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This is just too easy...

Started by Hazard, July 07, 2005, 06:28 PM

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You know, Grok, these beloved FSU players of yours just make it waaaaaaaaay too easy to lable them with the ol' "Florida State Criminals" tag.


As talented as FSU tends to be, what kind of coach allows such a horrible lack of on and off-the-field discipline?

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne



Then there's Wyatt Sexton, who somehow didn't realize how sick he was becoming, half-naked and deshevled in the streets of Tallahasse claiming to be God.

You still didn't respond to the whole, felony thing Grok.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


See you're such a loser asshole that you would come down on someone with a serious disease.

Not only that, you're all over Ernie Sims who was being attacked by his girlfriend, who according to the police report was holding her shoulders and wrists to calm her down.



Did you get your report from Warchant? By their reporting, I'd bet Rix actually had a hang-tag allowing him to park in the handicapped spots, right?

According to Tallahasse Police and the Associated Press:

QuoteWitnesses told police that at one point Sims "slammed her on the ground" and straddled the 5-foot-2, 118-pound McGriff as she lay on the concrete in front of a residence hall near the Florida State campus.

As she tried to stand, the player repeatedly shoved her back onto the ground. Sims remained aggressive when officers arrived, the police report said.

Sims was "shirtless, drenched in sweat and very animated when I made contact with him," Tallahassee Police officer Danny Jeter wrote in the report. Sims later interfered with arresting officers when he and McGriff tried to walk away from police.

Were you there when you claim Sim's girlfriend was "attacking" him? You mean to tell me that a 6'0" 220 lbs. Division 1 Linebacker was under extreme physical durress by a 5'2" 118 lb. woman? Are we talking about the same Ernie Sims? Because your picture, which I will re-post, seems to make that hard to believe.

But let me guess, Sims got on FSU closed-circuit television to uhm... tell the truth? Yea right. Violence against women... Bowden won't do anything I'm sure.

As for Lime Disease, I've had it before. If you not a complete moron you'll recognize the symptoms early and simple antibiotics clear it up in a matter of a few weeks.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Somehow I doubt you've ever had Lyme disease, Hazard, you can't even spell it.

Lyme disease can sometimes be difficult to diagnose because the symptoms may mimic other diseases...it can also take a few months to a few years for the symptoms to show up, and they can show up very suddenly in some cases.


Actually, of all the witnesses present, only ONE witness made the claims that Sims did anything of the sort.  According to your COMBINED source "police and Associated Press", that happened.  Yet according to the official police report, it did not.  Sims girlfriend said it did not.  All the witnesses present, except one, said it did not.  The police department, the following day, went on radio to state quite clearly that they did not believe such a thing happened.  Did you not pick up on that?

Or, in spite of the police department, the girlfriend, and plenty of witnesses saying no such thing happened, are you going to continue holding to the believe that it did?  Perhaps YOU were there eh smartybritches?

Be a man once and admit you were wrong and just trolling.  You admitted it in your post subject "This is just too easy..." implying that you were looking for incendious material to troll with and you thought you found it.

However, I don't think you will.  Your reputation is too well known and too much a part of who you are.


The AP and ESPN handed it to me, I didn't even have to bother looking. Take a look at the report from the senior officer on the scene, that paints a pretty good picture for me.

Tell me Grok, how many times do battered wives deny that they are battered anyway?

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


What does this have to do with battered wives?

Show me the police report from which you are quoting.