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I found a problem with BNLS.

Started by Deception, May 05, 2005, 11:51 PM

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Quote from: Deception on May 05, 2005, 11:51 PM
I found a problem with BNLS.

To explain this problem, we must first understand what BNLS does.

BNLS receives your account passwords and CD-Keys in plaintext from the client.
It then hashes them and sends back the hashed value to the client to be sent to Battle.net.

Now, the whole purpose of hashing in the first place is to make it impossible to obtain the password/CD-Key when sending it to Battle.net (through sniffers and what not). You send a hashed value instead of the plaintext value.

So, the problem with BNLS is simple: It defeats the purpose of hashing in the first place.

Unfortunetly this is a problem with only one solution: Stop using BNLS.

It's pointless.

You need to find a better way to get attention.


The scam used NLS or BNLS. (By the time you did it BNCSUtil didnt even was public) [And Binary needed to help you because u couldn't use NLS by your own :(]

"Stolen" source code?
you can just do it locally with the PUBLIC code that has been released against the will of the author. NLS.dll is no longer private. Get over it.
You gave this source code to Alan,
you cried about 1 month about this source code, what do you think NLS authors feel for some newb that didnt understand he couldn't use the dll? Actually, you started a topic of NLS telling to authors to stop crying didnt you?
Dude, trust me, you are noone to say things about BNLS, actually like you said this thread isnt an opinion and is a fact, you are flaming the authors of this software so moderators should ban you from using this forums.

Well, thats why i said it was a bad idea to give out a vb source code using BNCSUtil, this a live example of it.

*  If you are going to say something that would probably get you punched in the mouth in person, do not say it.

Quoteour disagreement over BNLS's usefulness.
Dude you are to immature that you think the problem was because of BNLS after xpalining like 10 times the motive.

Also, I don't remember this topic having anything to do with my method of obtaining CD-Keys. Perhaps you are all ignorant to the fact that if you use a CD-Key that isn't from a game you bought, you're using a stolen CD-Key and thus hindering someone's ability to use their game on Battle.net.
Dude you are saying BNLS steals your cdkeys and accounts...
and that people must stop use it, and blah... and you personally are stealing keys and names.. so? whats the deal?

Also, it is very immature to post other people's stolen code on these forums when you yourself think using NLS.dll is wrong. You're a hypocrite.
Using NLS is wrong, but like you say stop crying about it.
You are immature, selfish, ignorant, pathetic, etc.. don't come here to tell me what i am, i already know what i am, do you?

QuoteYou need to find a better way to get attention.
Ok this might be the best post on this forums.

In my point of view we can use w/e we want, we know how BNLS works because its well documented, and we dont want people like you comming here saying it sucks, or saying other software sucks, we dont care actually about what you think, say or try to say.
I'm not an Addict.


Still not sure why this thread has not been trashed yet.  It offer's no information to 'Battle.net Bot Development' whatsoever.  It's merely a thread where one person decided to criticize another's program/service for attention.

Are you moderators waiting for Deception to push his luck a little too far? 
The Bovine Revolution
Something unimportant

Live Battle.net:

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So, Dec, let me get this strait:
[Illegal] Using a stolen library is ok.
[Legal] Using a public system is not.
[Illegal] Stealing CD-Keys and accounts is ok, as long as it's you, and nobody else, doing the stealing.
[Legal] BNLS has the potential to steal thousands upon thousands of CD-Keys and accounts but it DOESN'T because the authors aren't greedy douchefucks and you're just jealous is not ok.
[Fact] You're a whiney little attention whore.

I beleive that about sums it up, right?


Quote from: rabbit on May 08, 2005, 10:14 AM
So, Dec, let me get this strait:
[Illegal] Using a stolen library is ok.
[Legal] Using a public system is not.
[Illegal] Stealing CD-Keys and accounts is ok, as long as it's you, and nobody else, doing the stealing.
[Legal] BNLS has the potential to steal thousands upon thousands of CD-Keys and accounts but it DOESN'T because the authors aren't greedy douchefucks and you're just jealous is not ok.
[Fact] You're a whiney little attention whore.

I beleive that about sums it up, right?

Agreed with rabbit.


Quote from: Deception on May 08, 2005, 04:11 AM
BNCSUtil compiles under OSX and Linux as well.

Well then why hasn't Kane heard about it?

Also note that BNCSUtil is horribly outdated for Mac OS X.
Macintosh sucks in general. It is by far the shittiest commercial desktop-computer OS.
As a sidenote, BNCSutil was written almost completely on Mac OS X.  I find it to be the best tool for the job, but YMMV.

It'd be pretty easy to fix up the one broken part for OSX, but there's been no demand for it.


Well I'll add my .5 cents in.
As many people have posted, BNLS is not used tosteal cd-key, or to do anything with sucurit. Except for the fact that it complys with Bnet's methods. Noone who has made/used a bot using BNLS cares that they are sending there cd-keys plain text. If they did they would find a diffrent method to send ther cdkeys. BNCSutil is great, it does the hash function required locally so that there is no need for BNLS, so does BnetAuth, and NLS.dll. but witch two were released publically. ... but thats not the point. The point it, IF people were woirried about the saftie of there private information they they have MORE then enough methods to sucure there information. Be it BNCSutil, BnetAuth, or NLS.dll, there are manny ways to fix this. There is also one more, god forbid!, called JBLS. if you don't trust yourself enough, then you shouldn't be using any sort of bot.

