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Odd Question....

Started by WinSocks, June 05, 2005, 12:51 AM

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i've been racking my brain around thins and i'm most likley not see it through properly from the online resources i've been to about this issue.

What i would like to do is to be able to log text from a game. such as Starcraft, Final Fantasy XI, WoW and so forth.  I remember a long time ago i saw a post regarding something similar to this but haven't had any luck finding it.

in-game example :
Winsocks >> Hello World!

what i would like to do is to be able to log that to a RTB or to a textbox in Visual  Basic.

if it could be possible to help me get started in the right direction. MSDN is a nightmare......


Log what exactly?

If you mean conversations/player messages in game, then you could probably do that by injecting an assembly proxy routine into the message event handling, then logging the info as it arrives.

If that is what you want to do, then you should look into Read/Write ProcessMemory and finding the actual event handling offsets in the game binaries.


Couldn't he simply connect to the game, and record all events that occur into an RTB file? Or into an RTB on a program?


Yeah. I was thinking that. Connect to battle.net, program it to join a game and read data, and the read data can then be displayed somewhere. Perhaps?


i have a newbie question here. wouldnt you require a second winsock to connect to a game? i remember that LoRd[nK] told me that games run on a diffrent protocol than BNCS.


Starcraft, warcraft1&2, diablo1 all use UDP.
Mitosis: Haha, Im great arent I!
hismajesty[yL]: No


Quote from: Mangix on June 05, 2005, 01:28 PM
i have a newbie question here. wouldnt you require a second winsock to connect to a game? i remember that LoRd[nK] told me that games run on a diffrent protocol than BNCS.
If that were to cause a problem, he could simply have an array of winsocks ready for use.


Quote from: Yegg on June 05, 2005, 06:20 PM
Quote from: Mangix on June 05, 2005, 01:28 PM
i have a newbie question here. wouldnt you require a second winsock to connect to a game? i remember that LoRd[nK] told me that games run on a diffrent protocol than BNCS.
If that were to cause a problem, he could simply have an array of winsocks ready for use.

You only need one socket for playing, for example, a game of Brood War



Quote from: Yegg on June 05, 2005, 08:42 AM
Couldn't he simply connect to the game, and record all events that occur into an RTB file? Or into an RTB on a program?

But doing it the other way would only require one cd-key and would more than likelly be easier.
QuoteI wish my grass was Goth so it would cut itself


ok i will be more specific, i'm trying to write a program than can log text such as parsing the text information in Starcraft,  But not being connected, just logging client side text.

But this program isn't  going to be designed for any Blizzard Software.  Will be used with other games mainly MMORPGS, Final Fantasy XI, Everquest 3 and Guildwars to be exact.

What i would like to do is to be able to pull the information (Texts) that is typed in. Or would writing a keylogger that activates commands when specific words are spelled out be a easier route to go around?


I would imagine a keylogger would be less work, because I don't know what kind of protection mmorpgs have.  However finding a proccess and writing copying what it says to a text file really isn't that hard via
findwindow and read/write proccessmemory
QuoteI wish my grass was Goth so it would cut itself


you know of any resources and/or examples on other websites about read/write proccessmemory. To get me off in the right direction?


I know www.bwhacks.com used to have a tutorial on how to write text to sc, reading from it wouldn't be that much diffrent you can check there.  Or Possiblly www.gamehacking.com
QuoteI wish my grass was Goth so it would cut itself