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Creating An Account

Started by MasterMT, April 24, 2003, 09:47 AM

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Here's the code I'm currently using for my version packet

Function CreateVersionPacket(hash As String, MPQName As String) As String
   Dim version As Long
   Dim Checksum As Long
   Dim ExeInfo As String
   Dim result As Long
   Dim VersionByte As Long
   Dim path As String
   Dim GameExe As String
   path = App.path & "\STAR\"
   VersionByte = &HC7
   GameExe = "Starcraft.exe"
   ExeInfo = Space$(256)

   result = CheckRevision(path & GameExe, path & "storm.dll", path & "battle.snp", hash, version, Checksum, ExeInfo, MPQName)

   NullTruncString ExeInfo

   If Not FileExists(path & GameExe) Then

       CreateVersionPacket = INVALID_VERSION_PACKET


       CreateVersionPacket = "68XI" & StrReverse("SEXP") & MKL(VersionByte) & MKL(version) & MKL(Checksum) & ExeInfo & Chr$(0)

   End If

End Function

Mesiah / haiseM

]HighBrow Innovations
Coming soon...

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Quote from: MesiaH on April 29, 2003, 01:53 PM
Quote from: Camel on April 28, 2003, 09:46 PM
Quote from: St0rm.iD on April 27, 2003, 05:37 PM
Quote from: Camel on April 27, 2003, 05:32 PM
Quote from: Arta[vL] on April 27, 2003, 02:26 PMthe old login will only work for DRTL/DSHR
and JSTR

uh, yes...

No. Not only does one of my bots still use it, but my brood wars client does still.

who are you saying no to?
and btw, i know it's possible to use the old login sequence with, afaik, any single cd keyed product