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Started by Forged, June 20, 2005, 01:44 AM

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#Edit it no longer overflows, but now it stops saving after it gets to 3, and it skips 2.

Public Sub Save()
Dim cat As String
Dim l As Integer
Dim j As String

cat = "Information"

l = 1

j = ReadPro("Name(" & l & ")")

Do While j <> ""
j = ReadPro("Name(" & l & ")")
l = l + 1


With Form1

WritePro "Name(" & l & ")", .txtName.Text
WritePro "Home Phone(" & l & ")", .txtHome.Text
WritePro "Cell Phone(" & l & ")", .txtCell.Text
WritePro "E-mail(" & l & ")", .txtEmail.Text
WritePro "Apt/House Number(" & l & ")", .txtApt.Text
WritePro "Street Name(" & l & ")", .txtStreet.Text
WritePro "City(" & l & ")", .txtCity.Text
WritePro "State(" & l & ")", .txtST.Text
WritePro "Area Code(" & l & ")", .txtCode.Text

End With

End Sub
QuoteI wish my grass was Goth so it would cut itself


What are you trying to do...

Shouldn't the With Form1....etc be inside the Loop?


I want it to check and see if an entry exist, and if not I want it to create said entry.  So no with form1 does not need to be in the loop.
QuoteI wish my grass was Goth so it would cut itself


What type of file are you trying to read/write from/to?
And is there any chance you could post your ReadPro function?

oops i think i miss read the question, sorry.
Are you trying to carry on checking entrys after you have wrote  to an empty one?
(Sorry if im still miss reading it)


I'll try to explain it better since my explination is kind of shitty.

I am making an address book, when I add an entry  I want it to add as Username(#) =
this way everytime they add a new entry it doesn't overwrite the origional entry.  So I created a loop that checks to see if username(#) exist before writing to it.  however when I run my save function this is all that happens

Home Phone(1)=fdg
Cell Phone(1)=dfg
Apt/House Number(1)=dfg
Street Name(1)=fdg
Area Code(1)=dfg

Home Phone(3)=fdg
Cell Phone(3)=dfg
Apt/House Number(3)=dfg
Street Name(3)=fdg
Area Code(3)=dfg

You asked for the readpro function

Public Function ReadPro(key As String) As String
Dim g As Long
Dim sdefault As String
Dim sdir As String
Dim sUser As String
Dim sname As String

sname = "Information"
sUser = Space$(128)
sdir = App.Path & "\users.ini"
lSize = Len(sUser)
sdefault = ""

g = GetPrivateProfileString(sname, key, sdefault, sUser, lSize, sdir)

sUser = Mid(sUser, 1, InStr(sUser, Chr(0)) - 1)
ReadPro = sUser
End Function
QuoteI wish my grass was Goth so it would cut itself


Quote from: Forged on June 20, 2005, 01:44 AM
l = 1

j = ReadPro("Name(" & l & ")")

Do While j <> ""
j = ReadPro("Name(" & l & ")")
l = l + 1



WritePro "Name(" & l & ")", .txtName.Text

Your problem is the l = l + 1.

Enters function: l is 1.
Enters while loop: l is 1.
Continues loop: l is 2.
2 doesn't exist, j is NULL.
Finishes loop: l is 3.
Exits loop with l being 3.

This explains why it keeps stopping on 3, also.  Because 2 never exists, it will always exit the loop with l equaling 3.

Edit:  On a side note, this could have been solved quickly and simply with some simple debugging skills.  Place a breakpoint on the While loop and watch the way L (eww at using l >:() increments.  See if you can spot the problem.


Hmm, i think that method for storeing phone book infomation in a ini file would lead to alot of debugging later on.
You could always base a loop on the number of people you have stored in your phone book, wiping out the problem your having at the moment all together.
Somthing abit like this:

Public Function Save(Byval CheckName as string)
Dim Pages as Integer, i as Integer, Checking as String, WroteStuff as Boolean
Pages = ReadPro("Book Size", "TotalPages")

for i = 1 to Pages
Checking = ReadPro("Book Page " & i, "Name")
    if Checking = CheckName then
        'rewrite this persions info?
        'WroteStuff = true?
        if Checking = "" then 'This space is empty
            'save persions info
            WroteStuff = true
        end if
    end if
next i
if WroteStuff = false then
    'add persion to existing list
    Dim NewWrite as string: NewWrite = "Book Page " & pages + 1

    'Add 1 to totalpages for the new entry being added
    WritePro "Book Size", "TotalPages", pages + 1
    WritePro NewWrite, "Name", Object.text
    WritePro NewWrite, "Home Phone", Object.text
End if
end Function

Then in your ini it would be layed out somthing like this:

[Book Size]

[Book Page 1]
Home Phone=fdg
Cell Phone=dfg
Apt/House Number=dfg
Street Name=fdg
Area Code=dfg

[Book Page 2]
Home Phone=fdg
Cell Phone=dfg
Apt/House Number=dfg
Street Name=fdg
Area Code=dfg

[Book Page 3]
Home Phone=fdg
Cell Phone=dfg
Apt/House Number=dfg
Street Name=fdg
Area Code=dfg

[Book Page 4]
Home Phone=fdg
Cell Phone=dfg
Apt/House Number=dfg
Street Name=fdg
Area Code=dfg

[Book Page 5]
Home Phone=fdg
Cell Phone=dfg
Apt/House Number=dfg
Street Name=fdg
Area Code=dfg

I Expect that would also make it easyer when it comes to removing somone and refreshing the asigned page numbers, or listing them alphbeticly etc.
I typed the above code up in this post, so i havent tested it, it was just to give u an idea of another possible method, altho your current method would probly best sute a txt file.


Thanks a lot both of you.
QuoteI wish my grass was Goth so it would cut itself