Also like others have osted, BNLS was created for the user-friendlyness. I honsetly think that outweighs the fact that it destroys all sucurity that Blizzard has put into there games. (well not all, but most)
But everyone is entitled to there opinion, that why I am free to post this. But it's jsut your OPINION, not everyone elses.

Proud host of the JBLS server www.JBLS.org.
JBLS.org Status:
JBLS/BNLS Server Status


Quote from: Deception on May 08, 2005, 02:18 AMKane, you should understand that us Windows users have the luxury of a library called BNCSUtil. This means we don't have to use BNLS or reverse the functions ourselves.
It is open source and very simple to use thanks to Cloaked. Maybe if you came to face the harsh reality that Macs are the shittiest computers ever built, you would have known that.
Maybe I'm just being retarded, but perhaps you could explain to me this hatred you seem to have for me? Maybe because of the fact that after everyone had already torn your reasoning apart piece by piece, I had proceeded to blow it all away with a single post?

Quote from: Deception on May 08, 2005, 02:18 AM
Quote from: Archangel on May 07, 2005, 10:33 PM
Why do you even care if BNLS is stealing your information? If i remember correctly, the keys you currently use are from a scam you created, aren't they? You claim BNLS "steals" cdkeys, right? Why then, do you develop software to get other peoples keys? Wouldn't BNLS "steal" the exact same cdkeys you stole?

Whats the difference between your scam and BNLS?

My CD-Key scam program does benefit one person. Me.
Does BNLS not benefit one person? You cannot say no, because it has benefitted me. So then, I fail to see your point.

Quote from: Deception on May 08, 2005, 04:11 AM
BNCSUtil compiles under OSX and Linux as well.

Well then why hasn't Kane heard about it?

Also note that BNCSUtil is horribly outdated for Mac OS X.
Macintosh sucks in general. It is by far the shittiest commercial desktop-computer OS.
What gives you the idea that I haven't heard about it? I have heard about it, and I even installed it on a NetBSD machine I own. The machine does not run on any IAxx architecture (eg, the machine cannot run Windows). I have yet to test BNCSUtil, yet I am confident that it will work.

BNCSUtil is not "horribly outdated" for Mac OS X. It is up-to-date, with the exception of a small bug regarding endian issues which no one has shown an interest in being fixed.

Note that this is not an operating system forum (in fact, I don't think there's one to be found anywhere on the Valhalla Legends forums). Why you decided to flame Macintosh when no one else has brought it up is beyond me. However, let me tell you something: I have used both Macintosh and Windows computers for all of my computer life (since I was 3, if you're wondering). While I've used Macs for most of that time, I do use a Windows machine currently. I know the assembly language of both platforms. Taking this into mind, I still believe that Macintoshes are a better operating system built for a better machine architecture. Do you know a lot about Macs? Do you know the hardware of both machines? Have you written software for both machines? I hope so, for your sake, because otherwise you have ZERO rights to bash Macs. It's just like rascism.

A footnote on "stolen" CD keys: every CD key I use was either given to me freely (eg, I asked for a key and someone was kind enough to give it to me) or I purchased it. I fail to understand any legitimate reason someone would want to steal a CD key.

A mod should lock this thread before it turns into Deception throwing fists at people for pwning him purely with words. In fact, it'd be nice if it was trashed.
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?



There's no mods to lock the thread.  Kp ran away (probably finals at school), Skywing hasn't been seen on Battle.net or on the forum in months, Spht disappeared, Arta seems to hardly visit this, Grok ?? same as Skywing (probably wow'd)


We'll I've seen Adron active in the forums.  But I'm assuming Administrators don't deal with moderation issues.

I hope this thread won't remain neglected for too long.  Before we know it, these forums could be filled with useless topics like this.....
The Bovine Revolution
Something unimportant

Live Battle.net:

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Quote from: Lenny on May 08, 2005, 10:39 PM
We'll I've seen Adron active in the forums.  But I'm assuming Administrators don't deal with moderation issues.

I hope this thread won't remain neglected for too long.  Before we know it, these forums could be filled with useless topics like this.....

There's hardly any topics in here that are actually bot development.  There's crap like i don't know vb do this for me and how do you do this, what's wrong when documentation is right in front of me, i'm advertising this, crap like this, etc


Wouldnt it be better moving this to:
Stupid People Arguing About Stupid Things Forum?
I'm not an Addict.


Quote from: Archangel on May 08, 2005, 11:43 PM
Wouldnt it be better moving this to:
Stupid People Arguing About Stupid Things Forum?

Yes, but who will move it?


Actually um, Let me throw this out to you,

I'm too lazy to click firefox and download hash files, then put them in folders, I'd rather just put my info in and hit connect. It seems to be an easy thing to do these days. I'd just rather not deal with the hassle unless i need to.

There, I just proved that i use BNLS for something, therefore everyone can move on because this post has been proven incorrect.


Still not locked/deleted/moved...
