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I found a problem with BNLS.

Started by Deception, May 05, 2005, 11:51 PM

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I dont know what was more pointless, Description's existance or this whole topic in general.

Going back to the 1st post, maybe you would like to explain why Starcraft Japan Client (by blizzard might i add) send raw unhashed cdkey data to the battle.net server? its pointless right?

And wouldnt bnet have to remove all hashing/decoding/revision functions from all there clients for BNLS to become "pointless" ?

And yes like BaDDBLooD said BNLS is good for learning the method to a battle.net connection and also gives people another option to choose from.

It seems this Description kiddie is a prime example of what happens when you become additcted to SC.


Holy crap BadBlood, best I've heard.
Quote from: effect on March 09, 2006, 11:52 PM
Islam is a steaming pile of fucking dog shit. Everything about it is flawed, anybody who believes in it is a terrorist, if you disagree with me, then im sorry your wrong.

Quote from: Rule on May 07, 2006, 01:30 PM
Why don't you stop being American and start acting like a decent human?


i brought this point up like 2 years ago. you're a little late.


I don't like BNLS as much as I like Hashing, but you don't hear me bitching right Deception?


Deception, while the algorithms behind BNLS are designed for the security of your information (password and cdkey, specifically), BNLS itself is not. While I do not know specifically why it was developed, I do believe that it is designed to enhance and boost the speed of developing third party Battle.net clients. Using BNLS, it is incredibly easy to write a Battle.net client without even the basic knowledge required of the algorithms used in protecting your data. In fact, it is helpful for some languages that hinder bitwise calculations, such as PHP. While I'm sure it's certainly possible to port the necessary algorithms to PHP, it would take a lot of time and effort. With BNLS, you can simply add another socket, add a relatively small amount of processing code, and get underway on the "real" part of a Battle.net client: the post-logon communications.

In addition to those, it is very helpful for those on slow connections. BNLS allows these slow connections to download "other" things instead of patches, which can be sized in several megabytes. While just a few MB for any decent connection would take relatively no time at all, it can take as much as 30 minutes to a half hour to download patches at 5 KB/sec. Without BNLS, users of third party clients would be required to download those patches in order to use the clients after a patch. With BNLS, it enables those users to simply send the hashing data to another server, receive the (very short) results, and proceed to logging in.

To add to that, I know a lot of people that run their bots on low-end machines that have been stripped and turned into a server. These machines are often very low speed, in terms of the processor. I've heard that some of the common algorithms used in third party clients would take several seconds to compute the necessary information required to successfully connect as a WarCraft 3 client, not because of the "new logon system" used in WarCraft 3, but because the WarCraft 3 executable is several MB in size. These clients can instead, send the required information to BNLS and usually receive a result in a shorter amount of time than it would have for those clients to have computed the information themselves.

While it is possible for every client written in every language to use the algorithms required on the local side instead of BNLS side, it would be quite a pain in the ass. Imagine you're new to writing Battle.net clients. You're implementing an algorithm you know practically nothing about, and get something wrong. You don't know the problem is there until after you try to connect to Battle.net, and then once you know it's there, you don't know where it is because, again, you know next to nothing about the algorithms you just implemented. BNLS simplifies this process. Instead of needing knowledge in two (or more) fields of programming; networking and hashing... you only need a little extra knowledge in the first field of networking.

Sure, BNLS could be used to steal your information. But you know what? If someone really wanted to steal your information, they wouldn't be using BNLS to do it with. Not only that, but I know of NO concrete evidence that BNLS has ever been used to steal the only two forms of personal information transmitted in the process.

Deception, before you again claim that you know what something was designed for and then immediately proceed to shoot that down, perhaps you should learn a little more about it.
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?



Always have to make a story don't you :p
Quote from: effect on March 09, 2006, 11:52 PM
Islam is a steaming pile of fucking dog shit. Everything about it is flawed, anybody who believes in it is a terrorist, if you disagree with me, then im sorry your wrong.

Quote from: Rule on May 07, 2006, 01:30 PM
Why don't you stop being American and start acting like a decent human?


Why do you even care if BNLS is stealing your information?  If i remember correctly, the keys you currently use are from a scam you created, aren't they?  You claim BNLS "steals" cdkeys, right? Why then, do you develop software to get other peoples keys?  Wouldn't BNLS "steal" the exact same cdkeys you stole? 

Whats the difference between your scam and BNLS? 
First, it is imperative that you understand what BNLS is, and that it's not a scam.  BNLS actually helps the community as a whole, and your program is just evil, benefitting NOONE.  It doesn't even connect to battle.net, even if it did, it would use the un-authorized NLS.dll library as a basis.
You have lost my respect as a programmer.
I'm not an Addict.


I dont even understand whats goin on here.



Quote from: Archangel on May 07, 2005, 10:33 PM
Why do you even care if BNLS is stealing your information?  If i remember correctly, the keys you currently use are from a scam you created, aren't they?  You claim BNLS "steals" cdkeys, right? Why then, do you develop software to get other peoples keys?  Wouldn't BNLS "steal" the exact same cdkeys you stole? 

Whats the difference between your scam and BNLS? 
First, it is imperative that you understand what BNLS is, and that it's not a scam.  BNLS actually helps the community as a whole, and your program is just evil, benefitting NOONE.  It doesn't even connect to battle.net, even if it did, it would use the un-authorized NLS.dll library as a basis.
You have lost my respect as a programmer.

