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Started by CupHead, April 26, 2003, 10:54 PM

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People need to stop posting +1/-1 messages.  It's annoying, and quite frankly, your YaBB karmic value doesn't mean a whole hell of a lot.  The only reason some of these posts have replies is because people are talking about how they +1/-1'd some idiotic thing someone said.  Rather than get into that, why not just click the Applaud/Smite button and get on with life?  Why do you feel we need to know your reason for clicking a mouse button?  Seriously, come on.

Obviously if I didn't say this, some moron would think he was being hilarious and post a +1/-1 message in response.  Yeah, go ahead, get it out of your system, you mindless twit.


I think you need to relax and go outside for a minute.  Take a walk around the block and kick a kitten or something.  You'll feel much better.  >:D

[edit] I smite thee - I applaude myself [/edit]
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


The karma posts are deceptively useful.  You think, "Hey, maybe someone posted a reply to this.  I'd like to see how that problem was worked out."  Instead, you see 15 people posting about how they +1/-1'd someone for some inane reason!  YaBB needs to die for introducing such a stupid "feature".


There have been a few times when I have been quite entertained by the "Karma Post":

QuoteGoogle also has other joke languages... klingon, bork bork bork, pig latin, korean, and elmer fudd :)
Quote+1 to Ickypoopy for saying Korean is a joke language.

Now that was pretty damn funny, even if I said it myself.  You know you smiled when you read that.

I understand your frustration at following a thread only to be dashed to the jagged rocks below by a mindless "+1 to Jimbob for not pissing his pants" post.  I still think that you need to kick the kitty.  Either that or ask somebody to disable the Karma Mod in the forum.

That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


Cup: You are stupid for taking the time to analyze people that do that. Who cares?

-1 for you!


* CupHead notices that you took the time to evaluate and read this thread.

(Not to mention giving me -1 for it.)  Way to go, hypocrite.


+1 to CupHead for realizing how stupid Karma is.
-1 to CupHead for complaining about it

CupHead gets 0 for both.
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?



Bah, somebody already did it, but I'll do it again because I'm like that.

-1 to Cuphead for complaining about Karma.

Ps. Only useless threads end up degrading into Karma wars, threads that woudln't go anywhere anyway.  Feel free to post a non-karmaic response to any of them if you feel the post deserves a better response!
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


This reply is to inform you, the readers, that I have given CupHead either +1 or -1 for this thread. Whether a +1 or a -1 was given will not be disclosed, nor the reason of the applause/smiting.


Quote from: Yoni on April 27, 2003, 06:12 AM
This reply is to inform you, the readers, that I have given CupHead either +1 or -1 for this thread. Whether a +1 or a -1 was given will not be disclosed, nor the reason of the applause/smiting.


I agree with CupHead that Karma change notifications shouldn't be made in the programming forums - it just throws the thread off topic. However, it is usually humorous correctly placed in the fun forums.

Banana fanna fo fanna

* St0rm.iD definately DIDN'T give CupHead a -1

damn I can't keep a straight face.


Quote+1 to Ickypoopy for saying Korean is a joke language.

That was totally hilarious, the first karmic joke I've seen that's actually been funny :)


[quote author=Spht link=board=2;threadid=1162;start=0#msg8591 I agree with CupHead that Karma change notifications shouldn't be made in the programming forums - it just throws the thread off topic. However, it is usually humorous correctly placed in the fun forums.

I agree. A Karma change notification that doesn't add value to the thread posted in a forum that I moderate will be deleted. In addition to that, the poster of the notification may be banned.


* iago points out that, since Adron is admin, he moderates all forums
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: iago on April 27, 2003, 02:01 PM
* iago points out that, since Adron is admin, he moderates all forums

No, he moderates a few selected forums and administrates all forums. =P