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Netcraft Toolbar

Started by Thing [vL], May 09, 2005, 10:41 AM

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Thing [vL]

For you IE users, grab this and check it out.

Even though I don't use IE, I did install this toolbar on it so I can use it to report phishing sites.  I made my first report today and hopefully, will be receiving my fabulous prize very soon.

./edit  WOOT!  While I was typing this message, I got this email from Netcraft:

QuoteThe URL you recently submitted has been accepted as a phishing site by
the Netcraft Anti-Phishing Team. In recognition of your vigilance, we
would like to reward you with a small prize. Please reply to this mail
with your postal address and we will send it to you (allow 28 days for


Thanks and congratulations,

The Netcraft Anti-Phishing Team

Thing [vL]


I tried to go back to the site and got this popup from the toolbar.  Damn, they are fast!


Netcraft are obviously the phishers.  And now they have your postal address.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Whats the uber prize?

Thing [vL]

The postal address I used is my office address so no big deal there.  I think the uber prize is either a coffee mug or a new sports car.  Naturally, I will provide pics of the prize

Thing [vL]


Mitosis: Haha, Im great arent I!
hismajesty[yL]: No