My CD-Key scam program does benefit one person. Me. And no, my program DOES logon to Battle.net under WarCraft III, to test the CD-Key before I receive it. It does this with BNCSUtil. Not NLS.dll or BNLS.

Also, I don't remember this topic having anything to do with my method of obtaining CD-Keys. Perhaps you are all ignorant to the fact that if you use a CD-Key that isn't from a game you bought, you're using a stolen CD-Key and thus hindering someone's ability to use their game on Battle.net.

Also, it is very immature to post other people's stolen code on these forums when you yourself think using NLS.dll is wrong. You're a hypocrite.

Oh, and some idiot up there reminded me that StarCraft Japanese sends the CD-Key in plaintext via packet 0x30. Duh. Have you noticed Blizzard has since made all there games send a hashed version of the CD-Key, because they realized it was a security vulnerabiliy? Perhaps you didn't see that they haven't (to my knowledge) ever patched StarCraft Japanese to upgrade it's logon sequence to the same level as the newer products. Mostly because it didn't sell very well.

Kane, you should understand that us Windows users have the luxury of a library called BNCSUtil. This means we don't have to use BNLS or reverse the functions ourselves.
It is open source and very simple to use thanks to Cloaked. Maybe if you came to face the harsh reality that Macs are the shittiest computers ever built, you would have known that.

Reguardless of the fact that most of the people who posted here are morons, I'd have to say you completely misinterpreted my thread. I was not flaming anyone or "complaining and bitching". I was just giving all you dim witted fools a heads up on why BNLS is useless.

If you really have a problem downloading updated binary files or modifying your version bytes, you're a god damned idiot and you don't belong on Battle.net.
- Deception of Dark Council


Quote from: Deception on May 08, 2005, 02:18 AM
Quote from: Archangel on May 07, 2005, 10:33 PM
Why do you even care if BNLS is stealing your information?  If i remember correctly, the keys you currently use are from a scam you created, aren't they?  You claim BNLS "steals" cdkeys, right? Why then, do you develop software to get other peoples keys?  Wouldn't BNLS "steal" the exact same cdkeys you stole? 

Whats the difference between your scam and BNLS? 
First, it is imperative that you understand what BNLS is, and that it's not a scam.  BNLS actually helps the community as a whole, and your program is just evil, benefitting NOONE.  It doesn't even connect to battle.net, even if it did, it would use the un-authorized NLS.dll library as a basis.
You have lost my respect as a programmer.

My CD-Key scam program does benefit one person. Me. And no, my program DOES logon to Battle.net under WarCraft III, to test the CD-Key before I receive it. It does this with BNCSUtil. Not NLS.dll or BNLS.

Also, I don't remember this topic having anything to do with my method of obtaining CD-Keys. Perhaps you are all ignorant to the fact that if you use a CD-Key that isn't from a game you bought, you're using a stolen CD-Key and thus hindering someone's ability to use their game on Battle.net.

Also, it is very immature to post other people's stolen code on these forums when you yourself think using NLS.dll is wrong. You're a hypocrite.

Oh, and some idiot up there reminded me that StarCraft Japanese sends the CD-Key in plaintext via packet 0x30. Duh. Have you noticed Blizzard has since made all there games send a hashed version of the CD-Key, because they realized it was a security vulnerabiliy? Perhaps you didn't see that they haven't (to my knowledge) ever patched StarCraft Japanese to upgrade it's logon sequence to the same level as the newer products. Mostly because it didn't sell very well.

Kane, you should understand that us Windows users have the luxury of a library called BNCSUtil. This means we don't have to use BNLS or reverse the functions ourselves.
It is open source and very simple to use thanks to Cloaked. Maybe if you came to face the harsh reality that Macs are the shittiest computers ever built, you would have known that.

Reguardless of the fact that most of the people who posted here are morons, I'd have to say you completely misinterpreted my thread. I was not flaming anyone or "complaining and bitching". I was just giving all you dim witted fools a heads up on why BNLS is useless.

If you really have a problem downloading updated binary files or modifying your version bytes, you're a god damned idiot and you don't belong on Battle.net.

BNCSUtil compiles under OSX and Linux as well.


BNCSUtil compiles under OSX and Linux as well.

Well then why hasn't Kane heard about it?

Also note that BNCSUtil is horribly outdated for Mac OS X.
Macintosh sucks in general. It is by far the shittiest commercial desktop-computer OS.
- Deception of Dark Council


ArchAngel: I see you enjoy uploading my stolen ImmortalBot beta source which is shitty for a number of reasons and generally worthless:

1. It uses NLS.dll since BNCSUtil.dll hadn't been released yet.
2. It's command class (does it even have one in that version?) is shit.
3. It is slow and shitty with unorganized code.
4. There are so many things wrong with it that I can't list them all here.

I welcome any idiot who for some reason wants to download my shitty bot source code from many months ago to do so. I must advise that it is nothing special, unless you need a WarCraft III logon example using NLS.dll.

Interesting that you, ArchAngel, choose to release this source in hopes that it will hurt me in some way. It is equally interesting that you do this after our disagreement over BNLS's usefulness.
- Deception of Dark Council


lol, look at all the kids cry because u said BNLS sucks..

As for Kane, your speeches are worthless and are almost as bad as myndfyre's  ???
Quote from: Mangix on March 22, 2005, 03:03 AM
i am an expert Stealthbot VBScript. Recognize Bitch.


I think we should let him think what he wants.

He thinks BNLS sucks. Get over it.
