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Orcish Translation Project

Started by Joe[x86], July 05, 2005, 06:02 PM

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I gave Warrior a nice description.
Quote(18:55:42) [x86] Joe: Anyhow, seeing as how you might be getting WoW, I should bring this up.
(18:55:59) [x86] Joe: You can't understand the horde. They speak orcish, not the common tongue.
(18:56:44) [x86] Joe: Blizzard was fairly stupid, and fairly smart, by using a letter-by-letter translation. Because of this, its very easy to translate back, but it does translate every single word, including ebonics. =(.
(18:57:14) [x86] Joe: I've gotten a little bit of it "reverse-engineered", and I know that the orcish letter K is the common letter L, and the same for E=O.
(18:58:07) [x86] Joe: I've written a VisualBasic function to do this translation for me. I'm still working on getting some more letters translated, but a friend of mine has been working on this since the beginning of beta, I hear.

Questions/Comments? I'll be porting it to C++ in my effort to learn the language. Java isn't native, so I think I'm going to give up on it.

What do I need you to do? When your in the game, take down any orcish words you see people saying, if you think you know what they mean. As an example, I saw an orc say "kek" and his character laughed, so I knew it was "lol".
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.


I'm pretty sure it's not a straight character-to-character translation. I think it picks from a set of letters randomly for each corresponding letter; ie, if the character is a vowel it will pick another random vowel and substitute.

Not sure.  I don't think the process can be reversed.


I read the same thing somewhere, but aparently its like hashing. Each character has a value, and it sort of does a little check-revision thing on it, doing operations on it from one characters value to the next, and from the result of the final operation, it picks a word of the right length from a table. A guild mate of mine, Jojo, seems to have gotten some work done on this, so I'll talk to him.
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.



i really wouldnt mind knowing what those bastards are saying

what would be even cooler is if you could speak some garbled stuff and they understood it
Left here since creation...
Forgotten in the river of time...


Well, if you say k e k, with the spaces, it will translate into the common garble (like undead see when fighting the scarlet crusade in the starting zone), which just happens to be l o l, again with the spaces.
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.