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Started by BaDDBLooD, May 04, 2005, 04:08 PM

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// Name: myCalc.cpp
// Author: Joel Zimmerman
// Date: May 03, 2005
// Description: Calculator that does Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication
// Division, Modulus and the Cube of an integer.

#include <iostream>

int main()
   int number1;
   int number2;
   int choice;
   char indicator;
   cout << "Welcome to my Calculator it will perform the following functions:" << endl
        << "1) Addition" << endl   
        << "2) Subtraction" << endl   
        << "3) Multiplication" << endl
        << "4) Division" << endl
        << "5) Modulus" << endl
        << "6) Cube" << endl;
      cout << "Choose Operator: ";
      cin >> choice;
      cout << "Enter First Digit: ";
      cin >> number1;
      cout << "Enter Second Digit: ";
      cin >> number2;
         case 1: cout << endl << "The answer is: " << number1 + number2 << endl;
         case 2: cout << endl << "The answer is: " << number1 - number2 << endl;
         case 3: cout << endl << "The answer is: " << number1 * number2 << endl;
         case 4: cout << endl << "The answer is: " << number1 / number2 << endl;
         case 5: cout << endl << "The answer is: " << number1 % number2 << endl;
         default: cout << endl <<"You chose invalid selection" << endl;
      cout << endl << "Do you want to enter another (y or n)? ";
      cin >> indicator;   
   } while((indicator == 'Y' || indicator == 'y'));
  return 0;

I am not sure how to go about the "Cubing"

I don't want to cube two numbers, only one.

Ideas/suggestions about ways i could do this would be greatly appreciated.

Also, how do i check if my Number1 and Number2 are actually numbers?
There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating: people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing.


Quote from: BaDDBLooD on May 04, 2005, 04:08 PM
I am not sure how to go about the "Cubing"

I don't want to cube two numbers, only one.

Ideas/suggestions about ways i could do this would be greatly appreciated.

Also, how do i check if my Number1 and Number2 are actually numbers?

I don't know about actual C runtime functions to check if number1 and number2 are actually numbers.  When I compiled and ran in MSVC++ 2003, the program just exited if I input a non-number.

I wrote a function called getnum:

// gets a number from the console.
// maxDigits: [in] maximum number of digits to accept
// *pNum: [out]value from console.
// return value: whether or not the operation completed successfully.
bool getnum(unsigned short int maxDigits, long int *pNum) {
unsigned int i;
char curVal;
long int temp = 0;
bool okay = false;

for (i = 0; i < maxDigits; i++)
curVal = getchar();
if (curVal >= '0' && curVal <= '9') {
// valid character
temp *= 10;
temp += (curVal - '0');
okay = true;
} else {
// reads the end-of-line character
fseek(stdin, 1, SEEK_CUR);
*pNum = temp;

return okay;

getnum takes two parameters.  The first is the maximum number of digits it should accept.  The second is a pointer to the location where it should store the result of the input.  The return value indicates whether any number was input; if it was only invalid text, the function returns false.

To cube a value, simply multiply it by itself two more times:

case 6: cout << endl << "The answer is: " << number1 * number1 * number1 << endl;

Note that you don't need a second number input to do the cube function.

Aside from that, I changed around some of your other functions.  First, I redeclared your variables:

   long int number1;
   long int number2;
   long int choice;
   char indicator;
   bool gotnum1 = false;
   bool gotnum2 = false;

Note that I included two booleans (you'll see why in a minute), and changed your other three int choices to long ints.  That was to establish type compatibility with the getnum function -- getnum can return values up to 32 bits in length.

Then I changed your initial prompt:

  choice = 0;
  cout << "Choose Operator: ";
  bool okay = false;
  do {
   okay = getnum(1, &choice);
  } while (okay && (choice >= 1) && (choice <= 6));

As long as someone is entering a choice outside of 1 to 6, it will keep prompting them.  Note that only the first number is considered.

I also changed your input prompts to use getnum instead of cin.  It checks for the number to be okay, and if it was not input, prompts to insert the number:

cout << "Enter First Digit: ";
gotnum1 = getnum(9, &number1);
  } while (gotnum1 == false);
  if (choice >= 1 && choice <= 5)
cout << "Enter Second Digit: ";
gotnum2 = getnum(9, &number2);
  } while (gotnum2 == false);

All told, this is what I used in VC++ 2003:

// Calc.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#pragma once
// Name: myCalc.cpp
// Author: Joel Zimmerman
// Date: May 03, 2005
// Description: Calculator that does Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication
// Division, Modulus and the Cube of an integer.

//#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

bool getnum(unsigned short int, long int*);
int main();

using namespace std;

int main()
   long int number1;
   long int number2;
   long int choice;
   char indicator;
   bool gotnum1 = false;
   bool gotnum2 = false;
   cout << "Welcome to my Calculator it will perform the following functions:" << endl
        << "1) Addition" << endl   
        << "2) Subtraction" << endl   
        << "3) Multiplication" << endl
        << "4) Division" << endl
        << "5) Modulus" << endl
        << "6) Cube" << endl;
  choice = 0;
      cout << "Choose Operator: ";
  bool okay = false;
  do {
  bool okay = getnum(1, &choice);
  } while (okay && (choice >= 1) && (choice <= 6));
cout << "Enter First Digit: ";
gotnum1 = getnum(9, &number1);
  } while (gotnum1 == false);
  if (choice >= 1 && choice <= 5)
cout << "Enter Second Digit: ";
gotnum2 = getnum(9, &number2);
  } while (gotnum2 == false);
         case 1: cout << endl << "The answer is: " << number1 + number2 << endl;
         case 2: cout << endl << "The answer is: " << number1 - number2 << endl;
         case 3: cout << endl << "The answer is: " << number1 * number2 << endl;
         case 4: cout << endl << "The answer is: " << number1 / number2 << endl;
         case 5: cout << endl << "The answer is: " << number1 % number2 << endl;
case 6: cout << endl << "The answer is: " << number1 * number1 * number1 << endl;
         default: cout << endl <<"You chose invalid selection" << endl;
      cout << endl << "Do you want to enter another (y or n)? ";
      cin >> indicator;
  // reads the end-of-line character
  fseek(stdin, 1, SEEK_CUR);
   } while((indicator == 'Y' || indicator == 'y'));
  return 0;

// gets a number from the console.
// maxDigits: [in] maximum number of digits to accept
// *pNum: [out]value from console.
// return value: whether or not the operation completed successfully.
bool getnum(unsigned short int maxDigits, long int *pNum) {
unsigned int i;
char curVal;
long int temp = 0;
bool okay = false;

for (i = 0; i < maxDigits; i++)
curVal = getchar();
if (curVal >= '0' && curVal <= '9') {
// valid character
temp *= 10;
temp += (curVal - '0');
okay = true;
} else {
// reads the end-of-line character
fseek(stdin, 1, SEEK_CUR);
*pNum = temp;

return okay;

Hope it helps :)
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.


Every time I see 'cout', I want to blow my brains out.


Quote from: DarkMinion on June 11, 2005, 05:50 PM
Every time I see 'cout', I want to blow my brains out.

Why's that then? if you don't like the object orientated features of c++/stl stick to C. Pretty simple.


Quote from: DarkMinion on June 11, 2005, 05:50 PM
Every time I see 'cout', I want to blow my brains out.

Me too  :)


I can manage just fine without Captain Know-It-All telling me what I need to be doing.


Yeah, the cout's are ugly.  Also, you can reduce that switch by a shitload if you just declare one more variable.  The output is all the same minus the value.