invert is not selected
invert is no longer on the phase
invert is a preparation for the handplants
invert is being produced from sucrose
invert is the means through which homosexuality is read back into a straight paradigm"

Wow @ the last one.
"invert is available for purchase for $15" <- No thanks.
Note this one "invert is responsible for final topics" *thinks about locking this topic*


ROFL @ These:

adron is armed and ready to leave the masses sweating for more

adron is one of the most tortured heroes i have read in forever

adron is the newly seated ruler of his house

adron is bouncing up and down


Quote from: tA-Kane on May 03, 2003, 01:55 AM
She told me that "Yoni" is "vagina" in Hebrew.
It's not in Hebrew. It's a common name here you know.

Banana fanna fo fanna

cuphead is achieved by lifting the flat head off and sliding the cuphead on


st0rm is a primitive emulator that has a compatibility rate of less than 50%

st0rm is a little different in every way

kp is a rare and endangered species of gaijin

kp is a programmable direct source control keypad

kp is a man of deep passion

kp is one of the oldest and most respected producers of concentrated chinese herbs in all of china

acid angel is a magazine dedicated to the idea of the writer and the artist as shaman

acid angel is 20 pounds or $60

thing is learning how to masturbate

thing is no mere token jew; he's not some jew who's never seen the inside of a synagogue

thing is getting a boarder drawn around it created on monday september 02

jigsaw is flexible enough to support a production line on which every product is as individual in configuration as human beings are in shape

jigsaw is a full blown http server

jigsaw is laying on the floor and it's not all the way done and has been laying there for 4 whole hours now

jigsaw is a wholly australian owned and operated company and is backed up by a team of dedicated professionals that are willing to talk to you first

jigsaw is high enough

dark minion is loose aboard a starship and begins attacking the crew and passengers while the ship is in jump space

dark minion is fairly expensive and it gets squandered if your group dies and you dont have initiative

arta is now invulnerable to any attacks

arta is proven to be wrong

arta is responsible for all of the dynamic server content available on our sites


valhalla legends is known for hosting people like techwarrior = LOL


shadow is a robot dog you can pet
shadow is no longer in fashion should be
shadow is still alive
shadow is a man
shadow is on vacation
shadow is mba hardcourt hero
shadow is your answer
shadow is heaps longer than
shadow is heading to the arctic
shadow is back
shadow is the new lightening cream made in switzerland for
shadow is visible running microsoft baseball 3d
shadow is a shadow placed on an image
shadow is an amateur radio operator who
shadow is a unique spytool
shadow is a privilege
shadow is the pretty
shadow is shedding skin
shadow is £12
shadow is causing my syncs to hang
shadow is cast over da rematch
shadow is replaced
shadow is a robot dog you can pet droopy ears
shadow is the haunt of beauty
shadow is no longer in fashion should be shot
shadow is still alive chechen field commander khattab was killed
shadow is a man is a shadow man
shadow is mba hardcourt hero; mba triple
shadow is our unlived life
shadow is an algerian scout
shadow is heaps longer than armstrong's
shadow is silly
shadow is lurking
shadow is here i just got this subbed
shadow is too heavy to lift
shadow is a true bargain by jmaesq
shadow is a scam
shadow is a shadow placed on an image or clip art creating the illusion that the image or piece of clip art is standing out from the
shadow is an amateur radio operator who accompanies an official during an event
shadow is a backup/synchronization utility
shadow is a unique spytool which relies on visual screen monitoring
shadow is either displayed next to the content on the slide
shadow is one cool kid
shadow is a program in continuous evolution and development and thus some of the information contained in the manual will become obsolete rather quickly
shadow is something when you see on a sunny day
shadow is here
shadow is a september release
shadow is the result of a project that was originally called the cooperative intrusion detection evaluation and response
shadow is a friendly knee
shadow is curved
shadow is no thing
shadow is pretty much unavoidable for most of us
shadow is the easiest of the archetypes for most persons to experience
shadow is the side away from the light but for a hole in the ground
shadow is shifted to the right and below the original image
shadow is a record of kenneth kelzer's experiences with lucid dreaming
shadow is our "dark side
shadow is so satisfying
shadow is back online and regrouping fast
shadow is back with it's follow up
shadow is the story of a weak and willful king and a brilliant but uncompromising baron
shadow is the height of the sun
shadow is running with me
shadow is cast
shadow is not alive
shadow is not showing through
shadow is replaced s elf d eception
shadow is a compelling tale about ambition
shadow is probably a weak cue which wouldn't overide the changing size cue
shadow is caused by the shape of an object blocking light from another shape
shadow is one of the best japanese "martial art" films i have ever seen
shadow is
shadow is dedicated to the memory of jim thompson
shadow is very much a part of human nature
shadow is a one act
shadow is a great mystery
shadow is such a mould
shadow is the south and the direction of the longest
shadow is gone
shadow is a slim
shadow is of interest almost exclusively as precisely a shadow of something else
shadow is back in print
shadow is variable in shape even in normal subjects
shadow is integral to our ?whole? being
shadow is not integrated
shadow is assumed to be directly under the moon
shadow is niet revolutionair genoeg
shadow is best seen when the sky is clear and our line of sight is long
shadow is a term from jungian psychology that refers to the tendency of people to deny certain behaviors in
shadow is a reconnaissance


denial is our biggest enemy
denial is pathetic
denial is not a river in egypt
denial is a river in egypt
denial is child abuse
denial is as denial does
denial is an account stealer


naem is daocotor penis thank you hi hihi hihi hihi hihi hihi hi my naem is daocotor penis thank you hi hihi hihi hihi hihi
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