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Create Game Question

Started by Chriso, June 20, 2005, 07:18 AM

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I wanted to add a computer player to a game... Is this possible?
I am coding in VB6

This is what i got out of a packetlog my friend sent me (because i no longer have Starcraft)

42  192.**68.**.**:3071  63.241.83.**07:6112  102  Send 
0000  FF 1C 66 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 01 00    ..f.............
0010  1F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 61 63 6B 65 74 20 4C    ........Packet L
0020  6F 67 67 65 64 00 00 2C 34 34 2C 2C 36 2C 2C 32    ogged..,44,,6,,2
0030  2C 2C 31 2C 63 30 38 65 66 31 35 62 2C 31 2C 2C    ,,1,c08ef15b,1,,
0040  53 65 61 6E 0D 95 46 61 A7 74 65 A7 74 20 50 6F    Sean..Fa.te.t Po
0050  A7 07 A7 69 62 6C 65 20 4D 61 70 95 20 05 53 70    ...ible Map. .Sp
0060  61 63 65 20 0D 00                                  ace ..

43  63.241.83.**07:6112  192.**68.**.**:3071  8  Recv 
0000  FF 1C 08 00 00 00 00 00                            ........

44  192.**68.**.**:3071  63.241.83.**07:6112  4  Send 
0000  FF 10 04 00                                        ....

45  192.**68.**.**:3071  63.241.83.**07:6112  102  Send 
0000  FF 1C 66 00 0C 00 00 00 15 00 00 00 02 00 01 00    ..f.............
0010  1F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 61 63 6B 65 74 20 4C    ........Packet L
0020  6F 67 67 65 64 00 00 2C 34 34 2C 2C 36 2C 2C 32    ogged..,44,,6,,2
0030  2C 2C 31 2C 63 30 38 65 66 31 35 62 2C 31 2C 2C    ,,1,c08ef15b,1,,
0040  53 65 61 6E 0D 95 46 61 A7 74 65 A7 74 20 50 6F    Sean..Fa.te.t Po
0050  A7 07 A7 69 62 6C 65 20 4D 61 70 95 20 05 53 70    ...ible Map. .Sp
0060  61 63 65 20 0D 00                                  ace ..

46  63.241.83.**07:6112  192.**68.**.**:3071  8  Recv 
0000  FF 1C 08 00 00 00 00 00                            ........

47  192.**68.**.**:3071  63.241.83.**07:6112  4  Send 
0000  FF 00 04 00                                        ....

48  192.**68.**.**:6112  :0  8  SendTo 
0000  07 00 00 00 AE 5D 8C 08                            .....]..

Any help understanding this would be greatly appreciated..



As far as i remember the Bnet server presumes theres a possible computer player/s in every none ladder game.
If by chance you wanted to tell the Bnet server that you have played a 1v1 vs a computer player (no other human players were in the game) you will need to do this in the 0x2C packet, to notifyed the server that only you were present in the game when it finished. (you will get no stats for this tho)
